There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 205: Overlord puts on the bow! (Three shifts)


  Wang Yuxuan still walked out, her pretty face flushed.

   If an outside fan meets, he will be surprised. The cold goddess in the daily life, at this moment, twists like a little girl!

   "Sorry, I didn't know you were back!"

  Wang Yuxuan said in a low voice, her little heart pounded and her voice was like a mosquito, inaudible!

   In front of so many people confessed that Lin Nan was actually on the scene, which is a coincidence!

   "Haha! It's okay, it's not because Lin Nan met me first. If I met you first, I am afraid that you are the one I like. Now that our daughters are available, I am not afraid that you will take Lin Nan!"

   Liu Ruqing stepped forward and took Wang Yuxuan's hand.


  Wang Yuxuan was taken aback, but Liu Ruqing didn't expect Liu Ruqing to say that. The embarrassing atmosphere was relieved a lot!

'is that true? If Lin Nan meets me first? Ugh! ’

  Wang Yuxuan sighed secretly, and her gaze at Lin Nan became a lot of resentment!

   "Ruqing, is this your daughter? How cute!"

  Wang Yuxuan turned her eyes and saw Lin Momo in Lin Nan's arms.

   "Her name is Momo!"

   "Come, meet for the first time, Auntie doesn't have any valuable gifts, this is for you!"

  Wang Yuxuan took off a blue diamond necklace from the jade neck. It seemed to be at least five or six carats, not millions, I'm afraid I can't buy it!

  The blue diamond necklace was worn on Lin Momo's neck as he spoke.

   "Hug! Pretty aunty hug!"

   Lin Momo betrayed instantly.

   "Haha! Come, let the beautiful aunt hug!"

  Wang Yuxuan smiled sweetly, and she hugged Lin Momo in her arms, carved and jade, like a little girl like a porcelain doll, very cute!

   after staying in the background for a while.

   Wang Yuxuan greeted the backstage staff, and took Lin Nan and others to the star-rated hotel near the school!

   "Let's go, I invite everyone to dinner!"


   At this moment, in the luxurious private room of the hotel.

   Several bosses worth tens of billions of dollars gathered here, drinking tea and chatting!

   These people are the big bosses of Tianhai City and are very interested in film investment.

   Hearing that Wang Yuxuan had come to Tianhai City, she immediately contacted Liu Feifei to discuss cooperation projects!

   "Boss Yang, this time Yu Xuan came to Tianhai City for an event, please take care of me!"

   Liu Feifei smiled.

   "It's easy to say! After a while, Yu Xuan's fan meeting is over, let her come to the hotel, and everyone has a meal together!" Boss Yang laughed.

   Liu Feifei was charming, tidying up her long hair, and said with a smile: "Boss Yang, we will still agree to this small request, Yuxuan!"

   "I will call her now!"

   Boss Yang nodded in satisfaction.

   In his heart, Wang Yuxuan has been coveted for a long time, that kind of cold face, looking from a distance, makes all men have a desire to conquer!

   First invite dinner, then give gifts, then invest in movies, give her villas, luxury cars, yachts, jewelry and other things, all set, no woman can resist the offensive!

   At that time, are you still obediently throwing in your arms?

   With this method, Boss Yang has long been familiar with the road!


   In front of the bosses, Liu Feifei made a call!

   On the other side, Wang Yuxuan answered the phone and pushed the dinner directly, saying that he would invite Lin Nan and the others to dinner, Liu Feifei was taken aback, Lin Nan came back?

   After thinking about it, he hung up the phone!

   "I'm sorry, Boss Yang! Yu Xuan is not feeling well today. Should we invite you to dinner tomorrow night?" Liu Feifei looked apologetic.


   "Ms. Liu, you are not playing tricks on me? I told you in the morning that I would invite Yu Xuan to eat. After the work at hand is finished, she will come to the hotel immediately. Now you tell me that Yu Xuan is uncomfortable?"

   Boss Yang's face was a little uncontrollable.

