There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 2328: Can't wrong them

A group of people formed a circle in front of them, which was extremely lively. The little sisters ran over quickly, but after walking nearby, the little sisters found that the crowd was crowded, and they could not see what happened with their current body pressure. Something, trying to squeeze in but not feeling good, this made the little sisters feel difficult.

"It's a deacon who is preaching, and there will always be something. After the deacon officially starts speaking, the crowd will be quiet. There is no need to squeeze in. You can hear clearly here."

After Wang Ming and Liangxiu came over, they solved their doubts for the little sisters.

"What kind of monks are you deacons?"

Lin Momo asked.

"They are all powers in the middle or late stage of the Xianzun realm. This is also unique to our Taiyue Xianzong. There will be no such situation in other Xianzongs. The deacons of other Xianzong wish to ignore everything, just concentrate. See your own way."

Wang Ming said.

As soon as I heard it was just a monk at the fairy-sovereign level preparing to preach, the little sisters suddenly lost interest, especially the little girl Ling'er, an originally enthusiastic little thing, after hearing Wang Ming's words, suddenly fell down. Got a little head.

"By the way, why did you two and Bai Qing go to the area where powerful beasts are rampant?"

Lin Momo was not as dejected as Ling'er. He saw the scene in Taiyue City, especially after the previous shop and the scene where he was preparing to preach, the little girl was puzzled. It stands to reason that he was in such a sect. In the door, the disciples under the door don't have to take risks like that.

"That's it. Every time after the anniversary of the opening of the sect, the sect will hold a big competition. The top ten disciples can worship the elders of the sect. The elders of the sect are all half-step immortals. Therefore, this big competition is very important to the brothers."

"But the purpose of Xiu'er, Me and Senior Sister is not this. After all, our master is one of the Supreme Elders. The reason why we went to take the risk is because this time we compared to the top ten, we were able to get Enlightenment Tea. It is still very useful for us, so we will take the risk to improve our Taoism as much as possible."

Wang Ming said.

He said it very lightly, but he knew in his heart that enlightenment tea is more than useful to them, it has a huge effect, after all, it is enlightenment tea, even if it is the treasure that the immortal holy supreme dreams of, now Taiyuezong However, he took out ten pieces to encourage the disciples of the top ten. Even if the temptation is half a step, the holy priest may not be able to bear it.

"That's it!"

The little sisters looked at each other when they heard the words, and they could see the weirdness in each other's eyes.

They have enlightened tea, and many!

But after thinking about it, the two little sisters did not come up with the enlightenment tea. After all, everyone has their own motivation to cultivate the Tao. They have already given Wang Ming and Liangxiu so many treasures and magical tools. Sending out enlightenment tea is not necessarily a good thing for Wang Ming, Liangxiu and Bai Qing, and it may be counterproductive, making them walk into a fork in the road of cultivation in the future.

The two little sisters talked about it, and finally decided to wait for the big match to be over before considering whether to send enlightenment tea to the three of Bai Qing.

"There seems to be nothing fun!"

After discussing with her sister Lin Momo, Ling'er couldn't help sighing and looked at Wang Ming and Liangxiu with a bit of resentment.

"Relatively speaking, there is really nothing fun in the small world of Zongmen. Especially today, most of the seniors are busy with the opening of the sect tonight. They no longer come out to have fun as usual. Linger wants to join in the fun. If you do, you can only wait till night."

Seeing Ling'er's sluggish but extremely cute appearance, Liangxiu said with a smile.


Linger sighed again when she heard the words. The little girl felt that life was not fun anymore. After all, the situation in Taiyue City was already understood, and there was nothing interesting to attract her. Although it was very lively in front of her, it was a The immortal monk is preparing to preach, and it has nothing to do with her. After all, she can slap to death the immortal realm power who is preparing to preach.

"I heard that today, the proud son of the Zhongge Xianzong and Shengzong held a banquet. It should be about to start now. It must be very lively there, but we can't go. If the senior sister goes with us, it will be fine. problem."

Wang Ming on the side spoke.

"Hey, say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, isn't Sister Bai here?"

Hearing Wang Ming’s words, Ling'er came to the spirit. As for what Wang Ming said, she couldn’t go. She didn’t care at all. As long as there was excitement to watch, she was too lazy to think about it. Everyone in the city is not qualified to participate. She and her sister Lin Momo are both qualified, so the little girl really doesn’t care, but seeing Bai Qing hurriedly walking in the distance, Ling'er is still very happy, there can be someone It is best to take them to nature.

"Ming'er, Xiu'er, how come I heard Master Shu said that you brought Momo and Ling'er to buy things indiscriminately. This is not possible. Even if Momo and Ling'er pay for it, you can't buy something that is not practical!"

Before arriving nearby, Bai Qing said to Wang Ming and Liangxiu seriously.

She is really not very happy now. She just went to meet the other senior brothers and planned to invite Master together in the evening, but she didn’t realize that she was about to return to her nameless peak, and she received a message from her uncle. The little sisters splurge on the street and in that shop.

She is not rich. Even though she is one of the best patriots of the Taiyue Immortal Sect, she is also very popular with the master and the elders in the school. However, because of the needs of cultivation, she has only five to six hundred thousand immortal crystals. It can't be compared with the proud sons of those big families and holy places, so I usually buy items very carefully, for fear of buying heavenly materials or artifacts that are of little use to me.

Wang Ming and Liangxiu are always by her side. As a senior sister, she naturally takes care of them more strictly and will not let them buy useless items. So I know that the little sisters just buy useless items on the street, which will cost them. Hundreds of thousands of Xianjing, after spending millions of Xianjing in the shop opened by her uncle, she was really angry.

"Okay, okay, let alone the two of them, it's something that Ling'er and I bought, and it has nothing to do with them. Sister Bai can't wrong them."

Seeing Wang Ming and Liangxiu bowing their heads with guilty consciences, Lin Momo made a quick relief.

Bai Qing didn't know what to say for a moment.

"By the way, Ling'er wants to attend the Tianjiao banquet in the city, are you free?"

Seeing Bai Qing's expression gradually eased, Lin Momo asked again.

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