There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 219: Liu Ruqing, jealous of her daughter! (First more)

The news of the Golden Sacred Dragon in Tianhai City swept all over the world!

A living dragon is really shocking!

Everyone originally thought that dragons are things in fairy tales, and they did not expect to see them in the real world!

For a time, the image of Ergouzi became popular throughout the Internet and became a national idol!

Ergouzi is also very powerful. He has appeared in front of people many times, saying that he has come to the world to inspect the world under the order of the dragon group!

People are even more convinced that this dragon belongs to the dragon group!

The four dragon kings in the dragon group were about to vomit blood out of anger.

And they found that more and more spies appeared near the headquarters of Dragon Group!

They seem to want to enter the dragon group to inquire about the news!

There was only Jiaolong with a strange expression. She seemed to know who owned this dragon, but she couldn't believe it!

How can Lin Nan own a real dragon by himself?

Too incredible, right?


On weekends, in the park behind Tianhai City University.

"Come on, sit cross-legged!"

Lin Nan's family appeared here early in the morning, sunrise in the east, purple qi coming from the east, it is most suitable for cultivation!

After the aura is revived, the world's aura is extremely abundant!

In the morning in the park, there are many practitioners, many men, women and children, sitting cross-legged among the flowers and under the towering trees, breathing out!

"Come on, my wife and Mo'er sit down obediently, follow me, and get angry!"

Lin Nan sat under the tree, facing the mother and daughter, and taught them how to practice!

"Baba, what is dantian?" Lin Momo asked curiously.

For a four-and-a-half-year-old girl, this world is so magical, everything from flowers, trees, sun, moon and stars, high-rise buildings, cars and airplanes are all novelties!

"The dantian is something three inches below your belly button! Within the human body, you can absorb the aura. If you feel the aura, as long as you run the breathing method, these auras will enter the body from the pores of your body!" Lin Nan explained with a smile.

Lin Momo closed his eyes.


"Baba, I saw so many little stars!"

Little Lolita seems to have discovered a new world!

"By the way, this is aura, you try to realize their existence, and then collect them!"

With a smile on Lin Nan's face, he was very gentle, teaching Lin Momo's practice hand in hand, and constantly explaining to her and teaching her some experiences, Lin Momo understood very quickly!

Liu Ruqing was very depressed, staring at Lin Nan, and said angrily: "Lin Nan! Why did I close my eyes and didn't see the little star!"

"Ahem, wife, this... how can I explain, you are just an ordinary mortal, and Mo'er is our daughter, not a mortal fetus, but a semi-immortal body, so her talent is much better than you! "

Lin Nan explained patiently.


Liu Ruqing snorted, watching Lin Nan caring for Lin Momo, couldn't help but feel jealous!

After thinking for a while, Liu Ruqing's beautiful eyes turned, suddenly smiled slyly, and had an idea in her heart!

"Lin Nan, I feel that I'm so confused, becoming your woman, too bad!" Liu Ruqing suddenly said.

Lin Nan secretly shouted badly in his heart, always feeling that there was fraud in it!


Liu Ruqing stood up, patted the dust on her body, smiled, proudly like a queen, looking down at the two sitting cross-legged, her pretty faces were full of cold and proud!

"From now on, sister, I am a single noble! You two, I have been driven out of the house! Also, at night, don't come to sleep with me, just sleep in the living room!"

"What's wrong with Ma Ma?" Lin Momo asked innocently.

"I don't know either!"

Lin Nan looked dumbfounded.

"Idiot! Huh, you and me have never chased me before, I don’t know what it feels like to be chased, I don’t care, from now on, you two will chase me together, don’t ignore me !"

"And your little Lolita, don't think you are only four and a half years old, I won't be polite to you!"

Liu Ruqing glared at Lin Momo with a sense of needle-pointing to the wheat.

"Mama, you know, I'm only four and a half years old?" Lin Momo said innocently.

"Puff! Hahaha—! Ahem!"

Lin Nan chuckled, and was amused by Lin Momo's words, the tears of laughter almost came out!

"You! Lin Nan, don't laugh!" Liu Ruqing glared at Lin Nan.

Lin Nan immediately held back his smile, his face muscles twitched slightly, very uncomfortable!

"Hmph, you are obedient, from now on you two, continue to practice here! Sister, I'm leaving!"

After speaking, Liu Ruqing turned around and left the park proudly!

He understood the black line on Lin Nan's forehead. He was so kind to Lin Momo, and somewhat ignored Liu Ruqing, she was jealous...!

"Ma Ma ran away!"

"Ma Ma is jealous, Mo'er, should we think of a way to chase Ma Ma back?" Lin Nan smiled.


Lin Momo nodded seriously.

At this moment, a group of young men and women passed by!

They are wearing training clothes, and some of them have spiritual energy fluctuations in their bodies, and they are about to enter the Qi refining period!

"Baba! This sister is so beautiful!"

Lin Momo looked at one of the women, her pretty face was cold and arrogant, like a snow lotus, the stars came as if they were holding the moon!

After hearing Lin Momo's voice, the woman smiled lightly, making Baihua pale, leaning over and asking:

"Little sister, are you here to practice too?"

"Yes, I followed Baba!"

Lin Momo said milkily.

"Haha! So cute!"

The woman pursed her mouth and looked at Lin Nan's eyes. She didn't feel any spiritual energy fluctuations from Lin Nan's body. A trace of contempt flashed deep in her eyes!

Looking at Lin Momo again, the aura in his body fluctuated astonishingly, and it seemed very powerful!

"Hiss! This is?"

The woman's pretty face changed color.

Not only her, but also the young men and women wearing practice clothes behind, all had ecstasy and irresistible expressions on their faces!

"The aura in this little girl's body is too rich!"

"Could it be a natural cultivation genius?"

"Isn't the immortals looking for people with spiritual roots in the world? This little girl is so young, and the aura in her body fluctuates so violently, maybe she is someone who contains'spiritual roots'!"

Several young men and women were talking, their faces were extremely excited.

"However, the immortal masters have already left Tianhai City, saying that they are going to find the dragon, and I don't know when they will come back!"

"Yes, this is a little troublesome!"

These young people frowned.

"Mo'er, let's go!"

Lin Nan got up, as if he hadn't heard these people's words!

"Baba hug!"

Lin Momo stretched out a small hand, Lin Nan hugged her in his arms, ready to leave!

"Wait! Hello, my name is Feiya!"

Feiya stood up.

Feiya in front of her was a bit more beautiful than Jiaolong. In addition to the glamour on the surface, she was more of the arrogance in her bones!

"what's up?"

Lin Nan frowned.

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