There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 207: Samsung Lee! (Fifth more)

Longshan Garden on the outskirts of Tianhai City.

The elder of the Bai family, Bai Yuanshan, immediately got up after hanging up the phone, ready to go to Tianhai City!

"Grandpa, are you really ready to go?"

Granddaughter Bai Lingshan was a little surprised.

Five years later, Bai Lingshan has grown up, from a little girl to a slim and beautiful woman!

"Of course I am going, Mr. Lin, not an ordinary person!"

Bai Yuanshan nodded and continued:

"If we make friends with this person, it will be of great benefit to our Bai family!"

"Grandpa, I know, isn't he the Mr. Lin from Jiangnan City! Five years ago, he fought a stunning battle at the top of Yanhu Lake! He became the leader of China's martial arts! He disappeared for a while! "

Bai Lingshan said.

"A few days ago, he suddenly came back, and a total of four hundred heads were beheaded in Jiangnan, Jiangdong, and Jiangbei!"

"Since you know everything, why stop me from seeing him?" Bai Yuanshan frowned.

This granddaughter is good at everything, beautiful, virtuous, filial and decent!

The only downside is that he is too arrogant, his eyes are above the top, and he feels inferior to him when he sees everything!

Just like the boyfriend brought back this time, if he hadn't been the heir of the Samsung consortium, it would still be difficult for Bai Lingshan to see him!

"Grandpa! This Mr. Lin is the first person in the south of the Yangtze River. Now that our Bai family ranks in the top three in Tianhai City, right? Where is Jiangnan and what is Tianhai City? Isn't my Bai family comparable to him? ?" Bai Lingshan shook her head.

"You are the dignified old man of the Bai family, even if you are the leader of Tianhai City, you are polite to see you! For a young man in his twenties, you left the villa at night and went to see him in person, which is really depraved. !"

"If you really want to see him, send an invitation tomorrow morning and let him come to see you. I'm afraid he won't save you face, right?"

After speaking, Bai Yuanshan opened his mouth!

He couldn't believe that such a thing was actually said from his granddaughter!

"Lingshan, do you really think so?"

"Of course!"


Hearing this answer, Bai Yuanshan sighed and shook his head: "This Mr. Lin, in addition to the identities you mentioned, there are two other nicknames in the underground world forum!"

"A person named Thunder Master!"

"The other one is called the Devil Satan!"


Bai Lingshan was taken aback, she was just a woman after all, without enough city government!

After hearing these two names, her eyes widened and her mouth grew wide!

Other people may not know the meaning of these two names, but Bai Lingshan's family is almost the top big family in China, how can they not know?

At the same time, on the other side, a gentle and well-dressed young mixed-race man was suddenly bright!

"Oh? This person?"

From the beginning, the dialogue between Bai Yuanshan and Bai Lingshan.

The mixed-race man kept silent all the time!

Only when he talked about ‘Thunder Master’ and ‘Satan the Devil’ did his eyes light up!

This young mixed-race man is Bai Lingshan’s Korean boyfriend who has just returned from studying in Korea and brought home!

His name is Li Jinxuan, he has an amazing history, one of the future heirs of the South Korean Samsung Foundation, and he is an important training target!

South Korea's Samsung Consortium has a profound background and is one of the world's largest consortia, which is comparable to the Mitsubishi consortium of the Japanese nation, the Citi consortium, the Rothschild consortium and the Morgan consortium of the United States!

The annual income is as high as hundreds of billions of dollars. Nearly one-fifth of the gDP in Korea is contributed by the Samsung Consortium!

Bai Lingshan studied in South Korea and met the heir of the Samsung Group during an upper-class dance party in Seoul!

However, such a powerful group will naturally not throw all the eggs in the same basket!

Although Li Jinxuan is one of the future heirs of the Samsung Consortium, it is still unknown whether the future Samsung Consortium will be handed over to him!

In recent years, the power of the Samsung consortium has gradually penetrated into China!

Although Bai Lingshan's family is not as good as the Samsung Consortium of the Li Jinxuan family, if a big family in a super first-tier city like Tianhai City can marry with it, it will be favored by the top of the Samsung Consortium!

The future Li Jinxuan may not be in charge of the Samsung Consortium!

Besides, Bai Lingshan looks like and does not lose to those first-line stars. How can Li Jinxuan let this opportunity of killing two birds with one stone?

Therefore, when Bai Lingshan returned to China, the two confirmed the relationship between her boyfriend and girlfriend, and followed her to the Bai family in Tianhai City!

"Do you know him too?"

Bai Yuanshan looked at Li Jinxuan.

As one of the heirs of the Samsung Consortium, Li Jinxuan knows the "Thunder Master" and "Devil Satan", Bai Yuanshan is not surprised!

"I'll be one or two!"

Li Jinxuan nodded lightly and said like a few treasures:

"Five and a half years ago, in the Siberian Plain, in Russia, in a valley of hidden gates, a family with the surname of the Xiao family was wiped out by lightning. More than 500 people in the Xiao family died in the thunder! "

"Among the other two hermit families in the valley, someone used a high-definition camera to capture the scene at that time! A young man stood in the void and controlled the thunder!"

"That night, the name of the controller of Thunder instantly swept through the forums of the underground world. Major organizations around the world, CiA in the United States, the angels of **** in Canada, and the gangsters in Italy... Xiang throws an olive branch and wants to attract this person!"

"Even, the angels of **** did not hesitate to throw a high price of 100 million U.S. dollars to inquire about this person!"

"My Samsung consortium is collecting information about this person!"

Speaking of this, Li Jinxuan sighed, "It's a pity! No one knew the origin of the thunder controller at that time!"

"American CiA's intelligence is worthy of being the most advanced in the world! They were the first to find the master of Thunder!"

"Later, I don't know why, that night, the CiA headquarters in the Pacific actually detonated nuclear weapons, causing all the people in the base to die! Only in the black box did a photo of the Thunder controller come out!"

"As for the name Satan the Devil! It came from Europe. It is said that the elder in the 17th rudder of the Bright Church in Europe was burned to death by a person with a silver flame overnight!"

"When the believers of the Bright Church saw it, they gave the person who did it, and named it'Satan the Devil'!"

"Later, a **** of the blood race came forward to clarify that the devil Satan is the master of Thunder! And it was confirmed by CiA of the United States!"

"So, the people in the underground forum know that Satan the Devil and the master of Thunder are actually the same person!"

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