There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 1689: Not a wise move

Lin Nan smiled, and then shot.

Just pointing it out, a white glow shot out, and the holy talisman on the head of the half-step immortal saint lost its effectiveness and turned directly into fly ash.

The half-step immortal saint was also directly knocked out of his realm, becoming a monk in the early stage of true fairyland, and he will never be able to restore his realm again. The karma of his karma can restore the realm of this half-step immortal saint.

Lin Nan is very talkative, but his wife and his two daughters are limited to him. The others are just dispensable people in his eyes. They disturbed the good mood between him and Liu Ruqing, and he dared to curse loudly. Having already explained his intentions, how could Lin Nan still keep that half-step immortal saint going wild?

It's just a mere half-step immortal saint, in Lin Nan's eyes, there is no difference from an ant, and it can be wiped out with a finger.

The reason why I just knocked down the realm is to make this arrogant monk understand that he can not only kill the half-step immortal saint, but also deprive the half-step immortal saint of everything, so that the monk can never return to the second heaven. Living in the world was tortured, and eventually collapsed, and the Taoist heart fell apart and died.

As the only Emperor of Heaven in Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, Lin Nan will always be the most proficient person in any matter, and torture is the same.

" could it be!"

A moment ago, I was still arrogant and felt that Lin Nan couldn’t help his half-step immortal saint, smashing the talisman with one finger at Lin Nan, knocking down his realm, and clearly letting him know that he can never make any progress in his eternal life. Immortal could not return to the second heaven, which made him collapse.

He sat on the ground for a moment, his mind blank.

From a high half-step immortal sage, in the blink of an eye, he became a monk in the early stage of the real fairyland, let alone him, even if he was replaced by someone else, he would not be able to withstand the blow.

The true fairyland cultivator is invincible among the ten places, but above the nine heavens, he can only be regarded as the bottom cultivator. You can meet higher-level cultivators by walking on the road.

Even if he was a half-step immortal sage, he can be invincible in the true fairyland, but it is only invincible in the true fairyland. Just walk out of a golden fairyland monk, or a true fairyland monk who is a talented person, Beat him so that he can't take care of himself.

This gap was too strong, causing his Dao Heart to shatter in an instant.

"no no!"

At the moment when Dao's heart was broken, it was too late for him to stop it. Even if he screamed heartily, he couldn't change the situation.

With Dao Xin completely broken, he became a mortal.

There is no death to death, but he feels more tormented than death to death. Today, he is like being abandoned by the world, as if being cast aside by God, feeling the endless loneliness and loneliness and helplessness.

More naturally, he is unwilling, but he can't say a word now.

He didn't rush to Lin Nan, just because he was crazy now.

The realm is knocked down, the Taoist heart is broken, and the cultivation base is scattered. Anyone who suffers these triple blows in a short period of time will go crazy.

Without Dao Xin, the perseverance of the monk no longer exists.

Without the cultivation base, the monk's sea of ​​consciousness will no longer exist, and there is no reason for not being mad without a strong sea of ​​consciousness supporting the blow caused by the psychological gap.


Lin Nan snapped his fingers again and beat the once half-step fairy sage into a cloud of blood fog, and then annihilated all the blood fog.

Becoming a lunatic is already the most ruthless punishment for a person. After that, it is boring if you don’t look at it. Lin Nan doesn’t have the mind to watch, so it’s better to kill with one finger. It’s better to kill a hundred. Have already vented.

Someone came, not Lin Momo, Linger and others, but Xiaoyue and Wu Mu.

"Are you going to fight with the forces of Second Heaven on your own?"

Xiaoyue is straight to the point, without grind, and without the slightest politeness.

Wu Mu felt heavy, because he could not see Lin Nan's realm. For his talents, he could see through the foundation of any cultivator at any level in the fairy sacred realm. Things never happened before.

Lin Nan is now the first column.

This made him have to believe that Lin Nan really came from a higher heaven.

But Liu Ruqing, as Lin Nan's Taoist companion, was actually only the cultivation base of the middle stage of the Golden Wonderland, which made him extremely puzzled.

The difference between monks and Taoists will not be too great, even if they are not at the same level, but at least they will be in the same big realm, and if they are exaggerated, they will only differ by a big realm.

But now Lin Nan is obviously stronger than Immortal Sage Supreme, but Liu Ruqing is only a monk in the middle of the Golden Fairyland. In Wu Mu's view, it is no different than half a step that Immortal Sage has found a mortal to become a Taoist companion. It can't happen.

"What? Do you have an opinion?"

Lin Nan glanced at Xiaoyue, he was not optimistic about Xiaoyue, but he had never despised it.

Not optimistic, it was because his realm was too high, Xiao Yue couldn't possibly catch up with him no matter how much he cultivated.

I haven't despised it, because Xiaoyue has worked hard to resurrect Wu Mu. Lin Nan has never hated infatuated men and women.

Lin Nan knew that if Liu Ruqing had an accident, he would desperately and abandon everything.

"You have to be clear that if you exist at a higher level in the first heaven, there will be another and even countless higher-level existences. The second heaven is afraid that there will only be more, and even more than you. With a strong presence, it’s not a wise move for you to be so fanatical and not to put the strength of any party in your eyes."

Xiaoyue frowned and said.

As she said, it is really hard for her to understand why an existence like Lin Nan would do such a reckless thing.

"Xiaoyue's words are not bad. There is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world. If you are too unscrupulous, you will eventually be kicked on the iron plate. This is the case of the previous moon alliance. If it is not bad, the moon alliance will be the existence of higher heavens. The broken ones, perhaps the same heavenly existence as fellow daoists, or even higher heavenly existences, please think twice."

Wu Mu said, he agrees with Xiaoyue's statement very much, and he has to agree. After all, Xiaoyue's words are extremely reasonable. It is not a wise move not to put any party in the eyes.

"I'm about to go to Ten Thousand Stone Sect. If you two want to follow along, just follow, and if you don't want to follow along, you will go your own way. Don't worry, I won't kill you. After all, you have already kept your promise and come to me. If you leave now, it is different. Conspiracy, I have no reason to attack you."

Lin Nan didn't explain too much. Even Liu Ruqing and his pair of daughters didn't know how strong he was, and how could he keep chattering in front of others.

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