There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 169: This—is the real sword fairy!

Under nuclear weapons, is there a complete egg?

Everyone has long learned from the Underground World Forum that the master of Thunder has entered the headquarters of CiA in the Pacific Ocean!

The head of CiA, General Joseph Arthur detonated a nuclear bomb, and died with the thunder controller!

Now, the man in front of him claims to be the master of Thunder, and the scholar Jade Face said he is the Devil Satan!

Several people felt a little chilly, and the real Yuding was burned to death by a strange silver flame just now, and the atmosphere on the scene became tense!

"You—are you really Satan the Devil? And the master of Thunder?"

The sword king Hu Tianba was a little dazed.

"The headquarters of CiA was destroyed by me! I also eliminated the 17th rudder of the Church of Illumination. If you didn't admit the wrong person, Satan the Devil and the Master of Thunder should be my nicknames!"

Everyone was dumbfounded, their gazes at Lin Nan changed again!

‘My God, this guy escaped from nuclear weapons? ’

In the hearts of a few people, stormy waves arose!

Lin Nan glanced at a few people and noticed in his heart. These people are probably the top powerhouses on this land!

If you become a slave, let them do the troublesome things in the future!

"You have committed a capital crime for breaking into Yunshan without permission!"

"Now, give you two choices!"

"One, die!"

"Second, to recognize me as master, to be my slave, life and death, all within my thoughts!"

Lin Nan's voice just fell.

"What? Impossible! A big man would rather stand to die than kneel to live!"

Sword King Hu Tianba shouted, and a wave of air burst from his body, spreading in all directions on the top of the Yunshan Mountain.

Everyone under Yunshan, their eardrums rumbling, Hu Tianba's words are like in his ears!

"what's the situation?"

"Has the war already begun?"

Quite a lot of people were excited, but it was a pity that the white mist on Yunshan was too dense, and I couldn't see the specific situation!

Lin Nan glanced over, Hu Tianba trembled all over, and then there was a crackling sound from his body!


His bones were twisted, and he was under great pressure, as if a Taishan mountain was pressed behind Hu Tianba!


Hu Tianba screamed, the sweat on his forehead rushed out, blood was already spouting from his mouth, even so, he still refused to kneel!


In the end, Hu Tianba's body couldn't bear this terrifying pressure at all, his knees burst open and he knelt on the ground!

Jade face scholar, Western Region Toutuo, and Situ Wuji were shocked!

What kind of power is this? Severely injured people in the air, I am afraid that you have reached the ultimate martial arts peak, and you will be the best!

Lin Nan's eyes showed a hint of appreciation!

"Yes, perseverance and unyielding! Unfortunately, in the face of absolute strength, any perseverance is futile!"

"You are indeed very strong! But want me to surrender? First ask the Dragon Sword in my hand!"

Suddenly, a dragon roar came, and the sword energy rushed into the night!

The Long Yin Sword weighs five hundred and seventy-eight catties, and it is forged from meteorite iron from the outside world, and it is invincible!

Situ Wuji ascended to the sky, stepping on the void, step by step, a spirit behind, coming out of his body, turned into a real dragon!


The entire cloud mountain trembled suddenly, and the dense fog of more than ten miles burst out at this moment, and it was blown away. The villas built on the mountainside were clearly visible, but now they are no longer inhabited!

Situ Wuji, one man with one sword, standing on the top of Yunshan, like a sword immortal in the dust!

The sword energy that came out of the body, turned into a real dragon, shocked everyone's eyes!


Everyone watching the battle at the foot of Yunshan, there was only a deep shock in their eyes!

"My God! This is too powerful!"

"This is even better than Hollywood's special effects! I trust, if this can be filmed and posted on the Internet, it will definitely cause a worldwide sensation!"

Sword Qi transforms into dragon, rare in the world!

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is already a magic trick!

Many ordinary people have already knelt on the ground, kowtow to the sword fairy!

"Not bad! On such a low-level planet, there is actually a genius like you!"

Lin Nan nodded lightly, a hint of approval appeared in his eyes.

"It's a pity, I'm blind, I don't see Mount Tai!"

"You are trapped on this planet, just like a dragon trapped in a creek. You don't know what the ocean is! You don't even know what the real kendo is!"

"In that case, I will let you see what is the real sword fairy!"


Situ Wuji trembled all over, his pupils shrank suddenly, and then his hands and feet trembled!

The Dragon Yin Sword in his hand, with a bang, fell from a high altitude and plunged straight into a rock!

In the depths of Situ Wuji's mind, he saw a scene that made his pores burst, his hairs were standing upright, his blood was boiling, and his heart was beating!

A man in Tsing Yi stepped on his sword, facing the sea to the east, a thousand-foot dragon is making waves!

The scales on the dragon's body are dark, like cast of black iron, with a cold light blooming, and the dragon's claws under its abdomen are extremely sharp, and the dragon's tail swings with thunder flashes!

The sea is rough and the sword light flashes!


A wailing came, and the head of this dragon was directly cut off, and the incision was smooth into the lens!

Slash the dragon with one sword!

The man in Tsing Yi left and walked with his sword. Once he went for a hundred thousand miles, he landed in the depths of a great wilderness, surrounded by towering ancient trees, and any ancient tree was a thousand meters high. All kinds of wild animals walked between the sky and the earth. !


Suddenly, a golden-winged Kunpeng volleyed up, spreading its wings three thousand feet!

In one thought, Jianming, Kunpeng fell!

The man in Tsing Yi did not stop there. He rose up into the night, penetrated the sea of ​​clouds, split the atmosphere, and entered the depths of the starry sky!

The stars are shining all around, big stars are rising and falling, the sun is rising and the moon is setting, a demon star is blocking the front, the man in Tsing Yi raises his hand——

Cut the stars with one sword!

Yaoxing burst open, like a watermelon, cut in half, deep in the core of the earth, lava surging, flowing like blood, shocking!

Seeing this, Situ Wuji was completely convinced!

"Slash the dragon with one sword!"

"Slash Kunpeng with one sword!"

"Slash the stars with one sword!"

"This—is the real sword fairy!"

Situ Wuji sighed and closed his eyes, tears running across the corner of his eyes!

"If you recognize me as the master, you can do all this!" Lin Nan said with a hand.

Situ Wuji did not hesitate, knelt to the ground in front of Lin Nan, lowering his proud head!

"Situ Wuji, see the master!"

"What? Situ Wuji knelt down!"

Jade face scholar, Western Region Toutuo, and Dao King Hu Tianba were all stunned!

Even if Li Cangqiong, the sword sage in the sky, waited on Yanjing's side, he was still acting as a bodyguard. When did he become a servant?

How could they know how shocking Situ Wuji saw him?

If you can reach the realm of that man in Tsing Yi, pursue the ultimate in kendo, and recognize Lin Nan as the master, what counts?


Lin Nan nodded slightly, and pointed out that a complete kendo technique was lost in Situ Wuji's mind!

"this is--!"

Situ Wuji trembled all over, and his pupils shrank suddenly, as if the melon seeds were hit **** his head, and another twinkling skylight opened!

And this skylight leads to another world!

Lin Nan no longer paid attention to Situ Wuji, his gaze turned and fell on the other three:

"You guys, choose to surrender, or-die?"

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