There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 2294: The big thing is bad!

Hearing the old man's question, before Lin Nan could respond, the cultivators onlookers all looked at Lin Nan.

They were also extremely curious about what kind of person Lin Nan was, where did he come from, and what kind of immortal door he had walked out of. Only with the cultivation base of the early stage of the immortal sage, he could easily take the Qianshan Immortal Sect. This is not an ordinary great elder.

There is no doubt that they are very clear about the strength of the old man, and it is for this reason that they also vaguely understand what kind of existence Lin Nan is against the sky.

An immortal saint’s early existence already possesses the means not inferior to the immortal saint’s peak level existence. This is too...too damned against the sky, let alone their Canglong Star Region, the surrounding star regions. In China, there has never been such an existence against the sky!

"Do you think you are qualified to know?"

Lin Nan did not answer the old man, but instead asked such a sentence.

"you you……"

The old man was angered by Lin Nan again, and this time was different. This time he was directly angry. As the supreme of the middle stage of the fairy sage, at this moment, he was so angry that he directly spit out his blood.

"My God... unexpectedly... I was wounded directly from the road, this... this is too... too much!"

"It's also... it's not incomprehensible. If I had the strength of the Great Elder Qianshan Immortal Sect, if I met this black-clothed youth again, I should...also be so angry!"

"Yeah! I can't fight, say... the other party is too lazy to say anything, and the other party is watching from beginning to end, this... even if you don't have the strength of the Qianshan Immortal Sect Great Elder, you have encountered such a situation. , I should... also be madly mad!"

Seeing the old man spit out his blood, the crowd of onlookers could not help being surprised, but soon they were relieved. After all, this situation is really frustrated. The immortal holy supreme, who has never suffered a loss, was directly caught The existence of the name, not to mention, the other party still completely despises himself, this is really no matter who comes, it may not be able to suppress the excitement.

Suddenly, all the onlookers could not help but feel that the old man was very pitiful and very sad.

You know, this is the great elder of the Qianshan Immortal Sect, a supreme in the middle stage of the Immortal Sage, and still an extraordinary existence in the middle stage of the Immortal Sage!

Now... but in such a fate, I dare not look at it, it seems very sad!

"you wanna die!"

After spitting out a mouthful of blood, and then listening to the comments of the onlookers, the old man became even more annoyed. Originally, after spitting out a mouthful of blood, he had calmed down a bit, and at this moment he was completely in a state of rampage.

Isn't it just death?

He has been alive for too long, even if he is dead now, it is absolutely worth it!

In an instant, the old man's gaze fell apart, and he couldn't help but rushed directly to Lin Nan.

"Oh my God! He is going to blew himself up, get out quickly, get out quickly!!!"

At the moment when the old man rushed towards Lin Nan, the few onlookers saw the clues, and immediately panicked, hurriedly shouted, and quickly fleeed.

His grandmother's, that is a mid-stage existence of the fairy sage, blew himself up at such a close distance, even if they were all of the existence of the fairy sage level, they would definitely be half dead!

All of a sudden, all the immortal Saints who had reacted, cursed the old man with great anger in their hearts, wishing to cramp the old man and thwart his bones!

"A bit spine, but still dying."

Lin Nan spoke lightly, then stretched out his hand again, pointing out.


The old man who was rushing towards him died, to be precise, he broke!

However, the old man did not blew himself up, but was directly blown up by Lin Nan.

The old man turned into a ball of fans. In the last moments of his life, he was determined, but it was of no use. His absolute decisiveness was very useful. Even if he could not kill the opponent, he could blow the opponent into Seriously injured.

But it was a pity that it was Lin Nan that he met, not to mention his blew up by a sage-level monk, even if the Supreme Emperor wanted to blew himself up in front of Lin Nan, he would be easily taken aside by Lin Nan.

"No... okay?!"

After the crowd of onlookers escaped, they felt that even if they wouldn’t be half-dead, they would still be seriously injured, but until they flew to a safe enough zone, there was no existence of the immortal sage level after the explosion. , Which puzzled them.

When I turned my head and looked around, I saw the blood mist that hadn't completely landed, and saw the unharmed Lin Nan and his group and the monks onlookers, all the escaping Immortal Saint Supreme was dumbfounded.

How is this going?

Suddenly, a group of Immortal Sage Supreme looked at each other, is it possible... That young man in black already... already possesses the super combat power at the peak level of Immortal Sage? And it's the group of people who are also among the top ranks among the strength of the immortal saint peak level?

But... this shouldn't be it, he is just a... the cultivator in the early days of the immortal saint, no matter how defying the sky is, it is impossible...not to mention having such a fighting power against the sky!

"Huh? Is it possible..."

A fairy sage supreme in the Blue Dragon Holy Land thought of a possibility. After thinking of this possibility, he was dumbfounded, looked at Lin Nan and the others in a daze, and it took a long time to react, and wait for it to react. After that, he didn't dare to stay anymore, and turned directly to the Canglong Fairy Palace in the center of the city.

He knows that things are getting bigger, no wonder their Canglong Sacred Land has not detected the whereabouts of Lin Nan and others. This damn... an existence that absolutely possesses the most precious treasure, they can find a ghost!

The Immortal Sage Supreme of the Blue Dragon Holy Land is really panicking now, and he also knows that the Qianshan Immortal Sect is really going to end this time, even if that existence comes, it may not be able to keep the Qianshan Immortal Sect, even... …Not even if you dare to protect it!

On the other side, Lin Nan was not in a good mood, but when he lowered his head and saw the smiling little girl Linger, he also smiled.

He originally didn't want to be entangled here too much, thinking about beating Qianshan Immortal Sect and leaving, but no matter what, things did not develop in the direction he hoped.

However, since the little girl likes this kind of excitement, he doesn't mind tossing about it here. After all, he has two daughters. Although Lin Momo is not as obvious as Ling'er, it is also a restless little girl. Guy, it looks very quiet now, but the excitement gleaming in those big Shui Lingling eyes has deeply betrayed her.

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