There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 1901: From the North

"This... this fellow Daoist is... really profound!"

Seeing Lan Qin walking back, Director Zhu didn't know what to say. The purple-clothed woman was easily killed by Lan Qin. Even if he shot, she would only end up like the purple-clothed woman.

Unlike those onlookers, Director Zhu already knows who Lin Nan is. Except for the guy who made their Ten Thousand Stone Holy Land almost completely depressed, no one in this second layer of Heavenly Scarlet Star Territory really dares not release the Holy Sect. In his eyes, Lan Qin now directly killed a venerable person in Dayan Holy Land. This enmity is very big, but for the guy who easily let Ten Thousand Stones Holy Land go down, and directly killed an ancestor. In terms of it, Dayan Holy Land is nothing but another Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones.

Guan Shi is going crazy now, and he is very worried that Lin Nan will kill him in the next moment. He will definitely be the first person to be killed by that time. Guan Shi is really not afraid of death, but if he can live, he does not want to die.

In addition to being anxious and uneasy, the current Chief Zhu also hates the Fuchun Holy Land to his bones. What is it to bring Lin Nan and the group here to do? Can't he lead other places to harm other Wanshilou people? He still wants to live freely!

"Tell me a word, if someone can refine that spear, I will let go of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones. If no one can refining, there is no need for the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones when I visit. . By the way, I will put away the prohibition and lower the refining standards, so as to give you a glimmer of hope."

Lin Nan looked at Director Zhu and said.

He saw that Director Zhu had already thought of who he was. There is no reason why a half-step immortal sage didn’t know why the Ten Thousand Stones Holy Land was almost destroyed, and he had definitely learned about his coming to Fuchun Holy Land. The discussion among the people must also be discussing what good countermeasures he could have if he came to look for something. Now that Lan Qin killed the purple-clothed woman, the mood swings of Director Zhu are obvious. This must be a guess. If Lin Nan can't even think of this , I couldn't see that it was no different from the dudes who ran to him to find death, and it was impossible to cultivate to the current Attainment Status.

"This... I must go to the sect personally to spread the word, I wonder if the senior has any other orders?"

Hearing that Lin Nan actually gave them a chance at the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones, I wish the general manager immediately understand that Lin Nan will not make things difficult for him today, and for a while, he was moved to cry.

"No, someone went to the Fuchun Holy Land to find me, I'll meet them."

After Lin Nan said this, he led Liu Ruqing and others to the outside.


In Fuchun Holy Land, Ling'er didn't really go to practice. The little girl just mentioned it casually before. She hadn't walked to the place where she lived and wrapped Lin Momo to accompany her to play with her. She completely forgot to send it fiercely. Oath.

Princess Fuhan was with the little sisters, a little helpless, the little sisters are not weak, and now they have the strength to suppress the mid-term powers of the ordinary Immortal Realm, but after all, they are still children, and their playfulness is not so big. Even Lin Momo, who is a very young adult, is no exception. Otherwise, it is impossible to make a fuss. Lin Momo will stay with him.

When Princess Fuhan took the little sisters to a lake and was introducing the scenery to the little sisters, she received a message and laughed after seeing it.

"Fuhan, you laughed so sinisterly, what happened?"

Ling'er took a few steps back vigilantly. Although she was a princess, she didn't think that Princess Fuhan would tease her. After all, there were not many people who were frightened by her like Lingman. She hadn't had time to take Princess Fuhan. I'm afraid of tossing, but I don't want to be afraid of being tossed by Princess Fuhan first.

"It's the people from the North Clan who are here. Let us hand over you at Fuchun Holy Land. Let's go and see."

Fuhan smiled.

She really wanted to laugh. Lin Nan hadn’t gone there yet. The Bei family ran over first. According to Lin Nan’s temperament, Princess Fuhan felt that if the Bei family didn’t find the door on her own, they might be given directly by Lin Nan. Ignored it, but now he is directly asking for a fight, Lin Nan will definitely go over and destroy the Bei family directly.

"Well, I want to take a look. My sister and I walked over directly to see how they took my sister and me away."

When Ling'er heard this, a pair of Shui Lingling's big eyes suddenly opened up, and his father was nearby. This group of guys actually came to look for death, what a bunch of idiots.

Outside the towering mountain gate of the Fuchun Holy Land, a group of people from the North clan, and the people from the Fuchun Holy Land who are facing the North clan.

"Hey, these **** from the North really don't take us Fuchun Holy Land in their eyes. Even if the natives of the lower realms are useless to us Fuchun Holy Land, they are the people brought back by the princess. The **** is actually only one and a half step immortal saints, more than a dozen immortal realm great abilities, and they want to take people away, simply don't put us in the Fuchun Holy Land!"

"Yes, this group of **** really don't know what to say. Even if they come out from the North Clan, we are not afraid of them at the Fuchun Holy Land. Now the indigenous people who come to ask the princess to bring back from the lower realm are only such a few people. We didn’t put our Fuchun Holy Land in the eyes at all. The princess should be the successor of the next generation of the Holy Lord anyway. Even if she has not succeeded yet, she is also the little holy Lord of our Fuchun Holy Land. The Bei family is so unaware. Anyway, it is rampant!"

"Don't say that the princess will definitely not hand over the natives. Now even if the princess handed over the natives, we absolutely can't let the princess fulfill the wishes of the Bei clan. These guys who don't know the so-called dare to underestimate our Fuchun Holy Land. Today, we let them recognize the reality. Our Fuchun Holy Land is also one of the nineteen holy sects, not their subordinate sect of the North Clan!

"Yes, it's not enough for the Bei Family to be entangled with the Celestial Clan. Now that they dare to despise our Fuchun Holy Land, they must be beaten to recognize the reality."

The people of Fuchun Holy Land were filled with indignation. They really wondered why Princess Fuhan brought a group of indigenous people back. They also felt that the indigenous people affected Princess Fuhan's cultivation, so they didn't have a good impression of Lin Nan's family.

But now the Bei family does not put them in their eyes, not to mention that only a small team led by a half-step immortal sage came, and even dared to yell for his favor, they obediently handed them out, it is really true I don't know the so-called, too **** arrogant!

"I heard someone wants to take this princess away?"

Linger walked out swaggeringly.

The little girl was not deliberately arrogant, but on the way to come, Yue Shi and others had already come by the little sisters.

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