There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 2362: Treasure map in hand

After Lin Nan used the Tai Chi sword technique, his cultivation base was too high.

Therefore, the power of this swordsmanship has also been promoted to the peak, which is definitely the realm of the master level.

The dragon man was a little shocked when he saw that this sword technique was so exquisite that he could bounce his power back intact.

"What kind of sword technique is this? Why have I never seen this kind of sword technique? Is it a heavenly technique? This is impossible! The heavenly technique is so rare, how can you have two?"

After Longren said this, Lin Nan directly replied at this time: "This is just the Tai Chi swordsmanship of the bad street. It is a worthless thing on the market. There are three thousand avenues, and you can get the same result by different routes. If you are not high in understanding, don't say it. This is a heavenly practice."

After Lin Nan said this, the dragon was directly angry.

"What do you think? Use such a low-level exercise to deal with me? This is really damn! I must kill you! This is a shame!"

Lin Nan was puzzled at this time, how could this become a shame?

"What kind of exercise should I use to deal with you? That's my business. How can this be a shame? I really don't understand what you dragons think."

"The despicable villain, actually used this kind of non-influenced technique to fight me upright! I will now show you the ultimate defense of our dragon race, ten thousand scales."

After the dragonman finished speaking, a large piece of dragon scales appeared immediately around him, and then a set of gleaming armor appeared on his body, these armors exuding the yellow gold light of a real dragon.

It looks very powerful, such a powerful armor, the defense should be amazing.

Lin Nan was more frightened when he fought, this set of scale armor was surprisingly defensive, and his weapon couldn't even leave a scratch on the armor.

"There is such a high-defense armor in this world! You really opened my eyes."

After Lin Nan finished speaking, suddenly wanted to get these ten thousand scale armors, then its defense power would definitely be greatly improved.

But the dragon man in front of him is very difficult to deal with. Only by killing him can he get this armor.

Lin Nan didn't just play casually at this time, and directly used 50% of his strength.

These powers played a suppressive role for this dragon man, and coupled with the Tai Chi swordsmanship in his hand, no matter how fierce the dragon man was, he would still be hurt by his own power.

"You despicable human! Using such a weird sword technique, you humans like to study these crooked ways and think you are very clever!"

After the dragon man said this, he directly began to attack Lin Nan more violently.

However, Lin Nan also secretly strengthened the power of Tai Chi swordsmanship.

Today, he is going to use this infamous sword technique to defeat this self-righteous dragon man, and let this real dragon know what it is called, and one method can break ten thousand methods.

The truly purest spell is the most common spell without any modification. This spell is practiced to a pure state, and its power is much greater than those magical powers.

The reason why supernatural powers are powerful is that they contain the rhyme of Taoism, but this kind of most **** swordsmanship, on the contrary, is the simplicity of Taoism, which contains the most basic things of Taoism.

The dragon man in front of him looked at Lin Nan in disbelief. His most proud attack didn't hurt this young man at all?

"Damn it! I don't believe that you are using the swordsmanship of Bad Street! What you are using is a Heaven-ranking technique at all, do you want to lie to me?"

Lin Nan. At this time, I also know the explanation, which is meaningless.

So, he pulled out this sword technique directly from the storage space, and then threw it to the dragonman.

The dragon man looked through this sword technique directly, and found that the sword move on it was really a bad one from the street.

But why can the person in front of him use such a powerful force?

Moreover, this Tai Chi swordsmanship is really an inferior swordsmanship, here it is the existence of rubbish.

"Such a trash swordsmanship, how did you make it so powerful?"

After Lin Nan heard what Dragon Man said, he immediately replied: "Don't you know the principle of three thousand roads and the same goal by different routes? This sentence should be written on the first page of many basic textbooks."

After Lin Nan said this, Longren suddenly understood this truth.

Then the figure of the dragon slowly disappeared, and finally the voice of the real dragon appeared.

"I will give this armor to you. Thank you for teaching me this. This armor is made of 10,000 scales of our dragon family. It has the power of 10,000 dragons of our dragon family. It is tough and indestructible. Thank you. The gift is for you."

When Lin Nan heard this, he put away the armor, which is indeed a good thing.

"I will open the way for you to the final level. After you go there, you can get the treasure you want by answering one question."

Lin Nan said thank you to Zhenlong at this time, then turned his head and walked directly into the teleportation formation.

"Three thousand avenues, are you going to the same destination by different routes? Interesting and interesting, you really attracted a good seed from the ghosts."

After Lin Nan got out of the teleportation formation, he came directly to a space.

This space is all white, and these three treasures are floating in the air.

One is a treasure map, the other is a box, and the last is a bottle of pill.

"Please answer the question. If you were to choose one of the three treasures, which one would you choose?"

"I want a treasure map."

"Since you want to choose the treasure map, the treasure map will be given to you, someone who is destined. If you can come to my world, I will give you another chance. Goodbye, someone who is destined."

After the voice disappeared, Lin Nan also directly got the treasure map in mid-air.

Then the other two treasures disappeared again, waiting for the destined person to pass through the next time.

After Lin Nan got the treasure map, he left this space directly.

"Unexpectedly, this treasure map is really inside. It must be that many people want direct exercises and pills. No one wants to continue hunting for treasures, so I left this treasure map."

After Lin Nan said these words, he wanted to directly follow the route drawn on this treasure map, and then search for the treasure of the corpse.

But he hasn't gone back for a long time. He was afraid that the little girl and the others were worried, so he went back to his residence first.

"Dad, where have you been? You have been silent for the past few days. Could it be that where did you go for treasure hunting?"

The little girl was obviously very upset at this moment, and the other people gradually gathered around, and then asked Lin Nan his warmth.

"Don't worry, I went to search for treasure in the space of Nether Sanren, and got a treasure map."

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