There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 2345: It's really against the sky!

"Today...Let me see, how powerful a wicked wizard like you is!"

The man in the green shirt spoke slowly while using his magical powers.

Seeing the supernatural powers displayed by the men in the blue shirt and the majestic aura, the monks onlookers suddenly showed incredible expressions.

"This is... one of the three magical powers of Taiyue Immortal Sect... Taiyue Qingshan Sword!"

"So strong!"

"Wait...His sword power is gradually increasing, it seems that his comprehension of kendo, at this gradually improving!"

"Not only that, but his cultivation base is also... gradually improving, this... Is this going to break through to the late stage of Xianzun realm?!"

"Oh my God! How is this... how is it possible!"

The changes in the green shirt made the Taiyue Immortal Sect disciples and all the guests who were onlookers surprised and shocked.

If it were replaced by someone else, there is no doubt that after this series of things happened today, the Dao heart was not dissipated by the blow, and if he was decadent, he would already be regarded as a tough Dao heart, a rare and rare favorite of heaven.

But now... the man in the green shirt not only kept his mind, he didn't feel depressed because he met a demon like Linger.

And because of this, the understanding of kendo has been improved, and the realm has been broken through. This... is really rare in ancient times!

You know, throughout the ages, although no one has ever seen a genius like Ling'er in this world, there are still a lot of talents in Tianzong, but those who are not as good as Ling'er have made countless geniuses. Heart breaks!

Although the green shirt man only has the name of genius and has no reputation as the proud son of heaven, what has happened now shows that the man in blue shirt...maybe stronger than many heavenly sons, at least in Daoxin!

"I really can't believe it, there are three great princes in heaven, and the Taiyue Immortal Sect actually said that this generation of disciples will not pick up!"

"Yeah! As long as there is a disciple with the price of the prince of heaven, it is not considered to be unreliable. Even if Bai Qing and Beihong had not shown their sharp edges 10,000 years ago, there was still such a prince of heaven in the Taiyue Immortal Sect. It's green and yellow but don't pick it up!"

"Well... I used to think that after Bai Qing and Beihong came to prominence, the Taiyue Immortal Sect, from time to time, felt that this generation of disciples did not pick up and was deliberately angry with other immortal sects. It's high!"

After seeing this scene, the guests who were invited by the Taiyue Immortal Sect monk were full of emotion.

It was also at this time that the man in the green shirt finally truly entered the late stage of the Immortal Realm, and his understanding of kendo stopped.

But this was so, and it made the monks once again surprised, because now looking at the Taiyue Qingshan sword displayed by the man in the green shirt, its power is actually no less inferior to the genius of the peak of the Taiyue Immortal Zong, and it is fully displayed. Taiyue Qingshan sword!

This is... the true pride of heaven!

"It's not bad, this princess hasn't made any moves yet, you have already realized a lot of things."

Linger said cheerfully.

The little girl is in a good mood now, after all, in the eyes of the little girl, the reason why the man in the green shirt can improve is thanks to her.

"Little girl, you have to be careful, my sword... but it can directly kill the peak power of the ordinary Immortal Realm!"

Looking at Ling'er's cheerful little appearance, the man in Qingshan was a little surprised, but he was not sure whether the little girl could catch this attack.

He seemed to be speaking to the little girl, but he was actually speaking to Lin Nan behind.

The man in the green shirt is reminding Lin Nan that if the momentum is wrong, he can resist the attack for the little girl in time.

After all, if the little girl is really injured by him, or even killed, things will be out of control!

"It's not that this princess hits you, but you really can't hurt this princess, just come on, this princess will take it one by one."

Ling'er waved her small hand, completely indifferent.

Seeing that Ling'er was like this, the man in the Qingshan didn't say anything any more, and directly urged his sword power, truly launching an exhausting magical attack on Ling'er.

Taiyue Qingshan sword!

This is one of the three strongest supernatural powers of Taiyue Xianzong. Only the genius of Taiyue Xianzong who has entered the realm of Xianzong can cultivate this great supernatural power.

This magical power, even in the entire Feixian City, is enough to rank in the top twenty!


Ling'er put on a posture, and then suddenly stretched out a small hand, then slowly spread out the small palm, raised her small face, and looked at the sword energy of the shattered void that rushed, showing a bright smile.

"This is... what's the situation? What is this little girl doing?"

"Yeah... I thought this little guy was going to use some incredible supernatural powers, why did it come out like this? And... she actually... actually laughed, what's this!"

"Is it possible for this little girl... to die?!"

Seeing a series of actions by the little girl, the onlooker monk who originally thought he was about to see some earth-shattering method couldn't help but be stunned.

They really don't understand, what is the purpose of the little girl making such an action!

But when they had no clue, they were extremely surprised to find that a large empty palm appeared in the void.

And looking at the source of the big empty palm, it was obviously from the little girl.


Just when everyone was stunned, the big empty palm that suddenly appeared, actually directly grasped the mighty and fierce sword energy.

And firmly controlled the sword pressure in the original place, the sword energy that was already less than fifteen feet away from the little girl, at this moment, stagnated in the void, as if it were a person who had been casted with a hold technique!


Before the onlookers could react, they saw Ling'er squeeze the small open hand, and the big empty palm followed closely. That mighty, fierce sword aura was also at this moment. Was crushed directly.

"My God...holding broken sword energy directly, just like holding broken ice cubes, this is...too bad!"

"I'm going... can the sword qi be crushed? This... is... really against the sky!"

"Yeah... I have seen pictures of dispelling sword energy countless times, but today is the first time I saw... the scene of holding broken sword energy!"

The monks who were watching were all petrified.

Today, they really have a long experience time and time again!

"This... so strong!"

The man in the green shirt was also stunned. Originally, he thought that his current cultivation level would be enough to defeat the little girl, and no matter how bad he was, he could not be the same as the little girl.

Unexpectedly... he was thinking too much!

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