There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 164: The Judgment of the Bright Church! (Fourth)


The saint of the Bright Church screamed, with an incredible expression on her face!

"You dare to hit me, you dare to hit me!"

Is this old man crazy?

This is Europe, the territory of the Church of Illumination, how dare he beat himself?

And the young man who gave the order just now, why would he dare to make people slap his mouth?

"I am a saint of the Church of Light, how dare you beat me!"


Waiting for her was another fierce slap from Lin Canghai!

"The master has said that he dislikes you for too much nonsense. If you say a little more, I will cut off your tongue!"

Lin Canghai said with a smile.

The saint of the Bright Church shuddered!

She was finally scared, the old man in front of her eyes was full of cold meaning, if she said one more word, she might really be cut off her tongue!

"Hmph, count you acquaintance!"

Lin Canghai's expression was calm, and he directly interrupted the legs of the saint of Bright Church!

Gala is not idle, go up and help!

Since these people want to interrupt the master's legs, they will naturally not be polite!

After interrupting the legs of everyone in the Guangming Church, Lin Canghai seemed to be carrying a dead dog and threw the group of people from the Guangming Church on the street outside!

"Before my master finishes dinner, all the rooms must be ready!"

Lin Canghai said coldly.

Giles trembled and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"I see, I will arrange the room right away and guarantee your host will live back to the original presidential suite!"

Giles was almost frightened, he did not expect that someone would dare to do something to the people of the Bright Church!


In the restaurant, near Lin Nan's table, there is a vacuum!

The white people nearby are all hiding far away. They are all a group of unprovoked masters!

The Church of Illumination is very powerful in Paris, and the Chinese in front of them dare to beat the messengers and saints of the Church of Illumination in public!

This is incredible in the eyes of these Europeans!

But even more people, although hiding far, they cast admiring eyes!

"It's strange, these people seem to be afraid of us, but why do they show kind eyes again?"

Yang Xueqi frowned.

"I'm afraid we can understand. After all, in the hotel lobby just now, Uncle Lin interrupted several people's legs! But what happened with his kind eyes?"

Not only Yang Xueqi, but also a few other women are very strange!

Lin Canghai explained: "The Church of Illumination is unpopular in Europe. It is actually no different from the gangs. It's just because the strength is too strong! The strength is mixed among governments of various countries, so ordinary people can't resist them!"

"Although the Bright Church carries the word "light", it is actually very dark. They are licentious, greedy, violent, cruel, shameless, and they control the power of the country. Most people don't dare to be enemies at all!"

"There is almost no fairness in all of Europe as long as there is a church of light!"

"In the eyes of ordinary people, these people from the Bright Church are even more terrifying than demons!"

After speaking, several women all looked surprised!

"No, isn't it a civilized society now? Listening to Uncle Lin's words, why is it no different from the ancient feudal empire?" Wei Anran asked strangely.

"Ha ha!"

Lin Canghai chuckled, shook his head, and said, "There is no difference at all, it's just that those people have moved from the ground to the ground! What ordinary people see is only a superficial phenomenon, in fact, the nature of this world has never changed!"

"In that case, will we be retaliated against the people of the Bright Church? This is their territory!"

Liu Ruqing was a little worried.

"Mistress, you don't have to be afraid. As long as there is a master, the Bright Church will never treat us!"

Lin Canghai smiled relaxedly.

With Linnan's spirit-like means, why should we fear the Church of Light?

Hearing Lin Canghai's words, the eyes of all the women fell on Lin Nan's face!

"Lin Nan, what can you do?"

Yang Xueqi asked expectantly.

Lin Nan frowned, sometimes solemn, sometimes lightly, sometimes soothing!

Just when everyone thought he had a way.

Lin Nan coughed slightly.

"Ahem, after eating this meal, let's run away! Eat more and be full!"


The drink in Chu Qiong's mouth was sprayed on Chu Yao's face.


Everyone was amused, and the originally tense atmosphere eased a lot in an instant!

Lin Canghai is even more embarrassed. Master, you are really joking!

‘If the master makes a move, it should be the people of the Bright Church! Lin Canghai said in his heart.


Late at night, on the outskirts of Paris, an altar of the Bright Church!

Several white old men in white robes were serious!

Behind them, there are hundreds of believers of the Church of Illumination, crowded with people, each of them dressed in luxurious clothes, going in and out of the upper class of Paris, either rich or noble!

On the floor in front, seven or eight young men and women lay, all of their legs were broken, comminuted fractures!

This is shattered with strong internal energy, and it is impossible to recover!

One of the five-element saints of the Bright Church, is lying there at the moment, groaning in pain!

"Who did it? Have you found out!"

One of the old men in white robe was extremely gloomy.

"Elder, it has been found out. It is a group of Chinese people. They were in the hotel, in front of everyone, and interrupted the legs of the saints and envoys!" A Illuminati knelt on the ground.

The whole hall of the church was silent!

The expressions of the elders of the Bright Church were hard to see the extreme.

Suddenly, the believers in the rear rioted!

"For more than a dozen centuries, the Church of Illumination has never been so insulted in this land!"

"Our saint and messenger were interrupted in public!"

"Elder, we request the judgment of the God of Light!"

"Yes, ask Guangming God to judge those Chinese people!"

These believers were extremely excited, and their eyes showed madness.

Several elders glanced at each other, all saw a trace of solemnity in each other's eyes, and nodded gently!

A white old man with white beard and hair, who seemed to be 70 years old, stood up, holding a wooden staff, holding his hands to the sky, and shouting:

"Great God of Light!"

The believers shouted together: "Great God of Light!"

"Please show up, we are your faithful believers, and we ask for your trial!" the white old man chanted.

"Please show up, we are your faithful believers, and we ask for your trial!" The believers chanted neatly.

"We ask to kill those Chinese people, let their souls fall into the dark and boundless Shura hell, and let their souls suffer forever in hell!"

The people of the Bright Church are holding a grand trial ceremony!

Suddenly, there was a faint voice above the head.

"It turns out that they are all there, so I'll run one more time to save!"

The people of the Bright Church were startled and raised their heads in horror.

"who are you?"

They saw a young man standing on top of their bright god, looking down below, like a king, looking down on his subjects!

"I am the one you are going to send to hell. By the way, I know King Yama! And you, Hades, the western king of Hades. In fact, he has a very low level in hell. If you send me to **** to meet them , Pluto may be scared to death!"

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