There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 238: Those who can enter the Yin Ruins are only ears for me and you! (Second more)

Li Jinrong and Zhou Jingan left and asked the driver to drive towards the villa area in Pingshan!

Came to the outside of Villa No. 1 on the top of the mountain.

"He didn't come? Why?"

Zhang Tianren asked lightly.

He looks like he is only thirty years old, immortal, and he is wearing a cyan gown, and his long hair is also **** by the host, completely dressed as an ancient person!

Zhang Tianren is one hundred and ninety-nine years old this year, just one year away, he can break the 200-year-old mark!

He is an orphan himself. When he was six years old, he was picked up by his master, and then he was taken into the mountains to practice the path. After decades, he traveled all over the famous mountains and rivers of the Asian continent, and then went abroad to travel, and finally in the Rocky Mountains of America Middle School!

A few years ago, the spiritual energy of the world revived, and Yin Ruins appeared!

Zhang Tian has returned to China, but the famous mountains and rivers in the mainland already have masters!

He is not easy to seize, so he can only condescend the land of Hong Kong Island, quietly waiting for the opportunity to see if there is a chance, enter the Yin Ruins!

Now, Zhang Tianren is the pinnacle of the earth immortal, only half a step away from the realm of heavenly immortals, half of his body has stepped into the realm of heavenly immortals!

For several years, he has been enlightening Dao on the top of Pingshan Mountain, hoping to enter the realm of heaven and see the gate of longevity!

It's a pity that you can't make progress!

Zhang Tianren also knows something about Lin Nan, and Lin Nan's age can achieve this!

Zhang Tianren believed that Lin Nan was either inherited from the ancient practice, or was the reincarnation of an old monster who had lived for hundreds of years!

After learning that Lin Nan had landed on Hong Kong Island, Zhang Tianren had the heart to discuss the Tao with Lin Nan. If the two of them could have a debate on the main road, they might be able to find a breakthrough!

Who could have imagined that Lin Nan ignored his invitation and said, "Talk to me, he is not qualified enough"!

Listen to Li Jinrong and Zhou Jingan finished talking.


Zhang Tianren laughed in anger, nodded slightly, and shook his head again.

"It's interesting, the world doesn't know me, that's all!"

"The person in charge of thunder, who is also a cultivator, has tortured the old man so much. I want to see what you have!"

After speaking, Zhang Tianren stepped out, directly from the top of Pingshan Mountain, and collapsed into the void, step by step, like climbing to the sky, toward the sea!

"Oh my God!"

Seeing this scene, Li Jinrong and Zhou Jingan were dumbfounded!

It turns out that ordinary people can really fly!


At this time, Lin Nan and others have arrived at the beach on Hong Kong Island!

It's the height of summer, and there are bikini beauties everywhere on the vast beach, beautiful and graceful in shape!

Lin Nan was in a good mood and glanced casually!

He found that this planet was pretty good, it was very comfortable to be with his wife and children, and it was much more interesting than the fairy world!

"Where do you look?"

Seeing Lin Nan's eyes squinting, Liu Ruqing immediately reached out and pinched Lin Nan's waist!


Sisters Chu Yao and Chu Qiong secretly laughed while covering their mouths!

Several people took off their clothes. When they were at home, everyone had changed their bikinis and put on loose coats. Now they only need to take off their coats!

Wei Anran has long since faded away from the young girl's posture, and now she has completely become a mature young woman, with a perfectly proportioned figure, no doubt!

The two sisters Chu Yao and Chu Qiong not only look exactly the same, but they also have almost the same figure. Their white jade skin attracted the attention of many men nearby!

Liu Ruqing's figure is more perfect, although she gave birth to Lin Momo, her figure is not out of shape at all!

Staying with Lin Nan, nourished by spiritual energy every day, under the shining of the sun, there is a faint fluorescent flicker between the skin!

Seeing Lin Nan staring at herself and not looking at other women, Liu Ruqing nodded proudly.

"Good performance!"

"That is, how can these vulgar fans compare to my wife?" Lin Nan said with a smile.

"Baba, I want to build a castle!"

Lin Momo came with milky milk, holding a sand shovel in his hand, pulling Lin Nan.

"Good! Baba accompany Mo'er to build a castle!"

The two came to the beach, found some moist sand, and piled up the castle together!

Soon, a sand castle has taken shape!

"Mo'er is now the princess in the castle, and Baba is the big villain. I'm coming to grab the princess!"

Lin Nan smiled.

"Haha! Don't don't, don't catch me, Baba badass!"

Lin Momo laughed happily.

Suddenly, the sky was covered with clouds and a strong wind blew!

"What's the matter? Didn't the weather forecast say that there is no rain today?"

"It's really disappointing, it's finally a holiday!"

Many tourists on the beach looked up at the sky, showing disappointed expressions!

"Huh? No, is there a person there?"

Suddenly someone spoke.

He pointed to the sky in front of him, and there was a black shadow flying towards the beach, which was more than a thousand meters high, but it was not very clear!

But as the person got closer, everyone could see clearly!

There is a person, stepping on the void and coming from the sky!

"Really alone!"

"How is it possible, how did he fly?"

This person is immortal, like an ancient man, wearing a green shirt, it is Zhang Tianren who came from Pingshan!

"Thunder Master, I know you are here! The old man wants to talk to you, but you don't come. In that case, I have to let the old man come to you!"

Zhang Tianren stood in the void, looked down below, and spoke proudly.

Lin Nan frowned!

"What? You haven't appeared yet?"

Zhang Tianren lowered his head, his eyes exploded, and he scanned the beach below, hoping to find Lin Nan's trace among tens of thousands of people!

"The prosperity of the world is like a passing moment. Talking to me, is it not as comfortable as this mundane moment? Come on, the master of thunder!"

"Under the whole world, those who can enter the Yin Ruins are only ears for me and you!" Zhang Tianren said proudly.


At this moment, the void roared, and out of thin air appeared a large transparent hand made of air, condensed into substance, and photographed towards Zhang Tianren!

"Huh? Dare to do it with me?"

Zhang Tianren frowned and his face sank suddenly!

He raised his hand and blasted it out, aiming at this big hand that was only compressed out of the air, wanting to break it away with the power of an instant burst!


Zhang Tianren only felt that he hit a steel plate with a punch, and the hand that punched the punch was directly broken, and he was hit by this big hand, like being struck by lightning, falling into the sea from high altitude!

"what happened?"

"Why did the fairy fall into the sea?"

The people on the beach were shocked. Someone went back to look for their mobile phones, hoping to take this scene, but when he returned, Zhang Tianren just fell from the sky and fell into the sea!

Lin Nan shook his hand like a fly!

"The fly was slapped to death, come on Mo'er, let's continue building the castle!"


Lin Momo nodded.

The top of Pingshan!

Li Jinrong and Zhou Jingan, holding high-powered telescopes, happened to see this scene!


The two of them took a breath of air-conditioning, and got goose bumps!

"Zhou Tianren is dead?"

"I don't know, I am afraid it will be difficult to survive!"

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