There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 1838: Thirty six clones

"Huh? This... is clearly the **** of water, why is he so irritable, he just killed it!"

Princess Fuhan watched vigilantly. After she was sure that the Water God was not attacking her and Liu Ruqing, but instead used great supernatural powers to walk towards the 36 puppets in front of the palace gate, she was relieved.

"You also said that she is the **** of water, haven't you heard the term violent storm?"

Liu Ruqing smiled.

"This... seems to be the case!"

Princess Fuhan was taken aback, and after thinking about it, it seemed that this was indeed the truth.

Although it is said that water is the softest thing in the world, when a mountain torrent erupts under a violent storm and when the water of a big river breaks the bank, the soft water becomes a life-threatening blade.

Over there, the water god's figure has disappeared, and layers of flowing water are stacked, gradually turning into turbulent waves, in the veins full of sky and fire, sweeping towards the 36 puppets in front of the main hall.

Although Liu Ruqing was joking with Princess Fuhan, she did not relax her vigilance. When the Water God performed this great supernatural power again, she obviously felt that the power of this great supernatural power had become too much stronger. Now she is fighting again, she is afraid It is no longer possible to suppress the water god, if it is not practical to use the best respected immortal treasure, the gap between the two is not big.

The water **** has entered the middle stage of the fairy king realm!

Fortunately, the Water God mentioned before that in this fire and earth vein, she can strengthen herself and improve her realm. This makes Liu Ruqing feel at ease. Otherwise, she will now doubt that the Water God has covered up the true cultivation base and has planned it. After all this, even Lin Nan was deceived, and Liu Ruqing would take Princess Fuhan and leave directly.

"The queen, she seems to be able to suppress a puppet at the fairy-level level, and the other 33 puppets will be directly suppressed, but there are still two puppets at the fairy-level level. If you don’t take action, she is afraid. It will be traumatized."

When the turbulent waves scoured the puppets, Princess Fuhan saw the situation of the water **** and those puppets, and quickly looked at Liu Ruqing and said.

"Okay, shoot."

Liu Ruqing nodded and said this, immediately urging Xianbao to rush over.

Princess Fuhan didn't lag far behind, and arrived near the puppets with Liu Ruqing almost at the same time.

Princess Fuhan is not as powerful as Liu Ruqing and the God of Water, but now she is at the early stage of the fairy king realm. When she was at the peak of the golden fairy realm, she was able to interact with the little sisters Lin Momo and Ling'er. In the case of Bao, it is difficult to tell the winner.

Now, after stepping from the Golden Fairyland to the Fairy King Realm, her strength has directly changed, which can be said to have directly undergone a qualitative change. What's more, Liu Ruqing has also taught her some magical powers along the way. Now she is no longer what she used to be. As a cultivator in the early stage of the Immortal King Realm, although she could not suppress the puppets of the early stage of the Immortal Realm, she could delay it so as to relieve the pressure on Liu Ruqing and the water god.


In just an instant, layers of waves rushed directly on the puppets, even though those puppets had already wielded their weapons to display their magical powers, they still could not disperse the layers of waves.

It's just that, in less than a breath, those originally turbulent waves disappeared out of thin air!


The graceful figure of the water **** appeared out of thin air. Although there was only a soft sound, there were 36 water gods.

This... is the real power of her great supernatural power!

When she used this great supernatural power on Liu Ruqing earlier, because Daluo Mietian palm was too powerful, she directly dispelled her great supernatural power, making the ultimate profound meaning of this great supernatural power fail to be revealed!




In an instant, thirty-six water gods, their graceful figures, unspeakable beauty and incomparably cold expressions, they turned into a handle that was thin to the extreme, even if it was Liu Ruqing and Princess Fuhan, they felt that there were some unclear water blades. , Slashed the 36 puppets in an instant.




In an instant, thirty-three puppets were split into two halves. Even though they had the peak-level combat power of the fairy king realm and their recovery ability was amazing, these 33 puppets at the peak level of the fairy king realm could not be recovered because they could All the materials and patterns that kept them divine, at the moment they were split, they were directly annihilated by the water blade!

However, the three puppets that had transformed to the early stage of the Immortal Venerable Realm were not split in half, not to mention that the divine nature and the **** pattern were wiped out. There were three white marks on their heads.

The water blade that can annihilate the puppets at the peak level of the fairy king realm has only left three white marks on the top of the three heads. This is really amazing and incredible!


The water **** reappeared, and this was her real deity. The thirty-six before were just the incarnation of her supernatural powers, not the real body.

She also never thought that these puppets could be killed directly. Regarding the puppets of the monster race, she was naturally very clear as the quasi-emperor of the monster race. The combat power of the fairyland puppets may not be very strong, but they resist beating The ability is strong enough to break through the sky, especially this kind of puppet that transforms to the fairy realm by itself, and its hardness is even half a step behind the fairy sage, and it is no longer in the fairy realm!

Only then had so many avatars of supernatural powers manifested in order to erase the thirty-three fairy king puppets and avoid interference. Her goal from start to finish was only one of the three fairy king puppets.


Over there, when the God of Water descended and trapped a puppet, Liu Ruqing also arrived, and blasted a puppet that was about to attack the God of Water.

The puppet that hit the palace gate heavily, after landing, there was a crack in the place bombarded by Liu Ruqing's attack. The crack was obvious, but it recovered in an instant!

"Puff []!"

Princess Fuhan followed and blocked the attack of the other puppet, so that the water **** could concentrate on banning that puppet.

"I estimate that it will take a cup of tea time to ban this puppet, Fuhan, you hold that puppet, Liu Ru... Queen of Heaven, you use magic weapons to keep attacking another puppet. When I block this puppet, you attack The puppet's origin should be almost depleted, and I can ban it within a few breaths."

The God of Water took a look at the situation slightly, and saw that Liu Ruqing holding the immortal treasure could actually destroy the puppet's defenses, and even wipe out some divinities and patterns, and he was relieved.

Regarding Princess Fuhan, who was still able to hold a puppet despite being crushed and beaten, she could not help but smile.

After saying these words, she stopped paying attention. She believed that Liu Ruqing and Princess Fuhan were not stupid, nor self-righteous, so she continued to use the banning technique with peace of mind.

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