There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 2330: Inconsistent, shameless

The group of people was going to find a place to rest temporarily, and they attracted the attention of a group of women not far away. Under the leadership of one of them, the group of women came over.

They were obviously very unfriendly to Bai Qing, and seemed to have old grievances. This was also the reason why Bai Qing did not want to attend this Tianjiao banquet.

Bai Qing seems to be used to these women's provocations, too lazy to pay attention to these women, the right to be the other side is air.

"Sister Bai, do these ugly monsters envy your appearance?"

Ling'er looked at Bai Qing with a pure and innocent look, and asked such a sentence in a milky voice.

This banquet was originally proposed by the little sisters to participate. Now Bai Qing brought them here, but was blocked by a group of women who kept provoking. They naturally wanted to help Bai Qing, not to mention this group of female monks who did not live or die. , I dared to talk nonsense with them as a topic, it was just looking for death.

The difference from Ling'er is that Lin Momo on the side already has hands-on thoughts. Among the little sisters, Lin Momo is the most calm, and at the same time is a typical example of not many people who are ruthless. It seems that Ling'er is the little one. The most brutal of the two sisters, but in essence, if Lin Momo had a murderous intent, it would be far beyond what Linger could match.

"Huh? Little thing, what did you say? Have the courage to say it again!"

Hearing Ling'er's words, the group of female cultivators was stunned, and then became angry.

Who are they?

That is the proud girl of the sky in Feixian City, the one of the best in each fairy sect, especially the leading woman, who is one of the three holy places in Fei Xian City, and her father is the holy land of Heavenly Fire. the Lord!

With their backgrounds, even Bai Qing, who is slightly more talented than them, would not dare to target them too much, but now they have been despised by a little girl. Is this bearable?

It is absolutely unbearable!

"I don't know what it is."

Before Ling'er continued to despise those arrogant women of the sky, Lin Momo had already said coldly.

Although the tone is cold, the milky voice of milk still makes people feel extremely cute, especially with the serious but pink face of the little guy, people can't help but want to knead it.

But what the little girl did next deeply shocked everyone present, except for the little sisters, everyone present felt that they were dazzled.

After Lin Momo said those four words coldly, he raised his little hand and held the woman who had just questioned Ling'er directly in front of him. When he waved the little hand, it was a loud slap in the face.


The woman who was detained was extremely angry, but when she was about to get angry, she reacted and found that she had somehow arrived in front of the little sisters at some unknown time, and she seemed to have lost her love for herself. Control.

In an instant, the woman who originally wanted to scold Lin Momo was dumbfounded. She stared at the little girl in front of her blankly, having something to say in her heart, but finally found that she couldn't say anything.

"Oh, I thought you were so great. Co-authoring couldn't even stop a simple detention technique from my sister. In this way, even in front of Ling'er, you are just a bunch of lambs to be slaughtered. ."

Ling'er was taken aback, and said in surprise.

"No, no, little lambs are more beautiful than your ugly bunch."

After speaking, Linger discovered the shortcomings in his last sentence and quickly repaired it.

Bai Qing on the side finally came back to his senses, and looked at the provocative people on the opposite side, and at the two little sisters, she was shocked.

Especially for the little sisters, in her original understanding, the little sisters should be little monks who had never become immortals, but now Lin Momo has easily put a daughter of a Tianjiao at the peak level of the fairy king realm directly in The eyes of the crowd were restrained in front of them, and Ling'er on the side also directly showed their disdain for the women in front of them.

Although I was extremely shocked in my heart, I thought about it again, if it were not for the good cultivation of the little sisters, I am afraid that Lin Nan and his wife would not be so relieved, let the little sisters play in the city, and would not let the little sisters put on them. So many fairy crystals and Dao crystals.

Thinking of this, Bai Qing was no longer shocked. Looking at the little sisters who didn't seem to put the women opposite, she didn't say anything anymore. After all, she would have been displeased by the female sisters opposite.

I used to have scruples that I didn't want to tear my face with each other, but now the little sisters are so tough, and things obviously can't get better, so she doesn't mind fighting the group of women.

"Haha... I just underestimated you two little things, they seem to be only seven or eight years old, but in fact they are already seventy or eighty thousand years old, right? We have reached the peak of the fairy king realm and even entered the Compared with the Proud Girl of Heaven in the Immortal Venerable Realm, she is still a bit worse after all."

The arrogant girl of the Heavenly Fire Holy Land stared at Lin Momo for an instant, but her tone seemed very casual.

"Different appearances, shameless."

Ling'er glanced at the woman, and said something like this very contemptuously.


Hearing Ling'er's words, the woman suddenly became furious, and she wished to slap the dead Ling'er.

who is she?

The precious daughter of the Holy Lord of the Holy Land of Heavenly Fire!

Has anyone ever been so despised?

Useless, never!

Now there are two such little things that do not know whether they live or die. She is completely angry, really angry, even if the Sect Master of the Taiyue Immortal Sect is coming, she cannot be dissuaded from it, and it will be very annoying not to look at those two The small things are solved, she can't eliminate the anger in her heart today!


Without warning, the woman had already shot.

The magical power attack she urged was like a fire dragon, it seemed to melt everything, the void and space seemed to have melted signs!

"Jin Fengyue, you are too much."

At the first time the woman took the shot, Bai Qing also shot, a white and flawless magical attack, instantly greeted the woman, the daughter of the Holy Land Holy Land, Jin Fengyue's magical attack!

"Haha...Bai Qing, if you were in your heyday, you would indeed be able to stop this princess's magical attack, but... you are now seriously injured, why do you think you can stop this princess's magical attack?"

Seeing Bai Qing's move, Jin Fengyue didn't take it seriously. After all, she knew Bai Qing's strength very well. If she wasn't sure that Bai Qing was seriously injured, she wouldn't lead someone to say such excessive words.

But at this time, Jin Fengyue saw a scene that she absolutely couldn't believe, and the act that made her feel that she couldn't believe it came from Lin Momo!

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