There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 2299: Wansheng Starfield

For the Canglong Holy Land, Canglong Immortal Palace, the Holy Lord had indeed prepared the banquet, waiting for Lin Nan and his party to arrive.

The holy lord of Canglong Holy Land is a woman. She is not very old. She is still less than 30 million years old. But her Taoism is very high. Now she can step into the Holy Ancestral Realm at any time, just because she still has Some things have not been handled properly, so she cannot break through.

She is not a cultivator who descended from the fourth heaven, but a pure and pure person from the third heaven. Her talent is really amazing enough to make the powerful people of the fourth heaven surprised. She left a top spot, and after she stepped into the Saint Ancestral Realm and soared to the fourth heaven, she made her become the Supreme Elder of the Canglong Pavilion.

There are many star regions around the Canglong star field. This is a star field group. The Holy Master of Canglong Holy Land knows these, and she also knows very well that she is the only one in this star field group who possesses such an extraordinary talent. Although the Wansheng Star Field behind the Mountain Immortal Sect is powerful, there has never been an existence like her. Throughout the ages, it seems that there has only been an existence like her in this star field group. If it is less than 30 million years old, it is already possible. Entering the Saint Ancestor Realm, the third heaven's assessment of the Proud Son of Heaven no longer applies to her.

But she is not in a good mood now, not because of the Immortal Sect of the Thousand Mountains, nor the Saint Sect in other star regions, but because of Lin Nan and his group.

She was already able to step into the Saint Ancestral Realm at any time. After receiving the report, she had a special deduction for Lin Nan and his party, but she had no gain. Although at the last moment, there seemed to be some signs that could make her see Lin Nan and his party. The origin of the person.

But she did not continue the deduction, because her sense of consciousness told her that if she continued the deduction, not only would she not be able to find out the origins of Lin Nan and others, but she would also be injured by the great avenue herself, and the vague feeling was just that It's just an illusion, it's not that you can really know the origin of Lin Nan by dispelling that layer of mist.

She has always believed in her own sense of consciousness, so she never continued to deduct it, and because of this, she was in a bad mood, because she didn't know whether Lin Nan and others would take action against Canglong Holy Land.

"Holy Lord, the elders are back."

While the Holy Master of Canglong Holy Land was meditating, a half-step immortal saint walked into the main hall and whispered a report to the Holy Master of Canglong Holy Land sitting high on the throne.

"Let them in."

The Sage Lord of Canglong Holy Land retracted his thoughts, looked down at the half-step immortal saint, and said.

The half-step Immortal Saint Venerable responded respectfully and then withdrew from the main hall. Soon after, the few Immortal Saint Venerables who had invited Lin Nan walked into the main hall together.

"Who wouldn't come?"

Seeing that Lin Nan and his party had not come together, and before the few immortal sages could speak, the Sage Master of Canglong Holy Land asked.

"Thanks to the Holy Master, the senior declined the invitation and has now left Canglong City, but when he left, the senior presented a magical artifact, saying it was a gift to the Holy Master."

Those immortal saints first saluted, and then the leader among them respectfully spoke.

If they were the original holy lord, they would certainly not need to be so cautious. After all, they are all immortal holy supreme. Although they are of different levels, they still respect each other, but today’s holy lord is very different, except for being holy. In addition to the Lord, the Supreme Elder who has been appointed as the Fourth Heavenly Sect Canglong Pavilion, even if the current Saint Lord was once their descendants, now they can't help being disrespectful.

Of course, they are also very convinced. After all, this holy master has real abilities. He is less than 30 million years old and has already reached the peak of the immortal saint. Not to mention, it seems that he is about to step into the holy ancestor realm recently. He will step into the fourth heaven and serve as the elder of the Supreme Sect. If they don't even respect such a heavenly existence, there seems to be no one worthy of their respect in this world.

"Huh? What kind of magic weapon?"

Hearing the words of the immortal saint supreme, the holy lord of Canglong Holy Land suddenly became interested, and he also had doubts in his heart.

She already knew from the name that Immortal Saint Supreme had to Lin Nan. The magic weapon that Lin Nan sent must not be simple. Otherwise, that Immortal Saint Supreme would not call Lin Nan a senior, and his attitude was so sincere.

"I also ask the Lord to see it in person."

The Immortal Saint Supreme thought for a while, felt that he didn't seem to have much convincing power when he said it, and he didn't know what grade the magic artifact was, so he took out the magic treasure and sent it to the holy Before the Lord.

"this is……"

When the magic weapon hadn't been acquired, the Sage Master of Canglong Sacred Land didn't think it was unusual, but when she reached out to hold the magic weapon, she suddenly changed color.

Those Immortal Sage Supremes could not see the rank of this magic weapon, but as soon as she started it, she instantly knew that it was an ancestor tool, and it seemed to be a top-grade ancestor tool, but she knew it after a little bit of induction. , This artifact is a middle-grade ancestor artifact, but the power that can be urged is not inferior to any high-grade ancestor artifact.

And... this ancestral tool seems to have been specially refined for her, and it fits her extremely well, which is extremely terrifying. It is possible to carry such an ancestral tool to walk on the third heaven and send it out. She has never been suppressed by heaven and earth. The most important thing is that she can easily give such a treasure to someone who has never met before. At this moment, the Holy Lord of the Blue Dragon Holy Land is incomparably at a loss. She wants to know Lin incomparably. Nan's identity comes from, but he feels inexplicably jealous and dare not think about it!


Lin Nan and his party went to Qianshan Xianzong, but did not stay too much this time. Lin Nan did not directly destroy Qianshan Xianzong, but killed some of the high-level members of Qianshan Xianzong. As for those half-step immortals. He didn't pay attention to the monks below the sage and the half-step sage.

After leaving Qianshan Xianzong, Lin Nan went directly to Wansheng Star Region.

He knew that the Sect Master Qianshan Xianzong came to the Wansheng Star Territory and entered the Wansheng Holy Land to seek refuge. However, after arriving in the Wansheng Star Territory, he did not go directly to the Wansheng Holy Land, but went relatively elsewhere. In a remote area, here is the jurisdiction of the Ten Thousand Stone Immortal Sect.

And this Ten Thousand Stone Immortal Sect is the monk in the Second Heaven Ten Thousand Stone Holy Land. Because of a coincidence in the sky, after stepping into the third heaven, the sect opened in this Wansheng Star Territory is influenced by Wansheng Holy Land. Jurisdiction and asylum.

Lin Nan couldn't help laughing when he arrived at the gate of Wanshi Xianzong Mountain.

The people in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones said that after the monk of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones came here, the influence of the immortal gate opened up was great, no less than that of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones in the Scarlet Star Territory. It made sense after removing Wansheng Holy Land.

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