There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 2343: They were shocked and stayed!

Ling'er was extremely angry. She originally thought that even if the man in the blue shirt did not dare to attack with all his strength, in any case, it should not be lower than the attack strength of the immortal king realm.

But I never expected that the final attack by the man in the green shirt was actually just a full blow equivalent to the full blow of the ordinary little monk in the early stage of foundation building, let alone hurting the little girl, and he didn't even have the qualifications to tickle it.

"Did you not eat? Or do you really think the princess is weak to the extreme?"

Ling'er pointed at the man in the green shirt with anger and asked.

"That... haven't you practiced before?"

The green shirt man asked awkwardly.

In his opinion, this is really not to blame him, who made the little girl have a dad who is at least a nobleman?

Although their Taiyue Immortal Sect has more than a dozen half-step immortal sages, even their sovereign dare not offend other sages easily.

After all, every monk has several friends in the same realm, and may even have friends of higher levels.

Although their Taiyue Xianzong has many venerables, and these venerables also have some friends in the same realm, no one has friends at the level of the immortal saint supreme. After all, there are only three immortal saints in Feixian City, or the holy masters of those three holy places. It is impossible to have a close relationship with the strong of other forces in the city.

The Lin Nan family is obviously not a native of Feixian City. There are too many uncertain factors. Although the man in the Qingshan is proud, he is unwilling to bring disaster to the sect.

But... now it seems to really anger the little girl!

"Who told you that this princess has never practiced? Even if this princess's father and mother are really just early monks in the fairy kingdom, then I can't let this princess not practice when this princess is so big. , Are you out of mind?"

Hearing the words of the man in the green shirt, Ling'er only felt angry.

I can't help but wonder, is it possible that this guy's cultivation has broken his brain?

"Hey, little girl, we don't like to listen to your words. Who made you just such a small doll, and also concealed your own cultivation. We think that you have never practiced. This is also human nature, how can you Say we have no brains?"

"Yeah! This is wrong, it is easy to offend people. Before the little girl speaks, she has to think about it."

"Yes, yes, yes, you have to think about it before you speak your words. I can't wait to care about your child today, but in the future, if you meet someone who will be retributable to you, that would be bad."

The little girl questioned the words of the man in the green shirt, which immediately stimulated the monks onlookers.

After all, they had previously thought that the little girl hadn't practiced yet, and they didn't realize that their previous thinking was wrong until that little magical technique was turned into nothing after approaching the little girl.

Nowadays, although Ling'er is only suspecting that the men in Qingshan have no brains, there is no doubt that these words seem to be extremely appropriate when used on them.

"Then what kind of monk are you?"

The man in the green shirt felt that he was going crazy.

Who is he?

The genius disciple of Taiyue Immortal Sect, who has cultivated the Tao for only more than 30,000 years, has entered the middle stage of the fairy realm!

Now he was questioned by a seven or eight-year-old doll about whether he had any brains, but he couldn't really do anything with that doll. It was really mad at him! ! !

"Well, this princess will treat you just as stupid once, and next time you dare to despise this princess like this, you will be beaten to fly ash with a palm. As for this princess's cultivation level, it is not very high, only The cultivation base in the early stage of the fairy king realm is nothing more than.

Linger didn't bother to pay attention to the words of the monks onlookers, watching the man in the green shirt utter his realm, and at the same time revealed his realm aura.

Linger originally didn't want to say.

But now she also realizes that the man in the blue shirt seems to dare not really make a move. If he doesn't show his realm, maybe the other party will only use a small trick later, then she will have to be furious again. , It's not worth it.

"What? The early days of the Fairy King Realm???"

"Hs... it's really... it's really the initial cultivation base of the Immortal King Realm. How... how did you cultivate?!"

"My goodness! Too... too crazy, she is only seven or eight years old, and she is already... already a monk in the early stage of the fairy king realm, then her parents... will be higher and stronger?! "

"No wonder, it's no wonder that until now, no experts from the sect have come to intervene. Obviously... the sect master already knew that this little girl's parents were unusual before this!"

After seeing the little girl revealing the genuine qi in the fairy king realm, the cultivators onlookers suddenly boiled.

They were shocked and stayed!

They have seen and heard about the talent of Tianzong who achieved the status of the Immortal King in the early millennium, Bai Qing of the Taiyue Immortal Sect, and the daughter of the Holy Lord of Heavenly Fire, are such existences.

But... I have never seen or heard of the evildoer who cultivated into the Immortal King's status at the age of seven or eight!

Now... these enchanting evildoers, who even dared not make up myths and legends, appeared in front of them alive!

Even, it seems... not only one, but the other little girl standing next to Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing seems to be the same evildoer!

"How can it be!"

The man in the green shirt was dumbfounded.

After knowing that the little girl had already practiced, his mind was the same as those of the monks who were onlookers. He felt that the little girl was at most a golden core monk.

But now...

He felt he was hit!

Facing Ling'er, who has achieved the status of the fairy king at the age of seven or eight, who would dare to call himself a genius?

Who is qualified to be a genius? !

"Don't be silly, hurry up, this princess just said, let you three moves first, you have already made one move, there are only two moves left, you have to take a good chance."

Seeing that the man in Qingshan was stunned, Linger reminded him.

This time the little girl was not angry, but a little proud. After all, whether it was the man in the green shirt or the monks who were watching, they were lost because of her talent.


The green shirt man came back to his senses.

He found out that his palms were already sweating, and even a lot of cold sweats on his forehead and back!

However, after he calmed down, he already understood a truth.

That is... The little girl definitely knows the strength of the powerhouse of the Immortal Realm, and should know that he is not an ordinary mid-stage power of the Immortal Realm.

But the little girl still didn't take him seriously, and when she faced him, she downplayed very lightly.

So... this time he makes another move, he doesn't have to keep his hands!

He didn't believe that other early cultivators of the fairy king realm could have the strength to head-on with him, but facing the current Ling'er, he was convinced that Ling'er had this strength!

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