   Several business partners are watching here. At his worth, he invited a female celebrity to dinner, but the other party also made an excuse for being unwell?

  If it spreads to the business field in the future, wouldn't others say he is incompetent?

   "Boss Yang, you really misunderstood our Yuxuan, she is really uncomfortable!"

   "Yu Xuan said, tomorrow night, I invite you to dinner, and I will apologize to you!" Liu Feifei explained hurriedly.

   "Forget it, Brother Yang, a woman! It's normal to be unwell, what if someone else comes?"

   Another boss helped.

   Boss Yang's face eased slightly, and he looked at Liu Feifei and found that she looked like she wanted to talk but stopped!

   "Well, then tomorrow night!"

   "Since Yu Xuan is not here, we should also go back!"

   "What a **** disappointment!"

   As he said, Boss Yang got up and was about to leave. The other bosses had originally come to accompany him.

   Now the host and guest are going to leave, and the others will stay soon, and they got up one after another, ready to leave!

   "Boss Yang, I will give it to you!"

   A few people came out of the luxurious private room, and as soon as they got down to the lobby of the hotel on the first floor, they saw a group of people walking towards the hotel!

   and Boss Yang and others, happened to meet each other.

   One of them is not Wang Yuxuan, but who is it?

  After seeing Wang Yuxuan, several rich men looked like but not smiling!

   "Boss Yang, this is a bit interesting!"

   "Boss Yang, your beautiful lady, it seems that she is not in good health, she is still talking and laughing!"

   Boss Yang’s face was extremely gloomy, and his anger rushed straight to his forehead, his face almost deformed!

   In the presence of so many business partners, being played around by a woman!

   Now, just a few steps out of the private room, I was hit again!

   If this spreads out, it doesn’t need to be tomorrow. Tonight, the entire upper circle of Tianhai City will know that someone Yang failed to date a female star, and he was even teased!

   If this continues, he will not be able to mix up in the future?

   slapped Liu Feifei in the face!


   There was a crisp noise in the lobby.

   Everyone's eyes gathered together and looked at Boss Yang in surprise!

   "Sister Feifei!"

  Wang Yuxuan also noticed Liu Feifei, and rushed over directly to help Liu Feifei!

   The corners of Liu Feifei's mouth ooze traces of blood!

   "Damn, just a few stinky watches, dare you play me like this? I'm not feeling well? I will make you sick today!"

   Boss Yang was very angry, stretched out a hand, grabbed Wang Yuxuan's delicate wrist, and walked inside the hotel!

   As he walked, he still insulted something very bad!

   "Today, even if I am the overlord, I will do it for you! Grass! What the hell!"

   "Sister Yuxuan!"

   The two sisters Chu Yao and Chu Qiong exclaimed!

   "Baba! The pretty aunt has been bullied! Go and save the pretty aunt!"

   Just now, Lin Momo and Wang Yuxuan have become very familiar with each other!

   "Okay, Baba, let's save the beautiful aunt!"

   Lin Nan handed Lin Momo to Liu Ruqing and went up by himself!

   Without a word, he raised his hand and pinched it on Boss Yang's wrist!


   There was a crisp sound, and Boss Yang grabbed Wang Yuxuan's hand and it instantly deformed!


   Boss Yang screamed, grinned in pain, and squatted on the ground, cold sweat on his forehead rushed out!

   Wang Yuxuan was a little frightened, she hid behind Lin Nan, and looked at Boss Yang in horror!

   Boss Yang's horrible look just now left a shadow on her!

   If Lin Nan didn’t do it, I’m afraid there would be no one here to help her. The consequences would be disastrous!

   "Boy, you dare to hit me! You wait, you wait for me!"


   Lin Nan gave Boss Yang a cold look and kicked it.


   Boss Yang’s teeth were kicked by him instantly!

   The whole person also fell to the ground like a dead dog, wailing ceaselessly!


   Several friends of Boss Yang couldn’t help but breathe in the air!

   Who is this person? It's too cruel!

(End of this chapter)

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