After Lin Nan saw this situation, he directly urged the shopkeeper.

"What do you mean by the shopkeeper? How much can this blood bead sell for? A price."

Lin Nan urged, but the shopkeeper dignifiedly returned the blood bead to the little girl.

"We dare not accept this blood bead in our shop. If I see it right, it should be the blood bead inherited from a generation of monster emperors. We don't dare to buy such an expensive thing easily, because there will be many big monsters coming over. Grabbed it."

After the shopkeeper said so, Lin Nan disagreed.

"It's just a blood bead from a generation of demon emperors. Your shop is so rich, how can you be afraid that those demon races will fail?"

Lin Nan said arrogantly, but the shopkeeper replied calmly, "I can't offend the Yaozu just to make a lot of wealth, right?"

Lin Nan heard this and knew that although the shopkeeper in front of him had a lot of wealth, he was very cautious and would not easily offend those big monsters.

Such a pattern is destined to end here, and his business is not big.

After all, if a businessman wants to be bigger and stronger, he can't have enough ambition and courage.

"Little girl, collect that blood bead, let's not sell it."

Lin Nan said this, but the little girl pouted.

"Dad, why don't you sell it? This shop doesn't accept it. Let's change the shop! There will always be some!"

At this time, Lin Nan thought of a better way.

"Since these vendors don't accept it, let's just go to the demon kings, ask them if they want, and ask the demon kings for money, isn't it all right?"

Lin Nan's arrogant words directly scared the shopkeeper on the side.

"Now young people, really young and frivolous, do you think the Demon King is so easy to deal with? The demon emperor of the previous generation almost collapsed the holy mountain. That kind of strength really shocked the eight wastes, and what you have is the demon. The emperor’s inheritance blood beads."

When the shopkeeper said this, Lin Nan replied with disdain: "No matter how awesome the Demon Emperor was before his death, since he is dead, no matter how awesome he is, he is dead."

After Lin Nan said this arrogantly, he took the little girl directly to find the Demon King.

Before leaving, the shopkeeper gave them the address of the Demon King and also attached a map.

After Lin Nan gave the shopkeeper some money, he naturally got a detailed map and a portrait of the Demon King.

With the goal he was looking for, Lin Nan went directly to the territory of the Demon King.

The territory of the Demon King is in the endless desert.

After all, these monster races are unlikely to have any more aura of territory.

Generally, territories with strong spiritual energy are occupied by humans.

Therefore, those monster races can only practice in some deserts and swamps.

After Lin Nan came to this desert, he found that the entire desert was really barren.

"Dad, there is so much sand here, and there is very little aura. In such a place, the demons who practice here are also very poor, right?"

Lin Nan said directly at this time: "Don't underestimate these demon kings. They have a lot of background information. They just sold this blood bead for you to exchange for an innate spirit treasure."

As soon as the little girl heard the words Xiantian Lingbao, she was immediately overjoyed.

"Dad, you are so kind to me."

Soon, the two directly stepped into the desert, and then began to look for the trace of the Demon King.

Because the cultivation bases of the two of them are so superb, those little demons dare not approach them at all.

However, when they entered the Demon King's palace, they entered a phantom formation.

Lin Nan found that the little girl had disappeared and was replaced by a lively mortal city.

At this time, a young man begged for some silver from others, saying that he would take his sister to test the spiritual roots.

Lin Nan didn't have any silver in his hands, but he still used some things to exchange some silver tickets with the passersby next to him.

Then Lin Nan gave the banknote to the boy.

"Thank you, good people will be rewarded."

At this time, after Lin Nan gave the boy money, he naturally began to explore this illusion.

Soon, Lin Nan discovered this illusion, very much like a story.

Because, when he occasionally listened to other people's storytelling, he also heard the story of a teenager taking his sister to test Linggen.

Therefore, Lin Nan went invisible directly and followed the young man.

He soon learned that this young man was called Wei Changping.

Lin Nan discovered that the name of this boy was the same as the hero in that storybook.

Why did the Demon King set up such a phantom array? And it is really incredible to use this script as the background of the story.

Therefore, Lin Nan was not in the mood to crack this formation, and directly began to watch the development of the whole story from the perspective of a bystander.

Lin Nan vaguely felt that the story of this young man had a lot to do with the experience of the Demon King.

Soon, Lin Nan followed the young man, while invisible, came to the ruined temple.

The teenager quickly found his sister and told her that they had money to test Linggen.

Lin Nan was also very curious when he saw this situation.

This young man can test the Linggen by himself, why should he take his sister to test the Linggen together?

Didn't he know that even if they were cultivating immortals in this situation, it was extremely difficult.

After all, the world of cultivating immortals is a bit particular about being born. People who are not particularly good at Linggen and have no parents, it is difficult to go long-term on the road of cultivating immortals.

"What the **** is this illusion? I want to see if this young man can finally counterattack successfully!"

After Lin Nan said these words, he continued to follow the young man.

Fortunately, his cultivation base is still there, so this illusion can't hurt him.

"Isn't this what the **** Demon King wanted to show me on purpose?"

Lin Nan thought of this, and suddenly felt that this Demon King was extremely naive.

In this world, whoever has the big fist is the boss. Does he think he can affect me by creating an invulnerable magic circle?

Lin Nan really disdains this approach.

Soon the teenager finished dinner with his sister and was about to go to test Linggen.

However, Lin Nan knew the ending of this story a long time ago, so he was particularly confused. What did that foolish Demon King let him see?

This book of words that has been said to be rotten, could it be the experience of that Demon King when he was young?

Wrong! These two protagonists are both humans, and they are not monsters. What does it have to do with that stupid Demon King?

At this time, Lin Nan felt that this phantom array was really inexplicable and made people really want to laugh.

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