There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 1962: The little sisters leave

Time flies quickly, and three days have passed in a blink of an eye.

Lin Momo and Ling'er, the little sisters, were finally released by Lin Nan from their respective caves.

There are a group of people around, four demon beauties including Snow God and Water God, three Guanghandian ancestors Yueshi, Hanyue and Qingyue, as well as Princess Fuhan and Shangguanming, and the only outsider Xu Lang.

Naturally, Liu Ruqing would not be absent. She dignifiedly and calmly stood next to Lin Nan, just waiting to see her and Lin Nan’s little couple, separated by Lin Nan, and threw them into the holes specially opened for the little sisters. Ten years later, what did they look like.

Lin Momo came out first. The little girl was still dressed in clean and tidy clothes, and she was still the cute little girl who was so delicate that people couldn't spot any flaws.

Seeing everyone watching her, the little girl couldn’t help but hold her hands, her little head raised high, she has reached the peak level of the Golden Fairyland. Although the foundation is not stable, no matter what, she has finally become the peak level of the Golden Fairyland. , Has caught up with Liu Ruqing's footsteps.

It’s a rare time for the little girl to be arrogant, and everyone praised her a lot. The little girl’s listeners praised her, except that her father and mother did not praise her, and she couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed. She sighed, her pink face Written full of sorrow, he walked away and met Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing.

I looked up at my father and mother. The little faces were filled with hope, but I still didn't get praise. This time I really felt aggrieved. My mouth collapsed and my eyes filled with tears. I was about to cry soon.

Seeing the pitiful appearance of the little girl, Lin Nan stretched out his hand and touched the little girl's head, Liu Ruqing also stretched out her soft and moist hands and stroked it. The little girl smiled with joy, and the tears in her eyes would return for a while. Can't do it.

"Senior, where is the little princess Linger?"

Lingman blinked a pair of Shui Ling's eyes and asked expectantly.

Lingman didn’t believe that Lin Nan chose the order in which the little sisters walked out of the cave according to their age. She thought that in all likelihood, it was the little fellow Ling’er who had tossed out some moths in the cave. This Lin Nan brought Lin Momo out first.

If not, Lin Nan's equal-discriminatory character definitely brought the two little sisters out together.


The corner of Lin Nan's mouth rose slightly, a smile appeared, and a wave of his hand brought Ling'er out of the cave.

Everyone hurriedly looked at it, and it was terrible. They were stunned for a while, and they opened their eyes wide, staring at the little thing for a moment, for fear that they were dazzled or misread.

In the arena, there was a small humanoid with a height and shape similar to Lin Momo. The small thing seemed to be made of black mud. There was no white place above and below the whole body, except for the very vigilant and big eyes of the water spirit. People can see that it is indeed the little guy Linger.

The eyes of Lin Momo and Ling'er are very special, and they feel different from each other. Lin Momo's eyes are more like Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing. They are agile with innate peace and spirit. The eyes are also very smart, but they are not calm, giving people a kind of ghostly, always crooked thinking.

Everyone is very familiar with the two little sisters, so even if the eyes of the little black clay figurine are full of vigilance, subconsciously spreading out and guarding the surroundings, they still let them see that the little black clay figurine is the little fellow Ling'er. .

After Ling'er publicized it for four weeks, he couldn't help but was stunned. After returning to his senses, he looked at it again. It didn't matter if he saw it, Xiao Wudian was stunned again.

When he came back to his senses again, and saw Lin Nan, Xiao Budian burst into tears, stepped on a pair of small feet, opened his hands and ran towards Lin Nan.

But when he was about to pounce into Lin Nan's embrace, Xiao Budian paused for a moment, and then looked at Liu Ruqing next to Lin Nan, with a flat mouth, and jumped directly into Liu Ruqing's embrace.

"Wow...Mother, Ling'er should never leave you and father again. It is too dangerous to be alone outside. Ling'er was almost eaten by the beast, and almost drowned in the black swamp. I almost missed my mother and father, and..."

As soon as she jumped into Liu Ruqing's arms, Ling'er burst into tears. It could be heard that the little bit was really aggrieved, and she didn't deliberately behave in front of Liu Ruqing as before.

Liu Ruqing was also distressed, looking at Ling'er who seemed to be a little black clay figure, and realizing that this outfit was brought out after being caught in that black swamp, she couldn't help but feel distressed. She stretched out her other hand and gently stroked Ling'er. The younger generation comforted this little bit softly.

"How do I feel that the little princess can't bear to soil the Lord's clothes, so that she was thrown into the arms of the Queen?"

Lan Qin said with a smile.

It's not that she doesn't feel sorry for Ling'er, it's just that Ling'er this little thing can be too noisy on weekdays, and now tossing into such a look, it really makes her feel interesting.

Not only her, but the others also smiled like her, all amused by Ling'er's appearance.

Lan Qin said this because when Linger was about to pounce into Lin Nan’s embrace, he hesitated for a while, and then jumped into Liu Ruqing’s embrace, and when he hesitated, he did not show any barriers to Lin Nan. look.

When Liu Ruqing heard it, she was taken aback, feeling as if it was this way, her beautiful eyes condensed slightly, and she stared at Ling'er quietly.

"Nonsense, father and mother have the same weight and the same status in Ling'er and sister's heart. Lan Qin has no good intentions and deliberately provokes the relationship between Ling'er and mother. Mother should not listen to slanders."

Ling'er was stunned, and then quickly shouted.

"You kid..."

Liu Ruqing shook her head and smiled. This was quite a rant, but it made her wonder whether she should scare Ling'er with her eyes.

As for Cai Ling'er after a pause before choosing to jump into her arms, Liu Ruqing didn't care about her, she naturally knew her daughter.

Xiao Budian's appearance was bestowed by Lin Nan, and he really wanted to plunge into Lin Nan's arms subconsciously, but when he was nearby, he found that he was covered in black mud. He was definitely afraid that Lin Nan would be upset by rubbing against Lin Nan. Then send her back to the Fang Dongtian again.

Thinking carefully about this, if Liu Ruqing couldn't figure it out, she wouldn't be ashamed to say that she was Ling'er's mother.

"Ling'er, why are you still down?"

Lin Momo looked up at Ling'er, in a daze. The little girl was now full of question marks, and couldn't figure out why she had fallen into the peak of the Golden Wonderland.


Linger's small face drooped instantly.

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