There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 2353: Demon King Advance

"Little girl, you are too kind. That inherited blood bead is because it is useless to us, so I threw it compassionately to the demon king, but this world is always the weak and the strong. Just grab whatever you want. Up."

After Lin Nan said this, the spoiled little girl naturally couldn't accept it for a while.

"I will go to that Demon King's territory now to help you get that exercise technique. That Demon King is now eating inheritance blood beads. The other three Demon Kings should have passed by quickly."

Lin Nan said that, the little girl naturally had some doubts, but she quickly understood that these other demon kings wanted to eat the poor demon king.

After all, the world of the demon race, unlike the world of humans, has the friendship of fellow teachers and brothers, their world is completely the weak and the strong.

At this time, Lin Nan let the little girl stay at home obediently, and then hurried to the territory of the Demon King.

Sure enough, the three major demon kings have all arrived on the scene and are attacking this poor demon king's fantasy formation.

Although these phantom formations are high-level formations, it is impossible to withstand the combination of the three major demon kings.

These phantom arrays are just delaying time.

After Lin Nan came here, he saw that the other three demon kings were attacking the fantasy formation without leaving any room.

It immediately understood that these three demon kings already knew the secret of inheriting blood beads.

After all, in every Demon King’s palace, there are eyeliners of other Demon Kings, and these three demon kings must know that there are blood beads of the Demon Emperor’s heritage in it.

In order to obtain the blood bead of the demon emperor's inheritance, they also did not like this poor demon king to bow their heads and claim the court, so these three unrelated demon kings joined forces for the first time.

Lin Nan watched these guys intrigue, and felt very speechless.

"Don't fight, I have something to do with the guy inside, can you stop?"

Lin Nan said this, and the other three demon kings directly replied: "You are just a human being. You should not interfere with the affairs of our demon clan. Be careful to upset us and directly attack you."

These three demon kings have naturally been in high positions for a long time, and Lin Nan who said this was very unhappy.

It's just a few beasts who have become humanoids. Why are they so awesome? Still want to attack their human race? When their human race is a paper tiger?

Too arrogant! Lin Nan was already unhappy at this time.

"It's just three beasts who dare to speak such arrogant words. Did I show your face? How ridiculous!"

After Lin Nan said these words, he immediately began to use Zixiao Jianqi.

With a fierce light, the supreme Zixiao sword aura directly killed the three big monster kings.

Seeing such a powerful sword aura, these three big monster kings naturally didn't care about attacking this fantasy formation.

This also gave the poor Demon King inside a chance to breathe.

These three demon kings decided to join forces to defeat Lin Nan first, and then go to get the inheritance blood bead.

Lin Nan naturally felt a little speechless when he saw these three demon kings surrounding him.

None of the three Demon Kings' cultivation bases can see through, and they must be higher than their own, but they are too arrogant. Such things as cultivation bases do not represent their full strength.

Lin Nan didn't want to talk nonsense with these three demon kings, and directly activated Zixiao Jianqi.

After the activation, countless sword auras fell from the sky, and every sword aura contained the supreme Taoist rhyme.

This kind of sword aura is very terrifying, if you are hit by these sword auras, it is very likely that you will die.

Before the poor Demon King asked him for this Zixiao sword energy technique, he didn't give it to the poor Demon King.

Because this Heavenly Rank cultivation technique was originally very precious and precious, and even a trace of Dao could be understood.

After Lin Nan saw this situation, he directly used Zixiao Jianqi to force them back.

But these demon kings are accustomed to blood, and would rather get injured than get inherited blood beads.

When Lin Nan saw these guys, he didn't die without seeing the official talents, and naturally he was speechless.

"You really want to be a heritage blood bead, you don't even want your life?"

Lin Nan asked this, but the other three demon kings said directly: "You don't know the preciousness of the inherited blood beads. You are just a human being. How do you understand how precious the beads are? For our demons ."

Lin Nan really didn't expect the bead to be amazing, so he asked directly: "Does that bead have any magical function?"

"That inheritance blood bead contains the blood of the Demon Emperor. As long as we get it, we will be the descendants of the Demon Emperor. The benefits here are not comparable to a little bit of cultivation."

After Lin Nan heard this, he naturally understood why the poor Demon King had to forcibly eat the inherited blood bead regardless of his life concerns.

"You guys are also true. Three beat others. I don't intervene in your demon clan affairs, but I need something in the hands of the Demon King. You will fight after I ask him if he wants something."

"You cunning humans, why should we monsters believe you? You humans are best at deceiving others with lies. We don't believe you."

At this time, Lin Nan suddenly felt that these Demon Kings were really stupid, and he couldn't beat him and even had a hard-headed mouth.

"Then there is no way, then you can wait here for a while now."

After Lin Nan finished speaking, he directly took out the immortal rope.

This immortal rope is very powerful, it can tie them in place, and they have a huge cultivation base, it is impossible to break free.

After all, it is the rope that binds the immortals, and the few of them have not reached the level of gods, they can't break away from this rope.

Lin Nan directly tied the three of them into rice dumplings, then raised his foot and walked directly into the magical formation.

Just after Lin Nan entered the illusion, a powerful breath suddenly came from the Demon King's palace.

"It seems that this little poor Demon King has already evolved into a Demon Emperor, and those three Demon Kings are beyond him."

Lin Nan directly pinched a Fa Jue, and then released the other three Demon Kings.

After all, if these three demon kings were tied up, I am afraid this demon emperor would directly kill these three demon kings and unify the demon clan.

This is actually very unfavorable to their human race, so Lin Nan released these three demon kings.

Lin Nan quickly dismantled the phantom array with a wave of his hand.

After being demolished, Lin Nan came directly to the demon emperor.

"Lin Nan, why are you looking for me again? I am already a demon emperor, thanks to the inheritance blood bead you sent! Hahahaha!"

Lin Nan saw that the demon emperor in front of him was so happy, he was a little speechless. Does this demon emperor have a hole in his head, and think he is invincible after swallowing a bead?

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