There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 199: Four hundred heads! (Fourth)

Tang Minghui and Tang Minghuang's pupils shrank suddenly and they lost their color in shock!

"Dad, get away!"

As soon as the words fell, a golden light ran across Tang Yewei's neck like a meteor!

At this moment, Tang Yewei still maintained the posture of looking out of the hall. He didn't understand until his death, what his son said just now, "Dad, get away"!

Looking at Tang Yewei's head, he flew high!

Tang Minghui and Tang Minghuang both turned pale, and then they showed hopelessness, because they found that the golden light had turned back!

The goal this time is their neck!


Jin Mang flashed past, took up three heads, and rushed into the rest of the Tang family!

A few minutes later, this golden sword light, with dozens of heads, continued to fly towards the next house!


Inside a luxurious villa!

Liu Xinyuan, Liu Haichuan, and Liu Shiming gathered together to discuss how to deal with Lin Nan.

"Lin Nan's methods are amazing! He kills people at every turn. In the past, he killed a lot of people! This time if he does it again, it will be a big trouble for us!" Liu Xinyuan frowned.

Liu Shiming sneered.

"Four brothers! The world still has to follow the rules. Now the Jiangnan general situation is set, how can one's force be strong? Besides, the two sons of the Tang family are already secular disciples of the immortal door. I have seen the means, and I am shocked!"

"Yes! No matter how powerful Lin Nan is, he must follow the rules and the law!"

How do they know that laws and regulations are established by force!

When a person's force reaches a certain level, he can ignore these rules!

"Leave aside the use of force! What if Lin Nan uses Yanjing's contacts? How should we deal with it?"

Liu Xinyuan was a little worried, always feeling that something would happen tonight!

"Hey, do you really think that there is no supporter behind the Tang family? A few years ago, the influence of the Tang family was not as good as our Liu family. The rise of the Tang family was not because of the support of big people behind it!"

Liu Haichuan smiled, he got some news from some channels, the origin of the Tang family is not simple.


Liu Xinyuan and Liu Shiming looked over in surprise!

"Don't ask anymore. Tomorrow morning, we will put out Mr. Tang. You will know when that happens!"

The three decided to go to Tang's house early tomorrow morning!


There was a sound of swords.

"what sound?"

Liu Xinyuan grumbled strangely, and then he was horrified to find that a large bunch of heads were flying through the air!

"this is--!"

Liu Xinyuan's pupils shrank suddenly and stared out the window blankly.

"what happened?"

Liu Haichuan and Liu Shiming asked, seeing Liu Xinyuan in a daze, looking at the window behind them!

Can't help but look back!


The three of them hadn't reacted yet, golden light flashed, and the three heads flew high!

Until his death, Liu Xinyuan didn't understand why the head of the Tang Family Patriarch, Tang Yewei-could fly!

After a while, there were bursts of exclamation in the villa, and then it became quiet again!


Liu Qianqian, Liu Chen, and Liu Rong are just about to go out and have a supper together!

By the way, discuss how to deal with Lin Nan!

Today, their respective assets are in the tens of billions, and they finally hold the power, and it is impossible to hand it over easily!


Suddenly, a golden light burst through the air.

The three of them looked back at the same time!

"Heads, lots of heads!"

Liu Rong's pretty face became distorted in an instant, as if she had seen the scariest thing in the world!

Dozens of human heads lined up in a row like this, falling from the sky and flying over!

It's weird!

Liu Chen's body was stiff, he forgot to avoid, letting the sword light stroke his neck!


Liu Qianqian screamed, his head flew up, and the fragrant jade was lost!

After cutting off the people in Jiangnan, this golden sword aura flew towards Jiangdong with more than a hundred heads!

After a quarter of an hour, the sky above Jiangdong was full of blood!

This golden sword aura continues all the way to the north, behind it is like a comet, dragging a long tail, if you look closely, you will find that they are human heads with frightened faces!

At this moment, if you stand in the sky above Jiangbei, you will definitely be able to hear the screams of horror coming from those wealthy compound!

Half an hour later, this sword qi returned from Jiangbei, cut through the night sky and rushed into the Zuijiangnan Hotel!

Cut off Gu Shengrong's head!

At this point, the golden sword energy just disappeared, without a trace of excess power!

This sword spirit has experienced Jiangnan, Jiangdong, and Jiangbei since the time when Master Wu was killed!

Cut the core lineages of the thirteen families of Tang family, Liu family, Shen family, Yu family, Li family, Qian family, Huang family, Wang family, Gu family, Zhou family, Song family, Chen family, Tang family, a total of 390 After eight people, he finally turned back and beheaded Gu Shengrong's head!


After the sword qi returned, the head of Master Wu fell to the ground with a thump!

His eyes almost protruded, and his eyes were full of panic and regret!

He didn't expect that Lin Nan could behead his head when he raised his hand!

With the heads of Master Wu Xian and Gu Shengrong, there are exactly four hundred heads in the lobby of Zuijiangnan Hotel, neatly placed on the ground!

This is the result of Lin Nan only killing the core lineages of the major families and not caring about other people. Otherwise, the number of heads would be even more!

Since the beginning of Master Wu, self-care Shengrong ends!

At seven o'clock tonight, all the families who did not come to Drunk Jiangnan Hotel are all down!

All the rich and powerful, have not yet reacted, the four hundred heads, all staring, looking at themselves!

Many of them are known to everyone!

The atmosphere stagnated for a while, and the scene was terribly quiet. Everyone held their breath, and even their own heartbeat could be heard!


Then, in the lobby of Zuijiangnan Hotel, everyone gasped!

Weng blasted the pot!

With so many heads appearing, everyone is frightened!

Some courageous tycoons rushed into the air in an instant, tears in their eyes surged, and fierce vomiting!

"Mr. Lin is forgiving, Mr. Lin is forgiving!"

Seeing the heads all over the floor, everyone was silent and limp on the ground, like a chicken pecking at rice, kowtow!

"Oh my God! How did he do it?"

Ge Dongtian was cold, his spine was cold, his hands and feet were shaking!

If it hadn't been for his mind to remain sober, I'm afraid he would have sat on the ground!

All of them seem to be wrong, this Mr. Lin's ability!

This is a **** of murder!

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