There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 178: Shocking change in the fairy world!

The moon is so beautiful, Liu Ruqing is reluctant to leave for the time being!

Lin Nan had no choice but to build a palace on the moon for their vacation.

When Liu Ruqing and Lin Nan were on the moon!

When Yang Xueqi and Feng Ma returned to the villa, they found that they had disappeared, and they were almost crazy, looking for people all over the world in Jiangnan City!


Three days later, a terrible earthquake occurred all over the world. Everyone felt that the earth seemed to tremble!

The whole world suddenly fell into panic.

People from many countries rushed to the streets, and the houses are no longer safe!

The Global Store TV station is broadcasting.

"Five minutes ago, a worldwide earthquake occurred around the world! The source of the earthquake has been determined. This time the earthquake is as high as 30 on Kunlun Mountain, the roof of the world, so there will be a global earthquake!"

"Please don't panic, the United Nations will conduct disaster relief in response to disasters worldwide! Don't believe any public opinion!"

At this moment.


A dragon roar sounded above the earth, shaking the earth, everyone in the world, all raised their heads in horror and looked towards the sky!

They vaguely saw a golden dragon, piercing through the clouds and flying to the depths of the universe!

Everyone's pupils shrank.

"How is this going?"

"My God! Is there really a dragon in this world?"

More than one billion people saw this scene, shocking people!

The golden sacred dragon flew all the way and landed directly on the moon!

"what happened?"

Lin Nan frowned.

After Liu Ruqing saw the Golden Sacred Dragon, his short surprise returned to normal!

With Lin Nan these three days, Lin Nan told her a lot, and then Liu Ruqing knew the real origin of Lin Nan!

"Master, something is not good!"

The golden dragon turned into a middle-aged man.

"Ah, it's you!"

Liu Ruqing recognized him. When he was in Tianhai City, he had met him several times, saying that he was Lin Nan's butler, but suddenly he disappeared!

"Mistress, it's me!" Golden Sacred Dragon respectfully bowed.

"What's the matter?" Lin Nan asked.

The golden dragon has no time to explain.

"Great Emperor Ling Tian!"

Outside Tianyu, a deep voice came, penetrating hundreds of millions of miles of galaxy, extremely anxious!

An old man with a white beard, immortal wind, wearing a cyan robe, feet on the starry sky, came from outside the solar system, and landed on the moon!

"Hongmeng ancestor? Why are you here?"

The visitor is the Hongmeng ancestor of the fairy world. His old face is full of dignity, his brows are tightly twisted together, and he shook his head and said: "Great Emperor, the fairy world has changed, please come back quickly!"

"Li Chungang scammed his death, and gathered dozens of immortal kings. He has already occupied the 97th Heaven!"

"Everyone knows Li Chungang's antipathy! Today's Li Chungang is in the realm of quasi-emperor. If he were allowed to enter the ninety-nine heaven, he might steal your Immortal Emperor Tao fruit!"

"At that time, I am afraid that there will be no place for you to stand in the fairy world!"

"Emperor, go back to the immortal realm! With you sitting in the Ninety-Nine Heaven, everything still has a chance. If you don't go back now, it will be too late when Li Chungang has captured the Ninety-Nine Immortal Realm!"

The ancestor Hongmeng said with a look of excitement.

Lin Nan has been away from the immortal world for more than a thousand years without any turmoil!

Now that I have just had a child, such a change happened in the fairy world in a few months!

Lin Nan was very angry, and said angrily: "Damn Li Chungang!"

"Great Emperor, go back!" Hongmeng ancestor persuaded.

"Master, listen to the words of the ancestor Hongmeng, go back to suppress Li Chungang's rebellion, you have time to leave now!" Golden Sacred Dragon knelt on the ground.

Liu Ruqing sighed, walked over, hugged Lin Nan from behind, and said, "Lin Nan, since you are the immortal emperor, you should have your own responsibilities! I am fine here, you go to the immortal world first. , Wait for the immortal rebellion to be put down, come back to me again!"

"Our daughter is about to be born, how can I leave this time?"

Lin Nan shook his head, a trace of firmness flashed in his eyes.

Liu Ruqing chuckled.

"Fool! It's not that I don't understand the truth. The tone of the old **** just now, the affairs of the fairy world, must be very anxious, come back early, my daughter and I are waiting for you!"

Lin Nan sighed!

He nodded slightly, held Liu Ruqing in his arms, and promised: "I will be back soon!"

With that said, Lin Nan took out a crystal clear jade fault and hung it around Liu Ruqing's neck!

"This is the emperor jade! Take it with you to protect you and our daughter!"

"Hmm! I get it!"

Liu Ruqing nodded seriously.

Lin Nan stopped talking, holding Liu Ruqing, returned to the earth, and brought her back to the lakeside villa in Yanhu!

Yang Xueqi and Feng Ma finally let out a long sigh of relief when they saw Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing come back!

"Miss, where have you been, it has made us anxious to death, and not long ago, there was a global earthquake, and I was worried about the death!" Feng Ma patted her chest.

"Feng Ma, it's all right now!" Liu Ruqing smiled.

Lin Nan frowned slightly, glanced in the direction of Kunlun Mountain, shook his head and said: "There is something wrong with the Kunlun Mountains, and some spiritual energy has leaked out! I am afraid that it will not be long before the spiritual energy of this world will recover some!"


Yang Xueqi and Feng Ma both looked stunned and could not understand what Lin Nan was talking about!

Only Liu Ruqing thoughtfully!

Lin Nan once told her that spiritual qi is indispensable for cultivation, but because the aura of the earth is too thin, it is basically impossible to give birth to a cultivator!

The ultimate martial arts is already the top combat power on earth!

And, during the three days on the moon, Lin Nan passed Liu Ruqing a set of vomiting techniques!

"My wife, you must practice the breathing method that I gave you! I will be back soon!" Lin Nan exhorted seriously.

"Do not worry!"

Liu Ruqing smiled relaxedly.

After Lin Nan took a deep look at Liu Ruqing, he stepped out and left the villa, Liu Ruqing's gaze was always fixed on Lin Nan's back!

She didn't know how long it would take to see Lin Nan again after this glance!

When Lin Nan disappeared, Liu Ruqing felt a sense of loss and made a smile!

"What's the matter? What's the matter with you two?"

Yang Xueqi walked up, feeling that there was something wrong with the atmosphere.


Liu Ruqing gently shook her head and shut herself into the room alone.


Outside, changes are becoming more and more obvious.

The golden sacred dragon above the earth that day caused a great shock to people all over the world!

Someone saw that in the Kunlun Mountains, there was fairy light overflowing, and a man stepped in the fairy light, just like a fairy tale!

In China, someone saw an old Yuan hanging on an ancient tree in the depths of Mount Lu, vomiting the essence of the sun and the moon!

Flying away on the prairie, there was a tiger king with folds of fur all over his body. A month later, someone found it and uttered a word!

One month later, there were more and more weird things on the earth, which seemed to have a lot to do with the big earthquake a month ago!

"It's refined! These beasts are all refined!"

"My God! I found a snake in my backyard a few days ago. Guess what? That snake could talk, and took the initiative to open the refrigerator in the kitchen and took a chicken from it!"

Talking between ordinary people.

Not only these, the flowers and trees in this world seem to be full of spirituality in an instant!

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