There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 2287: As long as you know


Not only those cultivators of the Immortal Realm of Ten Thousand Stones Holy Land were dumbfounded, but even the Saint Master of Ten Thousand Stones Holy Land is now a little doubtful of life.

He knew that Lin Nan was very powerful, but he never thought that Lin Nan’s daughter, a seven or eight-year-old little girl, had such a powerful strength. He could be sure that the little girl was supreme even in the early days of the ordinary fairy. Under the chase, they may not be killed, there is a 70 to 80% probability that they can escape safely.

This... is terrible!

In this Scarlet Star Territory, the most powerful is undoubtedly their Nineteen Saint Sect and the evil spirit clan. All the talents in the world are captured by their Nineteen Saint Sect, but even so, there has never been a little girl like this. The existence of against the sky, this is really against the sky, it is no longer an exaggerated metaphor.

How can there be such an existence in this world? How... can there be such an existence? !

Definitely shouldn't, and absolutely shouldn't have such an existence!

"I heard that your Ten Thousand Stones Holy Land still has an upper sect in the third heaven, is it true?"

Lin Nan asked.

"Ah? It's true naturally. It was my ancestors of the Ten Thousand Stone Holy Land who got a great opportunity in the sky, and directly entered the third heaven, and gained a foothold in the third heaven. More than a billion years ago, we I met the disciple and grandson of that sage in the sky, and learned that the sect opened by the sage in the fourth heaven is not inferior to my ten thousand-stone holy land in the second heaven. status."

The Holy Master of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones was stunned, and when he came back to his senses, he immediately said everything he knew. He really only knew so much. After all, it has been too long and too long. He is very old, but he has never seen him. The sage who passed, only learned from the founder of the mountain, and he really met those monks in the sky more than a billion years ago? and fought side by side with him, so he was sure that this was true.

Although he could not get in touch with the sage who was in the third heaven? But after Lin Nan asked this question, he suddenly understood that Lin Nan's family may not have come from the lower realm, but from a higher heaven. The layer went to the lower realm, and then came back step by step? And they were so dying on the way of Lin Nan's family? They provoke the existence of this family against the sky.

After the Saint Lord of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones said this, he seemed to have taken a reassurance pill? My heart was immediately settled.

He felt that Lin Nan should have come from the third heaven. Otherwise, he would not care about it so much? After saying that he could not get such a positive answer, Lin Nan, after weighing the pros and cons, stopped giving them the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones. Got it!

"That's it? Then you can rest in peace? I'll take this spear to the one in the third heaven? Look at the monks walking out of your Ten Thousand Stone Holy Land? Are they all like these monks in your mountain gate, It's useless."

Lin Nan said flatly.


After hearing Lin Nan's words? The Saint Lord of Ten Thousand Stones Holy Land suddenly opened his eyes? He couldn't believe his ears.

He who had thought that the situation had subsided? Didn't think? I couldn't believe Lin Nan would actually say such a thing.

But what else is there for him to say? Lin Nan did not respond to him any more, and he did not even have time to react? He saw Lin Nan raising his hand with a light wave, and he lost consciousness, and everything between heaven and earth has been with him. It doesn't matter.

Between that wave of hand? The Holy Master of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones has been turned into a ball of dust, and his soul is scattered? Ashes disappeared. The same is true for the millions of disciples of the Holy Land in front of the mountain gate, and the monks in the mountain gate have not been spared. , Even those strong men who are in control of the mountain protection formation and are ready to attack Lin Nan at any time, at this moment, they are directly transformed into a ball of powder, and disappear between the heaven and the earth like the Holy Master of the Ten Thousand Stone Holy Land.

From now on, the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones will no longer exist in the Scarlet Star Region. The only thing there may be the legend about it. Even as the years go by, the legend of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones will completely disappear until no one remembers it. Or only some old monks remembered, but no one mentioned it again.

After killing all the monks in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones, Lin Nan waved his hand and put away the spear. Just when he was about to leave, he thought for a while. This time he did not combine the treasures of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones. The cultivating classics are left, after all, the Dayan Holy Land has already been left. If all the foundations of the Ten Thousand Stone Holy Land are left, the Scarlet Star Region will not know what it will become in the future.

After putting away the treasures and classics in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones, Lin Nan sensed the situation of Liu Ruqing and others. Seeing that it was almost over there, he withdrew his spiritual knowledge, thought about it, and went straight away. The location of the Celestial Clan.

In front of the towering mountain gate, Lin Nan hugged the little girl and walked directly in. All the guardians of the Celestial Clan had their eyes widened. They couldn't believe that someone could walk in without their permission. The Celestial Clan residence, this is too **** unreal, too **** scary!

But before the children of the Celestial Clan could give an early warning, Tianxuan, who had already entered the middle stage of the Immortal Sage, flew over and came to Lin Nan and his daughter to make a polite greeting.

"You seem to have a big opinion of my father."

Lin Momo glanced at Tianxuan Supreme, and said milkily.

"If I killed you and your mother, how do you think your father would treat me?"

Tianxuan Supreme snorted coldly, and asked the little girl who seemed to be somewhat stupid.

"Then it goes without saying that my father will surely slap and destroy all of your heavenly people."

The little girl said without thinking.

"As long as you know."

Tianxuan Zhizun gave the little girl a white look, very angry.

"But my father has this level of strength. You don't have it. Besides, my father said that you can consider resurrecting your husband and your son, but you still have such an attitude. This is very difficult."

The black and translucent eyes rolled around twice, the little girl said solemnly.


Hearing the words of the little girl, Tianxuan Supreme wanted to refute, but he was speechless and didn't know how to respond. After all, what the little girl said was the truth.

But soon, Tianxuan Supreme realized the unusualness, and couldn't help showing his joy.

"Senior is going to a higher level?"

After realizing this possibility, Tianxuan Supreme happily asked Lin Nan.

She was sure, and very hopeful that this was the case, after all, Lin Nan would not be able to go to the Celestial Clan if he was fine.

And Lin Nan said before that before heading to the higher heavens, he could consider resurrecting Beichen and Beichi. Now Lin Nan has come to the heavens with the little girl, and this seems to have come to fulfill his original promise to her!

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