"Okay, let's go now!"

After the little girl finished speaking, she quickly pulled Lin Nan, and then the two rushed directly to the temple of Daguangming Temple.

After arriving at the temple's trading area, I found that there were many kinds of sesame oil in this temple.

"With so many varieties of sesame oil, which one should we use?"

Lin Nan was also very speechless when he heard the little girl ask this.

"Come a little of each, and buy some more candles to go back. It is said that these candles are all lit, and after they are lit, they can dispel certain evil spirits."

After hearing this, the little girl understood a little bit in her heart.

"It turns out that these things that Buddha cultivates are used to dispel evil spirits? Isn't such things as evil spirits magic cultivation?"

Lin Nan heard the little girl say this, and directly replied: "You can't explain things like demons and evils with the words Moxiu."

"Then what can be explained? Is it possible to include a lot of things?"

Lin Nan sighed at this time, and then said: "Buy some candles, and then take two more Buddhist scriptures back."

After Lin Nan bought the things, they brought them back to the base camp.

Then, the little girl quickly took out a candle, then lit the candle, and found that the candle's light was very bright, and it really looked like a lit candle.

For the remaining sesame oil, the little girl took out a bottle of sesame oil, and then used it a little bit, and found that the sesame oil smelled very good.

"This sesame oil really smells so good, I really have a chilling sensation, and it seems that there is really a calming effect in it."

After Lin Nan heard this, he naturally replied: "That's natural. This oil is produced by Daguangming Temple. We didn't buy the pirated sesame oil, so the effect is naturally very powerful."

The little girl heard Lin Nan praise this sesame oil so much, she couldn't help smelling it for a while longer.

"Dad, my head is so dizzy! Is this sesame oil poisonous?"

After the little girl finished speaking, she fainted on the ground.

"What's going on? Little girl, what's the matter with you? Why are you fainting on the ground!"

Lin Nan was also anxious at this time, and then went directly to check the physical condition of the little girl.

"Damn it, it's actually poisoned! Could it be that this sesame oil is really poisonous? It shouldn't be! How can things in Daguangming Temple be poisonous?"

After Lin Nan thought about this, he suspected the bag of tea, but they drank all the tea, and this did not happen anymore.

It wasn't when I was thinking about these questions at this time, Lin Nan directly took the little girl to the doctor.

"This little girl is a kind of strange poison. If this toxin is not cured within 7 days, it will immediately die out. It is a toxin aimed at the soul. I am just a half-hearted medical practitioner. I can't cure it. This kind of poison."

After Lin Nan heard this, he couldn't help being a little stunned.

"What should I do now? If this continues, the little girl will be poisoned to death."

Lin Nan was also panicked at this time, but this medical practitioner soon introduced a method.

"Why don't it be like this, you can go directly to my master, there may be some way to ask the old man to come forward, I'm just a little bit of learning now, there is no way at all."

After Lin Nan heard this, he also nodded directly.

"Then I will go find your master, what is your master's name? I will go find him now."

"My master is called Tongtian Shengshou. He usually lives in the Medical Immortal Valley. If you go to him, you will find him soon. I will try my best to extend the life of your daughter."

After Lin Nan heard this, he directly asked for medical repair, and then went straight to Medical Immortal Valley.

However, it will take more than a day to go to the Medical Immortal Valley.

But now the situation is urgent, Lin Nan had no choice but to travel day and night to come to the Medical Immortal Valley, and it took a total of one day.

"I'm here to see your Valley Master, please let me in quickly, I have a patient in a hurry for him to see and treat."

After Lin Nan came here, he directly said this to the disciple who was guarding the gate, and then he was directly released.

"I have understood your daughter's situation. This strange toxin requires a special detoxification medicinal material to detoxify. This kind of detoxification medicinal material is the seven-star snow lotus. You must obtain this medicinal material to completely detoxify."

After Lin Nan heard this, he was also very speechless. He didn't even know what the seven-star snow lotus was, so where did he find it? And the little girl's illness could not last long.

"I have drawn the characteristics of the Seven-Star Snow Lotus for you, and then this thing is only found on the Tianshan Mountains. Whether you can find it depends on your luck. I hope you will be happy, and you will be able to give it to your girl immediately after you find it. Detoxification."

After Lin Nan heard this, he immediately glanced at the painting that the owner of the valley gave him.

This seven-star snow lotus looks a bit like a lotus, but it is red all over, so it should be very easy to find.

"Is this flower easy to find? How many years does it appear?"

"It's very difficult to find. It appears once in 300 years, and it's only two hundred and seventy years since it appeared last time. That's why I let you try your luck. Maybe you can find one."

After Lin Nan heard this, he nodded, and then replied: "Thank you, I will try my best to find this medicinal material. My daughter asks you to continue my life with both my teacher and apprentice. You can help me at most. How long does this disease delay?"

"If the old man starts it himself, it can be delayed for about half a month. If you can find this lotus within fifteen days, I can detoxify your daughter immediately."

After Lin Nan heard this, he didn't feel like it. It was only fifteen days, but it had doubled the number of seven days.

"Is it only fifteen days in total? It seems that I have to hurry up to go to Tianshan, or the little girl's life will not be saved. This is really painful."

After Lin Nan finished speaking, he immediately cleaned up, and then went straight to Tianshan Mountain.

"I don’t know if there is such a thing in this Tianshan Mountain. After all, it’s only two hundred and seventy years. Generally, the medicinal materials that appeared about 300 years ago will be born early, and this thing is particularly difficult to find. What should I do?"

Lin Nan was thinking about it as he hurried, and he felt very sad. After all, if something happened to the little girl, he would never forgive himself.

"Little girl, you must hold on, I will definitely find the Seven Star Snow Lotus! I will never let you die for no reason! I will never allow such a thing to happen! I must find this medicinal material !"

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