There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 2303: There is no one!

For the cultivators of the Ten Thousand Stone Immortal Sect, they originally thought that even if Lin Nan and others could not beat their elders, they would not lose too ugly. In any case, they would have to fight for a while. If they did not have this strength, Lin Nan and others are so arrogant without reason.

But now, they have all seen the great elder’s magical power attack. Although the power is extremely strong, the speed is not very fast. Although they can't avoid or resist, they can still see the magical power attack with their eyesight, but Lin But Nan seemed to have not seen it at all.

Even if you see it, but there is no resistance, what is the difference between this and not seeing it?

After all, what Lin Nan said was the existence of the immortal sage in the early stage. It was not the monks under the immortal sage. They were not able to resist and avoid the magical attacks of the great elders. This is a very normal thing, but Lin Nan actually even moved a little. None, this is very abnormal.

It is precisely because of this that all the cultivators of the Ten Thousand Stone Immortal Sect feel that they have been deceived, that Lin Nan is an out-and-out liar and an out-and-out rubbish. When a person learns that he has been cheated by others, and After the other party seemed to be completely inferior to themselves, anyone would be very angry if they were very angry. Very angry people needed to vent, so they mocked Lin Nan fiercely.


With a loud noise, the elder Wanshi Xianzong's magical attack hit Lin Nan. Before that, Lin Nan didn't make any response. Not only Lin Nan didn't respond, but the Snow God and others did not move.

The magical power attack not only enveloped Lin Nan, but also enveloped Lin Nan and his party. So when the magical power attack hit Lin Nan, it also directly hit Lin Nan and his party. In between, the rays of light were radiant, and Lin Nan and his party were shrouded in a strong and incomparable attack light.

"Hahaha... it's really a trash, **** it, I thought before this group of trash is how bad, it turned out to be a group of unusable goods."

"Tsk tusk's a pity, the great elder exerted all his strength and the strongest supernatural powers of his old man, but the other party is just such a group of insignificant things, the great elder is now extremely depressed!"

"Hey, don't tell me, if I were the great elder, I would definitely be depressed. After all, I thought that the trash was very powerful, and I didn't dare to take it easily in front of the mountain gate. Please move the strong of Wansheng Holy Land, We dare to come out to catch up, but now we find... that group of waste is so useless, as long as it is an individual, it will be angry, let alone a peerless supreme like the Great Elder!"

Suddenly, a group of cultivators of the Ten Thousand Stone Immortal Sect began to talk unscrupulously. Now they are full of spirits. After all, they don’t have to worry about what they will fall. They are deeply disgusted and their waste is already dead, so naturally there is no problem. Happy truth.

And the other half, the supreme of Wansheng Holy Land was dumbfounded, staring blankly at the extremely powerful attacking light in the field.

"This... just... so weak?!"

He couldn't help muttering to himself, he really didn't expect Lin Nan and others to be so vulnerable.

After all, after Lin Nan asked him about the Sect Master Qianshan Immortal Sect before, he had already determined that Lin Nan and others were the group of people who chased and killed the Sect Master Qianshan Immortal Sect. They had already scared him deeply. Lin Nan and the others were so easily solved by an immortal sage of the Ten Thousand Stone Immortal Sect, this is too...too **** illogical!

"Huh? Hurry...Run!"

But soon, the supreme immortal sage mid-term of the Wansheng Holy Land discovered something wrong.

It stands to reason that after an immortal Saint Supreme’s magical power attack, after killing the opponent, it is impossible to continue to emit light for such a long time. There may only be one reason for the continuous radiance, and that is what the magical power is attacking. The other party's means collided and stubbornly stubbornly stubbornly, this will always emit light.

And he had already seen clearly, Lin Nan and others hadn't made any response until they were enveloped by magical power attacks, then... thinking of their previous speculations, and then thinking of the question in front of them, this supreme of Wansheng Holy Land was dumbfounded. In this world, can anyone really do it, just with a protective light curtain, can it withstand the full blow of an immortal saint late supreme?

It was precisely because of this moment that the supreme of the Wansheng Holy Land immediately transmitted the voice to the half-step Immortal Saints of the Wansheng Holy Land behind him, and then he directly took out a teleportation talisman and took the half-step behind him. The Xiansheng Venerable fled directly from here and rushed to the gate of Wansheng Holy Land.

He did not notify the cultivators of the Ten Thousand Stone Immortal Sect, because he felt it was unnecessary, and those guys could not escape. More importantly, the cultivators of the Ten Thousand Stone Immortal Sect stay here, maybe it can delay a little time for them and make them smooth. To reach Wansheng Holy Land.


After the attack light suddenly became stronger and stronger, it disappeared, but at this time, I had smiled very proudly, and no longer regarded the cultivators of the Ten Thousand Stone Immortal Sect who had died as a matter of Lin Nan and others, and stayed at this moment. Living.

After seeing the situation after the light faded, at this moment, a group of cultivators of the Ten Thousand Stone Immortal Sect, whether they were the half-step Immortal Sage, the Immortal Realm Great Power, or the three Immortal Sage Supremes, were all here. His eyes rounded for a moment, his mouth opened wide, his face was calm and disbelieving.

"This... how is this... how is it possible!!!"

Especially the supreme of the late fairy sage who launched the magical power attack is really stupid now. He has already used his strongest magical power attack, and it is also fully used, even if Lin Nan and others are really the early existence of the fairy sage, It's impossible to be safe and sound.

The most unacceptable thing for him was that after the light dissipated, he discovered and understood why Lin Nan didn't make the slightest movement, because the aquamarine protective light curtain covering Lin Nan and others had already told him answer.

Lin Nan has no price for his magical attack. Although he is the supreme of the late immortal saint, even though his attack was his strongest attack, in Lin Nan's eyes, he is even qualified to tickle. No, it can be dispelled by just using the protective light curtain.

"Wansheng Holy Land...Where did they go?!"

After regaining his senses for a while, he thought of the monks in the Wansheng Holy Land, thinking about asking them to ask for help from the Wansheng Holy Land, but looking behind Lin Nan and the others, he found that...there was no one!

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