There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 1964: Don't want to go

Lin Nan came with Yueshi, and the more than 10,000 monks calmed down.

Although the discussions were intense just now, one of them proposed to question Lin Nan and ask Lin Nan to compensate the cultivators of the deceased's relatives and friends, but now that he really did not dare to speak any more after seeing Lin Nan.

This is human nature. After all, Lin Nan is a fierce man who dared to kill Heavenly Fox Holy Land Power and the genius disciples of Dayan Holy Land, and also caused Qingyou Powerful and Yeyu Venerable to retreat, and did not take the initiative to attack Lin Nan. This is something these monks couldn't even think about. When they didn't see Lin Nan just now, they could still speak freely and express their opinions.

But now that they saw Lin Nan and Lin Nan's calm as water, without deliberately watching everything, they really didn't dare to say anything for a while.

"Wait, my brother was killed by you?"

Seeing that Lin Nan was about to take Yueshi to the depths of the Yueyin field, someone finally couldn't help it.

It was a woman. Her appearance and figure were not bad. Although she asked if her senior was killed by Lin Nan, she had a level of cultivation in the early stage of the Immortal Realm. The monks we killed were powerful.

But no one is surprised. Most people know this woman, and they also know that she has a brother in the fairy king realm. The brother and sister have a good relationship. Although she has a higher qualification, she first entered the fairy realm and became famous. Powerful within hundreds of thousands of miles, but still commensurate with her brother and sister, there is no gap.

"When did your brother die?"

Lin Nan stopped and looked at the female power.

He heard the discussions of the monks clearly before, but he didn't bother to pay attention to it. Now someone asked him on the initiative, he didn't mind answering it.

"Three days ago!"

The female mighty said in a deep voice.

She had a lot of opinions on Lin Nan. She was convinced that Lin Nan had already heard the discussions of the monks around him when he was far away. After arriving here, she refused to even explain it. After she asked her questions, she asked the question, knowingly. It's really hateful!

"If I died here ten days ago, it might have been killed by me. As for three days ago, I killed more than a thousand strong men here that night, but I was not a human monk, you brother If you were cultivating here at that time, you would be a cultivator of the Immortal King Realm at best. He wouldn't be considered a strong person in front of you, and I wouldn't be considered a strong person."

Lin Nan calmly responded to the woman, did not rush to the depths of the field, but calmly watched the woman, wanting to see what the other party wanted to say to him, and avoiding being called out by the other party as soon as he turned around. .

" have said that you killed the strong here three days ago, and the one who killed you is not the human monk, but all we see here are the human monk's corpse, not the least inhuman Thing, don’t you intend to make it clear?"

The female power was extremely angry now, Lin Nan said it was fine, but she didn't put her late brother in the eyes of her words, which made her unhappy mood even worse.

At the same time, she had predicted that Lin Nan was lying, as she said, they did not see the bodies of other races here, only the bodies of human monks.

"Yes, what this fairy said is extremely true. We only saw the bodies of human monks here, and did not see the bodies of monks of other ethnic groups. You just said that you killed more than a thousand strong men here that night. With the slightest amount of persuasive power, you can make Qingyou retreat, and let Venerable Tianhu not embarrass you, but your level of lying is a little too inferior!"

"In this second heaven, there are no other alien races except the Monster Race, the Fierce Beast, and the Sha Spirit Race. The Monster Race is still restricted by the Heavenly Dao, and the strongest can only cultivate to the Immortal Venerable Realm. Only, as for the fierce beasts, although there are extremely powerful fierce beasts, they can only be encountered in some extremely dangerous mysteries and Jedi, and definitely not more than a thousand will appear here suddenly, as for the evil spirits. One family, the evil spirit family seldom leave the evil realm, let alone appear here without the slightest sound of wind!"

"We know that you are a strong man and don't want to make a fuss with you, but if you humiliate us so much, we have no choice but to take action. You have to think carefully!"

After the female power spoke, some people started to follow her, most of them were at the level of Immortal Venerable, with more confidence, and there were also monks whose relatives and friends had fallen here.

Just like what they said, Lin Nan's rhetoric is really full of loopholes. If more than a thousand foreign experts were killed by him here, then if you didn't see the bodies of those foreign experts here, it must be Lin Nan. Take it away, and now Lin Nan only needs to display the corpses of the powerful aliens, and they will naturally believe it. There is nothing to say, but Lin Nan seems to be completely ignorant, which makes them very annoyed. Because Lin Nan's behavior is tantamount to despising them.

"It's not a monster, nor a fierce beast, nor a evil spirit. The monk I killed here that night was a strong Demon race. As for their bodies, they were processed by the heavenly spirit, so I couldn't take them out. Let me show you."

Lin Nan said calmly.

After saying this, Lin Nan turned and walked towards the depths of the field. As for whether the monks believed what he said, he didn't care anymore. The spirits of the heavens were too lazy to say anything, he was better than the heavens. The spirit still exists in horror, there is no reason to explain endlessly to the little monks here.

"You bastard, this is taking us off! This damn... The Demon Race exists in the legend, and I have never seen the Demon Clan monk after he has lived for endless years. You dare to use the Demon Clan to pass the book. Sister, this is not putting this seat in your eyes at all! If you don't make things clear today, you don't want to leave!"

"Yes, even if you are a half-step Immortal Sage, you have to clarify the matter today before you can leave. This is the Fuchun Holy Land jurisdiction. Three million miles away is the Fuchun Holy Land Mountain Gate. It is not an unruly wild. It’s not your turn to be presumptuous here!"

"You stop for me, don't say clearly, see where you can go!"

Those monks were so angry that they wanted to leave when Lin Nan said such a thing, and this was too much to take them seriously!

Suddenly, a group of great powers of the Immortal Venerable Realm used their methods one after another, and most of the cultivators of the Immortal King Realm also followed their tactics.

They didn't want to fight with Lin Nan, and they didn't dare. They just wanted to stop Lin Nan, but they were not vague when they shot.

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