There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 2323: Too irresponsible

In an instant, the two white sword auras that came from nowhere have already cut off the heads of the two fierce beasts. This sudden change made the white-clothed woman stunned, but she quickly reacted. , Seeing that the Junior Brother and Junior Sister who was not far away was unharmed, he breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly flew to the Junior Brother and Junior Sister.

"Ming'er, Xiu'er, are you all right?"

Arriving nearby, the woman in white asked dryly.

"Senior Sister... just now that was... what happened?!"

The man and the woman reacted, and the man asked with lingering fear.

The white-clothed woman can only shake her head because she doesn’t know what’s going on. Those two white sword auras are too fast. Soon she only knows that they are the sword aura urged by the strong, even if it is the color of the sword aura. It can be seen from the remaining aura.

"Senior Sister, Senior Brother, you...look!"

Suddenly, the woman in the early stage of the fairy king realm saw a little girl flying from a distance, and immediately called her senior sister and senior brother to watch.

When all three of them saw the little girl who was flying slowly, they were all stunned, because they could see that the little girl was only seven or eight years old, and from the point of view of her flying speed, she should not have become a fairy. .

There is no such thing as an immortal little girl who can fly here alone. This is... so weird!

But soon, the three of them were relieved, because they saw a man and a woman not far behind that little girl, who was flying here with another little girl.

The moment they saw Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing, they realized that Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing were Ling’er’s parents. After all, Ling’er and Lin Momo looked very similar, and the two little sisters almost gathered Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing. The advantages of the five sense organs, although Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing have concealed their true faces so that ordinary monks will not be fascinated by them, they still retain the dareless characteristics, so when others look at them, they know that the little sisters are the daughters of the couple.

"Hey, you are too miserable, are there no adults to follow you? If it weren't for my father's move, you are afraid that you are already dead."

After Ling'er flew slowly in front of the three women in white clothes, he looked at them carefully, and then said with a grin.

Of course, the two previous sword auras were urged by the little girl herself, but the little girl thought these three people were very interesting, and they should be the disciples of a certain fairy sect in the giant city, so she concealed her true strength. I want to tease these three people.


Hearing Ling'er's words, and looking at Ling'er, who was many times more delicate than the porcelain doll, the three women in white didn't know what to say.

"Oh! Your parents are too irresponsible. I will talk to my father later and see your parents. If your parents are really unreasonable and don't want to take responsibility at all, then I will Let my father teach them a good meal, so that they know that if they are not responsible, they will be severely beaten."

Seeing the embarrassment of the three of them, Ling'er became more and more vigorous, and started talking, making the three of them more embarrassed.

"Thank you senior for your life-saving grace!"

When Lin Nan and others walked nearby, the white-clothed woman breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly saluted Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing, and then thanked.

She didn’t know Lin Nan, so she felt that Lin Nan should not be a half-step immortal saint, let alone immortal saint supreme. She may only exist in the immortal state like her, but there is no doubt that Lin Nan’s level must be higher than her. She was not as powerful as she could, and she had only rescued her and her junior brother and sister, so she didn't feel awkward when she called Lin Nan senior.

"You are polite, we are foreign monks, and we have encountered many powerful beasts along the way. It can be described as a nine-dead life. Although there are few more powerful beasts in this area, there is no guarantee that there will be half-step immortals. A holy level monster ran over, so we should leave soon."

Lin Nan nodded slightly, and then said.

He didn't need to conceal his identity as a foreign monk. After all, even if the monks in the entire city targeted him, he would be unscathed.

The biggest benefit of being strong to the extreme is undoubtedly that you don't need to care about whether you are wronged by others.

"it is good!"

After hearing Lin Nan's words, the three women in white could not help being surprised, especially the women in white. When they heard that Lin Nan and others were outsiders, she was dumbfounded. After hearing Lin Nan said that she was worried, she was half a step away. When the Immortal Saint level fierce beast appeared, he was dumbfounded again.

But she quickly came to the conclusion that in any case, Lin Nan's family should not be provoked. She doesn't believe that the existence of dragging the family to come here from the outside world will be a cultivator at the immortal realm level, and she doesn't believe it at all. The existence of will be afraid of the half-step immortal sage.

Although she has heard that since ancient times, there have been many lucky foreign monks with very low cultivation bases, but they have come here without danger, but she has never heard of a little monk who is lucky enough to drag the family. I came here without any risk from the outside world.

What's more, the Lin Nan family didn't show any signs of tension at all, instead they were all calm and breezy, as if they were not worried about danger at all.

"The junior's name is Bai Qing. This is a good show of my junior brother Wang Ming and junior sister. If the senior's family has no friends in the city, the junior dare to ask the senior's family to stay in the sect."

The woman in white thought about it for a moment before she said this.

"it is good."

Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing didn't say anything, Linger had already agreed.


Bai Qing was not sure whether Linger's words counted, so she could only look at Lin Nan and ask carefully.

"Then bother."

Lin Nan smiled and nodded.


Flying Fairy City!

This is the legend of the outside world, the giant city located in the enchantment mountain range is really not small. After asking Bai Qing, Lin Nan's family knew that there were many residents in this Fei Xian city, and its forces were complex, and there were many sects. There are three holy places in this Flying Fairy City with the Supreme Immortal Sage!

Lin Nan couldn't help feeling that there are no tigers in the mountains. Monkeys are kings. There are only a group of half-step celestial sages in the vast southern boundary. Who knows that the real powerhouse in the southern boundary is actually nesting. In such a city!

After entering the city, Lin Nan's family followed the three of Bai Qing into their sect-Taiyue Xianzong!

Among the three of Bai Qing, Wang Ming and Liangxiu, only Bai Qing has a mountain of his own in Taiyue Sect. Therefore, Wang Ming and Liangxiu both live on Bai Qing’s mountain. Now the Lin Nan family is here. He also lived on the peak of Bai Qing.

This mountain was named Wuming Peak. Ling'er was curious if it had a special meaning, so she pestered Bai Qing to ask.

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