There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 1846: Providence slashed

"That's really hard to say. He dared to challenge the emperor and the others just now, and he rushed to our Bafang City to be wild. In any case, he should be at the quasi-emperor level. But looking at him, he was really scared. He didn’t even notice that Emperor Lan Qin acted on him!"

"Yes, shouldn't be possible to be scared to pee, but will be...will be shot to death!"

"Hey...I saw Emperor Lan Qin killed other powerful men. Don’t look at Emperor Lan Qin’s charming and colorful, refreshing, imaginative, but when she really gets angry, it’s absolutely thunderous. A cruel character who never slaps to death with one slap!"

"Why do you say so much? Anyway... Emperor Lan Qin is mighty and domineering!"

"Yes, yes, the emperor is mighty and domineering! The lowly and dirty human slaves dare to come to our Bafang City and disrespect the emperors, they are simply looking for death!"

The monster monks onlookers were boiling immediately when they saw the woman in the pink dress, Zhundi.

At this moment, the impatience and restlessness in their hearts seemed to have been vented, and they were many times more comfortable than usual with their Taoist companion Yunyu.

Emperor Lan Qin has unparalleled looks and figures, and there is only one such charming and charming emperor in the entire prehistoric world. This is the only one!

Taoists can come and discuss life at any time, but Emperor Lan Qin may not be able to see it once in tens of thousands of years. They will feel refreshed and comfortable!

"You seem to be very impulsive, this is not possible."

Lin Nan shook his head slightly.

He has no idea when to raise his right hand.

The hand holds things, white, delicate, and can be broken by blowing. It is...beautiful skin, beautiful jade neck!

Emperor Lan Qin, who was wearing a pink dress, had already been grasped by Lin Nanyi's neck for some time and held her in the air.

Emperor Lan Qin is not in danger of suffocation, but she is piercing the needle, trying to break away from Lin Nan's palm. Her wonderful figure is even more coveted because of her struggle.

It’s just that no one pays attention to Emperor Lan Qin’s posture anymore. If you have to say that anyone has a leisurely appreciation, then it is Lin Nan. Even if the Dao heart is very firm, he still has to admit that Emperor Lan Qin is in appearance or figure. They are all wonderful, this not only made Lin Nan mutter in his heart, I don't know when my lady will be able to cultivate to the realm of quasi emperor, when that time should be... definitely more charming than Lan Qin Supreme.

The people here, Lin Nan only counts himself, after all, there are monsters around, no one.

As for other places, which human race dared to make the idea of ​​his own baby wife, even if it was just a speculation in his heart, he was going to kill the other party.

"You... how exactly did you... do it!"

After struggling for a while, Emperor Lan Qin gave up completely, because she had already felt despair after struggling for less than a breath.

Her cultivation level was not imprisoned, but she could not display supernatural powers anyway, she could not break away from Lin Nan's palm, she could only let him hold her white neck, she was very angry, but to no avail, she could only choose to compromise. .

Now, she finally believed the words in the emperor's transmission that they were not Lin Nan's opponents.

She already knew that Lin Nan did not exist at the emperor level, because she had seen too many emperors and had studied with many emperors. She had never seen anyone who could be as calm and light as Lin Nan, and treat her strangely. Hold it instantly, and she has no way to break free of his palm.

"Oh my God! This...what is going on? Why is this? This...this is absolutely...absolutely impossible! I must be dazzled! I must be dreaming!"

"Why...why is it like this! Emperor Lan Qin is an invincible existence. His body skills and life-saving methods are incomparable. Even under the attack of the emperor, he can get away safely and well. Now... how can he be inexplicably now? The human ant was caught!"

"Wow... I am angry! I am angry! It shouldn't be like this, it definitely shouldn't be like this, it should be the emperor who shot him to death, why would it be the other way around...why can he restrain him? Emperor? All of this... none of this is logical!"

"Yes... Yes! None of this is logical, it is not logical at all, it is too irrational, there is no reason at all! He is nothing but a human ant, a lowly and dirty human slave. Even ordinary pigs and dogs are more valuable than him. Why is he... How good is he, how capable he is, and how capable is he, dare to restrain the emperor!"

"Ah... Damn this ant! Damn this slave crime! I... I want to kill him!"

After being dumbfounded and dumbfounded, a crowd of monster monks onlookers suddenly roared and wailed.

Their beliefs were almost subverted. In their inherent concepts, the human race was not qualified to have a powerful existence at all. The human race should be born to bow down to their demon race, and the human race should be born a slave.

But now, there is actually a strong human race. When they were expecting Emperor Lan Qin to slap him to death, they only felt that their eyes were dizzy. The human monk had already grasped Emperor Lan Qin strangely. Jade neck!

All of this is too much, it's all too unreasonable, and it's also very discordant. It shouldn't be like this, the human monk should be shot and killed directly!

While roaring, one after another monster race monk urged magic weapons, displayed supernatural powers, and rushed towards Lin Nan.

The anger has filled their bodies, only if Lin Nan is killed, their anger will be completely dissipated!

"Divine Will slashed, annihilating the common people in the world!"

Lin Nan still raised his hands and held Emperor Lan Qin's neck, did not respond to Emperor Lan Qin, but spoke slowly.


Above the high sky, thunderclouds rolled and thunder and lightning interlaced.

That is the anger of the heavens, but the anger of the heavens does not seem to be right. It seems to be resisting a certain force, but that force is extremely powerful. It seems that it has reached a situation where even the sky that is high above and lasting forever cannot resist. !

Hong Lin and the others did not make a move. The moment Lin Nan grasped Lan Qin’s neck, although they were also stunned, they did not dare to act rashly when Lin Nan grasped Lan Qin’s neck, for fear that Lin Nan would kill Lan Qin directly. Don't give them the slightest chance to negotiate.

Now, seeing the vision of the sky, they, as the Zhun emperor, immediately noticed the problem. They were dumbfounded for a while and looked at Lin Nan in a daze!

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