There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 2341: Tangled green shirt man

When she heard the man in the green shirt saying that she was not Lin Nan's opponent, the beautiful woman couldn't help but be shocked. She couldn't help but suspect that although she had good aptitude, she couldn't compare with the Sixth Heavenly Pride after all.

Even the Taiyue Immortal Sect is not a disciple of a first-class genius, is it also a strong man who is deeply hidden from a higher level, at this moment she suddenly feels that her quasi-emperor cultivation is not enough? .

But fortunately... it was just a false alarm. It turned out that this disciple of her own did not know the whole situation, but she also understood one thing, that is, Lin Nan who was indeed provoked by her disciple first. Lin Nan revealed that the cultivation level of the fairy king realm, his own disciples could not say that Lin Nan was comparable to Bai Qing's master.

"Qing'er, this senior doesn't care about you. This is the magnanimity of the senior, but you have made a mistake first, and you dare to hold grudges against this senior afterwards. It's just that yours is no longer. Look at those little cuties who are angry with you. , Think of a way to alleviate the anger of those little cute ones."

After confirming that there would be no major incident, the beautiful woman stopped thinking about it. After saying this, she bowed her hand to Lin Nan and walked into the mountain gate first.

There are a total of nine disciples under her name. The strongest is the man in the green shirt. The rest are monks at the fairy king level. Although she has entered, the other disciples did not follow directly, but stayed there. They stayed outside because they were worried that their seniors would suffer. They might not be able to help much, but if something really happened, they would pass the news to the master and Isn't the Great Elder?


Seeing that his master entered the mountain gate directly and walked up the mountain, the man in the green shirt only felt like crying without tears. Facing Lin Nan, he really couldn't hold up any confidence. After all, Lin Nan was too strong and stronger than him. After a little bit, he can't make any effective actions at all!

"Do you not understand what your master said? My father is too lazy to talk to you. What your master also said is to let you show sincerity to offset the anger with my sister. Why did you go to my father to intercede? Do you find it useful? ?"

Linger said fiercely, but the milky voice and the cute little face with anger made the disciples in front of the mountain and the brothers around the man in the green shirt all think that the little girl is cute At the extreme, there is an urge to rush over and pinch the little girl's face.

The little sisters are in a very bad mood now, even worse than before, not because the man in the green shirt took the initiative to speak to Lin Nan and chose to ignore them, but because the little sisters were also in the previous conversation and heard The man in the green shirt had fought against Lin Nan, so he became more and more angry.

The reason why the beautiful woman is determined to be Lin Nan the man in the blue shirt provoked first is because she feels that Lin Nan is definitely a stronger existence than her, a supreme existence that is at least a quasi emperor, and it will not be boring to be indifferent. A little monk who took the initiative to reveal the means in front of him would not go to the trouble of a little monk for no reason.

The little sisters naturally knew the character of their father, let alone a monk in the Immortal Realm, but a quasi-emperor in front of Lin Nan, as long as the other party actively provoked Lin Nan, Lin Nan didn’t bother to reveal the means, so the little sisters were very straightforward. It was determined that it was the man in the green shirt in front of him, who provoke their father during the time they were out.

" can you eliminate your anger?!"

Hearing Ling'er's words, the man in Qingshan became even more depressed. He regretted that Fang Cui had shown his dissatisfaction with Lin Nan. This is good, and there is no step to step down.

You know, he is very face-saving. The reason why he went to find Bai Qing at Wuming Peak today is because Bai Qing defeated him a month ago and made him feel that he had lost face. It’s better this time, and the face has not been recovered. , It has gotten into new troubles, and it is obviously more difficult to deal with, once it is dealt with well, it will be even more faceless trouble!

"Fighting with this princess, whether you win or lose, as long as you have played this game, this princess and this princess’s sister will be considered reluctant to forgive you. After all, your master is also a reasonable person. My father and mother are naturally more reasonable people. , I, a daughter, will never hold you down forever."

Ling'er thought for a while, and looked at each other with Lin Momo, only then made up his mind and said to the man in the green shirt.


The man in the green shirt is tangled, isn't this killing him?

He is embarrassed enough now. If he shoots at a little girl who is seven or eight years old, even if he definitely wins, he won't have the slightest face, and his reputation will only be even worse!

But... what if he loses?

Will he lose?

I will never lose!

If he loses, even a fool can see that he lost to the little girl deliberately, so that he used to refuse to admit defeat and resolutely not flatter, wouldn't it be self-defeating?

"Brother, you agree to this little girl, play with her."

"Yes, brother, you agree. Although winning is not beautiful, losing is even more beautiful, but you can compromise. The little girl is just a seven or eight-year-old child, so naturally it is not your opponent, but you You can make her neither win nor lose."

"Yeah, senior apprentice brother agrees to it, to avoid these two little girls from being reluctant, and making trouble in front of the master is even more troublesome."

Everyone was a little surprised about the little girl challenged the man in the green shirt, but they were not surprised. After all, since the parents of the little sisters are both strong, then one thing can be confirmed, the little sisters must have not been bullied. I have never suffered, and I have never fought against others. Naturally, I don't know what kind of monk exists, so I made such a request.

They don’t want to see their brother being embarrassed, but to see if the cute little girl in front of them will cry and say unfair after she is deflated, and let their parents take the initiative to teach their brother. They were crying and yelling for revenge, it would be funny, they wouldn't mind teasing the little girl when that happened.

They are not very worried that Lin Nan will get angry. After all, the existence invited by Bai Qing as a guest will definitely not make a move for no reason, and should not be so small. Moreover, it seems that Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing are not unhappy. Meaning, obviously don't mind that his daughter suffers.

"Ok... alright!"

After being booed by a group of senior brothers, the man in Qingshan finally reluctantly agreed, but he still agreed with the opinions put forward by the senior brothers. Wouldn't it be enough to let the little girl not lose or win? !

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