There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 2313: What a stunning look!

Seeing the little girl who jumped to the top of the ring, Master Yan's complexion became more and more gloomy.

Not to mention the Taifang Immortal Sect, even in this southern boundary, no one has dared to ignore him like this. You must know that his master is the Taifang Venerable, the supreme master of the dignified Taifang Immortal Sect, and one of the overlords of the southern boundary of the Infinite Star Territory. Even if there is an existence who doesn't take his strength seriously, he definitely does not dare to underestimate his master Taifang.

Now... but there is such a lifeless thing as Ling'er, how can he not be angry?

It's just that Young Master Yan laughed quickly, because he found that his performance was a bit too low, which insulted his reputation as the number one arrogant of Taifang Xianzong.

"Since you want to die, this son will do you well, so that you don't know the heights of the sky, and this son is really afraid of you."

Young Master Yan smiled and looked at Ling'er on the opposite side, and spoke without rush.

He really did not put Ling'er in his eyes, even though the few Taifang Xianzong disciples who wanted to do something with Ling'er were inexplicably thrown aside, he didn't even see what was going on, but he didn't. He didn't think that it was Ling'er's masterpiece. In his opinion, Ling'er was just a makeup look, nothing special.

The reason why he looked gloomy before was because he was angry with the monks who helped Ling'er behind, and he was also jealous. You must know that this place is Taifang Immortal Sect, not elsewhere. Besides Venerable Taifang, there are also a group of venerables. The person is here, but that's it, there are people who dare to help Ling'er deal with Taifang Xianzong's disciples. Although they have never shown up, they are only secretly shooting, but it is already certain that the other party is not so jealous of Taifang Xianzong.

Even other immortals have respected Taifang Venerable, not dare to defy him easily, let alone offend him, but now there is a guy who dares to open his teeth and claws in front of Venerable Taifang. It was also equivalent to declaring war on Venerable Taifang, and Master Yan was very clear about this.

Containing his thoughts and looking at Ling'er again, Young Master Yan really has no liking for this little girl who doesn't seem to be cultivating in front of him, nor is he afraid of it. After all, it's just a small thing about seven or eight years old. how is it?

"Do you want to die more easily, or do you want to die more painful?"

Ling'er watched Young Master Yan calmly and asked this sentence calmly. For the little girl, she was asking this sentence very seriously. After all, she really had the ability to easily kill Young Master Yan.

"Oh my God! That little girl actually got into the ring, and... she dares to speak to Young Master Yan like this, she is really...too big!"

"It's... not easy! I just don't know how this little girl will end up. Although the monks of the Taifang Immortal Sect were thrown out inexplicably, it is obviously impossible to be the masterpiece of that little girl, even if it was just that. The little girl pretended to behave a little bit, not to mention... Now that Venerable Taifang has noticed the situation here, and several other venerables of Xianzong have also looked to this side, just secretly helping the little girl’s existence, I am afraid that I am afraid to make a move."

"This little girl...Her parents are both at the immortal king level. This little girl has no reason to know how terrifying Young Master Yan is, and her parents are still very calm now, as if nothing happened. This is too unreasonable. It's normal, so... I think Young Master Yan may not be able to get this little girl for nothing, there must be accidents, no matter what, the little girl feels that she will be protected by an unknown strong!"

"Yeah! I think so too. These things are really abnormal. It is impossible for the parents of the two fairy kings to teach their daughters who do not understand anything, and it is impossible for them to watch their daughter fall into it so calmly. Dangerous situation, so... I also think there will be changes, at least Young Master Yan can't help this little girl!"

The monks who were onlookers expressed their thoughts one after another. Most of them felt that the little girl would be quickly killed by Young Master Yan, but there were also a small number of onlookers who believed that the little girl would be fine.

Of course, the part of the onlookers who thought that the little girl would be fine did not think how powerful the little girl was, but just because they felt that there would be a strong intervention, so that Young Master Yan could not hurt the little girl.

"Hehe... I have seen a lot of things like you who do not live or die, but this is the first time I have seen something like you."

Young Master Yan didn't bother to respond to Ling'er's question, after all, he didn't think he would die in the hands of such a small thing.

After saying these words, Young Master Yan launched a magical attack on the little girl.

He didn't use his full strength, he only used the strength equivalent to the full blow of an ordinary true fairy cultivator, and at the same time he only used a magical power that was neither good nor bad.

Young Master Yan never despise his opponent, only after defeating the opponent, he will unabashedly despise the opponent, but the little girl in front of him now really can’t let him find the slightest reason to take it seriously. He thinks so. One of his attacks was enough to make the little girl disappear completely between the heavens and the earth, and he thought he had paid enough attention to the little girl. After all, for a little thing who hadn’t practiced and hadn’t become immortal, his attack was really very Take the other side very seriously.

As for Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing below the ring, Master Yan did not take it seriously. The two monks in the early stage of the Immortal King Realm were nothing but to intervene. Guan, he could also come first and kill Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing directly.

It was at this time that Young Master Yan looked at the place where Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing were again, but this time he only looked at Liu Ruqing and directly ignored Lin Nan.

"What a stunning look! When you kill this unrepentant thing, this son will take you back to the bedroom and love you well!"

Young Master Yan stared at Liu Ruqing and said with a wild smile.

Earlier, although he had also noticed Liu Ruqing, he did not pay too much attention. After all, the strong man who had just shot secretly was likely to do it on him.

But now that his master has already noticed this, he doesn't need to worry about anything anymore, he can look at Liu Ruqing generously.

That's how he looked at it, and he was crazy.

He had never seen such a beautiful woman, and he who only liked virgins, knew that Liu Ruqing had already given birth to a child, he was even more moved than ever before!

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