There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 181: The immortal emperor is back!

In the depths of the universe, a golden glow, from outside the solar system, flew quickly and cut through the sky!

If you look closely, you will find that this is a golden dragon, its speed is incredible, in the blink of an eye, four or five stars have passed!

On top of the golden holy dragon's head, stood a young man with a smile on his face!

"Emperor, now the rebellion in the immortal world has been put down, and all the offenders have been killed by you, and finally settled!" Golden Dragon smiled.

"Yes! Five years have passed, I don't know what happened to Ruqing and the others!"

Lin Nan's gaze looked forward, and soon he would see the person he had been thinking about for five years!

After Lin Nan returned to the immortal world, he immediately summoned an army of 10,000, and began to purge down from the 97th heaven!

After five years of battle, all the insurgents were finally killed, and the fairy world has restored its former peace!

It's just that these five years have been too long for Lin Nan. Now that he returns to the earth, Lin Nan is very excited!

"Er Gouzi, go faster!"

"Great Emperor, it's already the fastest speed, there is no way to go faster!"


Above the earth, a golden glow flashed over and came here!


Lin Nan gave a soft sigh, he looked down on the entire earth and found that this planet was a little different!

Not only the surface topography has changed, even the richness of the spiritual energy is comparable to the realm of comprehension!


Lin Nan muttered to himself, but he felt like an arrow at home, without thinking, he directly cut through the atmosphere and landed on the bank of Yanhu Lake in Jiangnan City!

The villa between him and Liu Ruqing still exists in place, but the surrounding area of ​​Yanhu Lake has undergone tremendous changes!

The willow tree, which was originally only a dozen meters high, grew to a height of tens of meters and turned into a towering tree surrounded by old vines!

Moreover, there are a lot of people around the lake. They are wearing some retro attire, sitting cross-legged on the ground, performing some kind of vomiting!

Among them, a pair of young men and women, between breathing, the chest cavity violently rises and falls, like a blower, rumbling!

In the position of their mouth and nose, there was a lot of white air, almost condensed into substance!

The two gathered their strength, stood up, and walked towards the lakeside villa side by side!

The two talked as they walked.

"Xiaoqi, I can't imagine that in just three years, you have already practiced to the late stage of Qi refining! This time I will ask the master to accept you as a disciple of the sect!" The young man laughed.

Five years ago, the earth's aura recovered, and a space crack appeared over the Kunlun Mountain Tianchi!

After someone went in to investigate, they discovered that the space inside was dozens of times larger than the earth, and there were countless kinds of prehistoric creatures!

The people inside still maintain the habits of the Shang and Zhou dynasties. People on the earth call it the Yin Ruins!

More importantly, the Yin Ruins turned out to be a world of comprehension, with numerous sects and dynasties. After the spatial cracks in Kunlun Mountain appeared, the aura in the Yin Ruins quickly filled the entire earth, reviving the aura of the earth!

The practice sects in Yin Ruins send people to the earth to find people with talents for cultivation!

Some ancient cultivation methods have spread among humans, and many people have embarked on the path of cultivation!

Among them, there is no shortage of people with excellent talents. In just four or five years, they have completed the Qi refining and successfully built the foundation!

This young man named Ge Dongtian is one of the best!

"Brother! It's not because I have lived in this Yanhu villa for a long time. I heard from the seniors who cultivated immortals. Someone has built a spirit gathering formation around the villa, and the nearby auras will gather towards the villa!"

"That's why the aura around the villa I live in has become more intense! Otherwise, how can I be able to refine Qi for more than three years!"

Ge Xiaoqi smiled slightly.

When her family bought this villa a few years ago, it only cost less than 20 million!

Nowadays, after the Spirit Gathering Array under the villa was discovered, someone had already offered a high price of one billion US dollars, and the Ge family still did not sell it!

In the era of aura recovery, such a villa cannot be measured by money!

"It's a pity, what a Tianjiao, the leader of Lin back then, smashed and killed Huangfu Qingyun, the leader of the martial arts at the time, his wife and daughter became the target of everyone!" Ge Dongtian frowned.

"How about a genius? Now that the aura is resurrected, it is the era of the whole people's cultivation! Those immortal masters soaring through the clouds and driving the fog, turning their hands for the clouds and covering their hands for the rain, moving mountains and reclaiming the sea, which is not a fairy method? The mere martial arts people are nothing more !"

Ge Xiaoqi's pretty face showed a trace of disdain, and said:

"Who would have thought that a cultivator in the late stage of Qi refining would be comparable to a master in the martial arts world? The martial artist has fallen!"

"Haha! What the younger sister said!" Ge Dongtian laughed.

The two opened the door of the villa and were about to walk in, but they saw a man standing in the lobby of the villa!

"Who are you! Why did you break into my house!"

Ge Xiaoqi said with a serious expression.

"your home?"

Lin Nan suddenly turned around, looking at the two brothers and sisters, killing intent flashed in his eyes!


Ge Dongtian and Ge Xiaoqi screamed, spouting blood, and knelt directly at the door of the villa!

"You—who are you? This is the site of the Jiangnan Ge Family, how dare you be so presumptuous!"

Ge Xiaoqi's pretty face changed wildly.

"Jiangnan Ge Family? Since when did Jiangnan Wheel get someone else to speak!"

"I ask you, where did the owner of this villa go? Why is the villa in your hands!"

"Why should I tell you?"

Ge Xiaoqi was still stiff.

Lin Nan glanced over, flashing light like lightning, Ge Xiaoqi screamed, two pink lotus root arms exploded, flesh and blood flying!

"Ah! My arm, woooo-!"

Ge Xiaoqi burst into tears, she was still a big girl like a flower, how can she live without her arms now?

"Dare to cry again, I will break your legs!"

Lin Nan said coldly, without any emotion in his tone.

Ge Xiaoqi trembled and closed her mouth tightly. She had no doubt that the man in front of her would do this!

"The same question, I won't ask it a second time!"

Lin Nan's words fell to the ground, and the two brothers and sisters were already soaked in sweat, trembling to explain the ins and outs of the matter, all clearly!

"Back then, when the spirit infant came to the world, the aura was revived! The aura in more than a dozen mountains around the world, turned into the aura dragon, all gathered in this villa and merged into the body of a baby girl!"

"Later, a lot of powerful immortals came and started a earth-shattering battle outside the villa. It is said that the Yanhu Lake was dried up at that time! We really don't know what the specific situation was!" Ge Dong Tian trembling said.

Hearing this, Lin Nan's expression became extremely gloomy!

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