There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 211: Li Jinxuan's plan! (Three shifts)

The beautiful eyes of Jiaolong are full of splendor!

The heirs of the Samsung consortium have been abolished by Lin Nan. If you say that, it is impossible for Lin Nan and the Samsung consortium to go together!

After all, China today has taken measures to suppress South Korea and Japan!

Behind these two countries, the person standing is also the United States. Now the Samsung consortium is in a stalemate with Lin Nan, which at least shows that Lin Nan will not favor the United States!

In this way, it is good for China!

Jiaolong was very excited.

After calming down his excitement, Jiaolong looked straight and asked, "Mr. Lin, I don't know if the medicine can be provided to our Dragon Team?"

For fear of Lin Nan's misunderstanding, Jiaolong added another sentence!

"We can give money!"

"Do you think I need money?" Lin Nan smiled but looked at Jiaolong.

Jiaolong did not give up, and continued:

"Mr. Lin, this pill is really important to our Dragon Group!"

"Moreover, the essence contained in your pill is so huge that even I have a feeling of heat in my body after I take it. It is dozens of times stronger than those pill auctioned in the underground world! If you can provide me with a batch of these By planting pills, we may be able to cultivate a group of masters in our dragon group!"

"In this way, it will be of great benefit to the country!"

Lin Nan clapped his hands and smiled: "Mo'er, come! It's time to pick up mom from school!"

"Hehe, okay!"

Lin Momo ran all the way and threw himself into Lin Nan's arms.

Lin Nan picked up Lin Momo, turned and walked outside the cafe!

Regarding Jiaolong's words, it seemed that he hadn't heard it!

"Really, not a gentleman at all!"

Jiaolong stomped angrily.

Looking back, she found that behind the bar of the coffee shop, stood an old man with a smile, who seemed to be in his sixties!

"Huh? You are Lin Canghai?"

Jiaolong recognized this person.

"Hello! Venerable Jiaolong!"

Lin Canghai smiled softly.

Before in the Philippines, Lin Canghai had seen Jiaolong, but at that time, she was not the dragon king of the dragon group, and it was half a century ago!

"You... have you entered the realm of earth fairy?"

Jiaolong was taken aback and looked at Lin Canghai incredulously.

You know, Lin Canghai was a mere warrior in the early stage of internal strength!

At that time, Jiaolong was already ranked as the master of martial arts!

Half a century later, Lin Canghai has become an earth fairy? This kind of cultivation speed is really amazing!

"Thanks to the master's gift!"

Lin Canghai smiled faintly.

Jiaolong's eyes flickered twice, and it suddenly became clear in his heart that Lin Nan could treat the **** pill as a candy for Lin Momo to eat, then this kind of pill must be very large in his hand!

Lin Canghai's ability to enter the realm of earth immortality is probably also the effect of this kind of medicine!

She didn't even know that Lin Canghai's earth fairy realm was given to him by Lin Nan casually!

‘The most urgent task is to send these medicinal medicines back to the Dragon Team for testing to see the essence content in them! ’

Jiaolong thought in his heart.

Suddenly, she smiled at Lin Canghai and said with a charming smile: "Lin Canghai, are you interested in joining our dragon group?"

"Although you can't become the sixth dragon king, it's okay to give you the position of S-level team leader and grant you the rank of three-star general!"

Lin Canghai gave Jiaolong a light look!

"Venerable Dragon, I'm sorry, I'm not interested in women! So don't use your beauty tricks on me!" Lin Canghai smiled.


Jiaolong's beautiful eyes widened and his feet jumped angrily.

At this time, several students walked into the cafe after class!

"Uncle Lin, we want two cups of original flavor, plus a cup of latte and a cup of macchiato!"

One of the girls smiled.

"Okay, why did you come so early today? On weekdays, isn't it the afternoon?"

As soon as Lin Canghai's momentum took off, he instantly turned into an amiable old man, while chatting with students about the daily routine, while preparing coffee!

"Haha, there is no class in the afternoon. We agreed to go shopping, so we came at noon!"

"It's a pity, Uncle Lin, you can give your boss your opinion, if only lunch can be provided! The environment is so good here, there will be many people coming!"

Several students said.

"Okay, I will tell the boss!" Lin Canghai nodded.

Seeing this scene, Jiaolong was dumbfounded with surprise, his beautiful eyes widened!

Do you dare to believe that this is a strong man in the gods? Facing a group of ordinary people, who is willing to be a waiter?

Could it be that the position of S-level leader of the Dragon Group, the rank of the Chinese three-star general, is not comparable to that of a waiter in a cafe?

Just when Jiaolong was in a daze, a boy's voice came.

"Miss sister, add a WeChat?"

Jiaolong returned to God and glared at the boy, "Calling Grandma!"

She is over a hundred years old. Although she has maintained her youthful appearance, she is called a young lady by a boy in her early twenties?

"Um, grandma, add a WeChat?"

The boy was taken aback.


Jiaolong turned around and left!


South Korea, Seoul, Samsung Foundation headquarters!

As South Korea's largest company, one of the world's super consortia, Samsung consortium's business, electronics, finance, machinery, chemistry and many other fields!

Li Jinxuan ignored the serious physical injury, but found the accompanying doctor and flew back overnight!

At noon, successfully arrived at the headquarters of the Samsung Consortium.

"Jin Hyun? What are you doing?"

The big guys of the Samsung consortium were shocked when they saw Li Jinxuan, Li Jinxuan looked haggard, and occasionally blood spilled from the corners of his mouth!

He was depressed, and he seemed to be seriously injured!

"Uncles, I'm sorry, it's me who is not good! I did not succeed in winning the Thunder Master!"

Li Jinxuan's expression of apology was extremely sincere.

"what happened?"

Several Samsung bosses frowned.

Li Jinxuan knew that if he told the truth and offended the controller of Thunder, he would probably remove all his positions with the character of the Samsung consortium!

My life is over, I can no longer enter the core of the consortium!

If you put it another way, maybe the situation will improve!

Therefore, I just listened to Li Jinxuan saying: "I kindly wooed the Thunder controller, and even willing to give him the status of a Korean citizen, and take his wife and daughter to South Korea to develop, but instead of appreciating him, he did it to me!"


"There is such a thing!"

The faces of several big men changed slightly.

"Too much deception! We kindly draw him in, even if we disagree, we won't do it!"

"Does he really think that no one in the world can cure him?"

"Huh! The latest news, the Japanese government is already preparing to find the strong in the underground world and prepare to kill the thunder controller! That is Kyoto, what the thunder controller did in Kyoto can be said to be the whole thing. Waguo’s face, on the surface, Waguo swallowed his anger on the surface, and he was already making small moves in private!"

"Originally we thought that we could win over the masters of Thunder and fight against the Japanese kingdom, but we still failed!"

"Tell me carefully, what's going on!"

Several big guys from Samsung have anger on their faces!

Seeing the reactions of several uncles, a smile appeared in Li Jinxuan's heart. It seemed that his plan was about to be half done!

He is alone, maybe not Lin Nan's opponent!

If Li Jinxuan does not believe the entire Samsung consortium, what can Lin Nan do?

Now it seems that the entire Wa country has to be added!

A world-class super consortium, plus a country, no one can fight!

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