There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 1583: Coming to Aries City!

Half a month later, I stopped and went, and it had already crossed more than 300,000 miles.

Because Lin Nan had said that there was a ghost beast in the evil domain, Ling'er had been carefully observing the surrounding situation during this half a month, and would chase the past as soon as there was a slight movement.

The more than 1,000 villages and some small cities that passed by along the way were also slaughtered by Ling'er and Shangguan's sister and brother.

Shangguan Ming's combat experience has become more and more profound, and the realm has also broken through to the late stage of the real fairyland. If she meets the previous monster monk again, she will definitely be able to turn defeat into victory.

As for whether she can kill the demon cultivator, she is not sure now, and it is not easy to ask Lin Nan.

Shangguan Boyang is no longer the Xiaobai who has no combat experience anymore. Today, he has experienced a hundred battles and is no worse than the combat experience of any monk of the same level.

For the two brothers and sisters of Shangguan, the more than 1,000 massacres along the way were a real battle of life and death. If they were careless, they would fall. The two brothers and sisters were seriously injured many times, if they were not led to fight. Ling'er shot in time, and has long since fallen.

The reason for this is that when Lin Nan met the second village after entering the evil domain, he already said that he would not intervene before meeting a strong man who could instantly kill Ling'er. The life and death of the three depended on good luck. Even if Ling'er was in danger, he would not take action.

Lin Nandou was in a state of watching a theater along the way, and it was because of this that the combat experience of the two Shangguan brothers and sisters soared, and it was not far from completely stimulating their physical potential.

Today, the group of people once again met a city, it was a big city, sinking forward.

"Hmm...Father, this city is too big. It's not comparable to the small towns where the tens of thousands of evil spirits I've met before. There must be strong ones. Ling'er may be able to leave after a fuss. But with Shangguan Ming and Shangguan Boyang, there is absolutely no chance of winning!"

Ling'er frowned, looking at the city wall that was more than 30 miles apart, and he knew it was a huge city. The city covers an area similar to Beichen City in the Eastern Continent.

"There are more than 30 million evil spirits in the city, more than 300,000 evil spirits in the true fairyland, more than 5,000 evil spirits in the golden fairyland, and 18 evil spirits in the fairy kingdom. Among them, there are three evil spirits in the middle of the fairy kingdom. There is one evil spirit in the later period."

Lin Nan informed Ling'er and Shangguan of the information in the city.

Ling'er suddenly drooped his head when he heard the words. This city is not like the small cities that he met before. There must be a big formation covering the whole city. Only the real fairyland evil spirit can control the big formation, and it will be able to beat her. call.

What's more, there are more than 5,000 golden fairyland evil spirits, and 18 fairy king evil spirits, and there is one evil spirit that can suppress her in the later stage of the fairy king realm, so the little girl feels that there is no chance of winning at all, and ran to pure Just die.

"Pre...senior, you don't... want us to slaughter the city, do you?" Shangguan Ming's face was also very ugly.

Such a city in the Middle Continent, although not comparable to a giant city like the leading city, is still a medium-sized fairy city. If Lin Nan were to let the three of them slaughter the city again, that would be an impossible task.

"No, there are already evil spirits coming, it is eight golden fairyland evil spirits leading a hundred true fairyland evil spirits, you go and kill, this city will wait for me to solve it."

Lin Nan smiled, Ling'er was just pretending, Shangguan Ming was so seriously worried, it really made him wonder what to say.

Ling'er immediately became energetic after hearing Lin Nan's words, showing a bright smile, before waiting for the Shangguan sisters and brothers, she rushed over.


In the city, in the city lord's mansion, the lord You Jiantian was in a bad mood.


With a slap on the armrest of the seat, the anger in You Jiantian's heart was slightly calmed down.

"Damn! Bastard! More than a thousand villages and cities in the south have been slaughtered, and no one knows who did it! Just now, even the key city less than forty miles away from the main city was slaughtered, but it has never been slaughtered. Found the murderer, are you all rubbish?"

Looking down at the subordinates who were kneeling under His Royal Highness, the anger that Youjian had only dissipated burned again.

More than a thousand villages and cities, there are more than five million evil spirits, and they were slaughtered in just half a month.

He clearly knew the path of the assassin, but no one was able to detect the assassin's identity, only that the assassin was coming to the main city, and everything else was darkened.

"City Lord, if not, please ask the Supreme for help. The murderer is afraid that he is already in the main city. If the murderer has a high level of cultivation, only the Supreme can save me in the evil realm!"

"Yes, city lord, although I waited until I got the news of the slaughter of Juntou City, the murderer must have already walked towards the main city. He was as confident as the murderer. Obviously, we are not afraid of us in Aries City!"

Two evil spirits of the early fairy king realm raised their heads and said their worries.

"Bastard, the retreat was announced just before the Supreme Moon. I don't know how many years in this retreat. You don't know that the Supreme annoys others to disturb him. The old man retreats. Do you want to be refined by the Supreme into a permanent light?"

The city lord You Jiantian was even more angry. These idiots really didn't open the pot or lift the pot.


At this moment, the evil spirit rushed into the hall in the early stage of Golden Wonderland.

"Get out!" You Jiantian shouted angrily.

The evil spirit in the early stage of the Golden Wonderland shuddered somewhat, but he did not dare to leave, because he knew that if he quit, his death date would really come.

"According to the city lord, the defenders at the southern city gate passed through the battlefield and saw that there were four human monks thirty miles south of the city. Those four human monks are most likely the murderers of the city!"

The evil spirit of the golden fairyland in the early stage bit the bullet and told out the information.


You Jiantian's eyes condensed when he heard the words, and then he got up, and left the hall without saying a word. Yukong headed for the South City Gate, and his men quickly rushed to the South City Gate.


Before arriving at the South City Gate, You Jiantian became angry. Eight evil spirits from the early stage of the Golden Wonderland, and the evil spirits from the latter stage of the Hundred True Wonderland, were actually caught by a little girl from the early stage of the Golden Wonderland, and two ants from the true fairyland. Kill it clean!

"Huh? The city lord, only with these three people, definitely doesn't have the courage to come to Aries Main City to provoke. There are four people, why not see the other one?"

"You can see the fourth person through the battle. I'll wait to see it."

"Who is this black-clothed youth? Why is there no information about this black-clothed youth in the information exchanged with outside cultivators? Is it a strong man who has just emerged, or a cultivator who has only arrived in the Middle Mainland from other continents?"

"I can't tell, but the aura of this son is very vague, the old man can't see the depth of his cultivation, he must not be an easy one!"

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