There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 2359: Green Hill Fox

Lin Nan was also very speechless after seeing this situation.

Unexpectedly, these trees would actually burn up by themselves.

"This tree king is really difficult, it seems I have to work harder."

Lin Nan directly used Zixiao sword energy at this time, and the sky full of sword energy harvested countless tree shadows.

These trees were quickly torn apart by the sword qi. Even the tree king was hurt by the Zixiao sword at this time.

At this time, the tree king had no physical strength. He screamed up to the sky, and then quickly threw the vines down. Then the tree began to melt away, and the skin of the tree fell off.

After Lin Nan saw this situation, he directly saw a tree spirit inside the tree's body.

It turns out that this spirit is the origin of the tree king and the key to controlling the entire forest.

"Damn humans! I dare to destroy my man-eating forest, the ghosts will not let you go!"

"What kind of ghost? Isn't that guy flying up long ago? Isn't he still in this world?"

When Lin Nan said this, the Tree King said with a face full of disbelief: "How is it possible? Nether scattered people will not fly! He is the kind of heinous person, unless he has a lot of merits, how can he win the battle? ?"

Lin Nan said directly at this time: "During the battle between the right and the demons, the Nether scattered people gained great merits. Now they have ascended to the upper realm. I came to look for the relics of the Nether scattered people. He lost all of you. In this world."

When the tree king heard this, he immediately laughed and said, "Oh, you are a ghost! Do you think that you can cover your history by throwing away us wicked people? Young people, do you want the treasures of the ghost? As long as you promise to help me kill the old thief, everything is easy to discuss."

Lin Nan felt at this time that there might be a problem with the ascension of Nether Loose Man.

"I just came to look for his relics. If you really know, please show me a way. Now Nether Sanren doesn’t know if it’s in the seat of God, and I don’t know what it is, and I can’t find him. Yeah."

The tree king was silent for a while, and then said, "I will open the door for you to the next level. There is a fox in that level. You can't believe him."

After Lin Nan heard this, the tree king directly opened a teleportation formation.

Lin Nan naturally stepped into this teleportation formation, and then was teleported to another world.

Lin Nan found that he was no longer in the forest, but in a valley surrounded by green grass.

And on this grassland, there are several little foxes playing.

"Big brother, why did you come to our Qingqiu?"

Lin Nan was a little speechless when he heard the words Qingqiu, can this fox's hometown still appear in this place? This is probably a fake Qingqiu.

"Have you always been here? Have you seen it outside the valley?" Lin Nan said directly to a little fox.

"We are not grown up yet. Only the adult foxes who are over five hundred years old can go to the outside world to take a look. Brother, are you from the outside world?"

Lin Nan didn't speak directly at this time. After all, if he admitted that he was from outside, he might encounter other situations.

For example, this group of foxes will treat him as an enemy.

After Lin Nan saw this situation, he said directly: "Where do you live now? Take me to see in your clan?"

After Lin Nan said this, the little foxes immediately agreed.

Lin Nan felt a little abnormal. It stands to reason that this token can be bought by anyone. It stands to reason that many people should have been to this secret realm.

So these little foxes should have seen the monks who came here before, don't they have any precautions?

Let him go where they live? Didn't this lead the wolf into the room?

Lin Nan came directly to where they lived, and then looked at the surrounding situation.

There are probably hundreds of foxes living in this place, but all of these hundreds of foxes are immature.

So the only adult fox didn't see it either. It was like a fox's kindergarten.

So it's very strange, why is there no adult fox here?

In general, foxes can transform into adulthood, so these foxes are prototypes and look very cute.

Soon, Lin Nan asked: "Do you have no adult foxes here?"

The little foxes immediately shook their heads and said, "We only have one grandmother fox here who looks like an adult, and the other little foxes are all underage."

"Then how long have you stayed here? Have new underage foxes been born?"

"We have been here for more than four hundred years, and we can all go out soon."

Lin Nan didn't believe this at all. After all, Youming Sanren had ascended thousands of years ago. These foxes should have been here for thousands of years. How could they have only been here for more than four hundred years?

It seems that everything is under that grandma fox.

"Can you take me to see Grandma Fox?"

After Lin Nan said these words, these little foxes quickly led Lin Nan to a cave.

"Grandma Fox is inside. Go in by yourself."

After Lin Nan saw this situation, he walked directly into this fox cave.

Unexpectedly, there is really a grandmother fox who is over 50 years old in the fox cave.

However, foxes cannot distinguish age by appearance, so this fox probably has lived for thousands of years.

"Thank you for opening me the way to the next level. I don't want to hurt you either. As for what tricks you do here, I am not very interested."

After Lin Nan said this, the fox grandmother said directly: "People just want to stay young forever. Since you are not so stupid as an adventurer, then I will help you open the way to the next level, we You'd better leave it alone here, and just go out with the treasure."

When Lin Nan heard this, he suddenly thought of what the tree king said to him, don't believe the fox in front of you.

"Then trouble you, open the channel to the next level?"

"Then I will open the passage. The test of the next level is in the sea. If you don't avoid water drops, it will be very difficult."

Lin Nan heard these words, and then immediately asked: "Listen to you, do you have a water drop in your hand?"

"Of course I have this kind of treasure, but I can't give it to you for nothing, you have to do a little bit for me."

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