There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 2316: Where is it sacred!

"You get out of the way, and after the deity has slashed the little wicked animal, he will use you to vent his fire."

Seeing Liu Ruqing stopped in front of him, Venerable Taifang looked gloomy, but he never took action. After all, for a peerless stunner like Liu Ruqing, this is the first time he has seen him in the southern boundary for hundreds of millions of years. When he was supreme, the female supreme he had been fortunate to meet was not as good as Liu Ruqing in terms of appearance, so even if she was extremely angry, even if the little evil animal was Liu Ruqing's daughter, he couldn't bear to ruin the flowers.


The answer to Venerable Taifang was just a big golden handprint.

Liu Ruqing's face was frosty, and she was very angry now.

It has been a while since she met the monk who made her idea, but now she has met again, and there are more than one, especially the Venerable Taifang in front of her is the most unruly, just like his disciple, Master Yan. Coveted.

Just now Lin Nan wanted to kill Venerable Taifang. It was Liu Ruqing who stopped Lin Nan. Naturally, he did not plead for Venerable Taifang, but because she wanted to commit suicide.

Coveting her appearance in front of her dear, this is Liu Ruqing's most intolerable thing. If the other party is her indestructible existence as before, she will definitely not stop Lin Nan from taking action, but now she is just a fairy A monk in the early stage of the king realm, but the combat power he possesses is extremely powerful and can completely kill Venerable Taifang, so she has to take action personally.

"You are the This is?!"

Seeing that Liu Ruqing waved his hand was a palm, there was no brewing at all, and it did not look like he had used any supernatural powers. He just slapped a palm casually. Venerable Taifang couldn't help laughing, but in a blink of an eye, Venerable Taifang’s smile solidified, because he suddenly discovered that the big golden handprint urged by Liu Ruqing was not an ordinary magical attack, but was extremely powerful, far surpassing the full power of the average half-step celestial sage. Peerless and powerful attack with one blow!


Venerable Taifang, who was originally only angry, but did not threaten the little girl and Liu Ruqing, quickly displayed his strongest magical attack at this moment.

"How could this be!!!"

Venerable Taifang was extremely frightened. He really couldn’t understand that Liu Ruqing was just a little monk in the early stage of the Immortal King realm. Why could he use such powerful magical powers to attack each other? This is totally... illogical, at all. Not real!


In the blink of an eye, the supernatural power attack performed by Venerable Taifang had already collided with the golden handprint.

In an instant, an extremely strong wave rippled, and many cultivators around were directly annihilated and turned into powder. At the last moment of their lives, they didn’t even know how they died. After all, they hadn’t noticed too much. When Venerable Fang had already arrived, Venerable Taifang and Liu Ruqing's magical attacks had already collided with each other.


The void shattered and the space collapsed. The onlookers around the monks had been annihilated and turned into powder. Except for Chu Liu Ruqing and Venerable Taifang, within a radius of one thousand meters, only Lin Nan and Lin Momo standing aside, and standing by Linger watching all this on the ring.


Venerable Taifang’s magical attack was dissipated, but the golden handprint did not dissipate. It was only an instant. Before Venerable Taifang had not reacted, it had already hit Venerable Taifang and directly took Venerable Taifang. The repair base of the person is abolished.


Venerable Taifang, who was hit by the golden handprint, was directly beaten out for more than a hundred meters, fell to the ground and rolled a few times before spitting out a mouthful of scarlet blood.

He soon discovered that his cultivation base had been abolished, and at this moment, he was directly stunned.

You know, he is the most powerful existence in this southern realm today. He is the founder of the Taifang Immortal Sect. Now... Now because he was moved by a stunning stunner, he was directly abolished by the other party, especially the other party was just one The monk at the beginning of the fairy king realm, this made him extremely confused, his mind was completely blank, and he didn't understand what was going on!

"Oh my God! What's going on? The monks actually...could they be...over did the elders of the the cultivation base was on earth? What?"

"This...I did not read it wrong, right? Just now...Venerable Taifang was directly...wasted by that woman!!!"

"Yes... That's right, Venerable Taifang is indeed... indeed...was beaten and scrapped by that woman...slapped...!!"

"Oh my God! How could this could it be possible! It's horrible, it's really horrible, what happened to this today?!"

The monks in the distance finally found something wrong, but most of them didn't know what happened just now. After all, they were still in the majority of low-level monks, and they could barely see what happened just now. There are still very few monks.

But I didn't dare to do anything. After listening to the strong man around him roughly talking about the situation, everyone was shocked. Everyone involuntarily widened his eyes, opened his mouth, and looked at the same stunned too dumbstruck. Venerable Fang.

" is it possible! Taifang Taoist Fellow is the most powerful among us, and now... now that she was easily killed by that woman, this...what is going on, and where is that woman sacred? what!!!"

In the distant bleachers, the strong crowd panicked.

Before, they were still watching the show, only when there were a few unconscious things provoking Venerable Taifang, and the male Venerable among them was still thinking about how to get Liu Ruqing in his hands, and then hurriedly left Taifang Xianzong. , Holding Liu Ruqing back to his own site to enjoy it.

But now... they are really dumbfounded, and really scared, and they understand how absurd their idea is, how unwilling to live or die.

"Run! Run away!"

Suddenly, a venerable yelled, and then flew directly away from Taifang Immortal Sect. He was really scared, because he could see that Liu Ruqing was so angry because the venerable Taifang had hit her before. The shot, and among them, all the men had just hit Liu Ruqing's idea. If they don't run now, they will definitely be killed by Liu Ruqing!

In the blink of an eye, all the male venerables flew out of the Taifang Immortal Sect, and two female venerables remained. It was not that they had a clear conscience and were not afraid, but they didn't know what to do.

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