There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 245: I heard you want to see me? (Third more)

"Song Shao, forget it, my friend—"

Wang Yuxuan frowned slightly, and halfway through her words, she couldn't find any adjectives, so she added something like this!

"He has a bad temper!"


Deathly silence!

Everyone present looked at Wang Yuxuan as if they were looking at a fool, their eyes protruding!


Everyone whispered.

"What happened to Wang Yuxuan today? It's a bit wrong?"

The rich man who sent Song Yuchen to the other hospital, the man named Liu Zhongji, lowered his throat.

"Yes, she was not like this before, so how dare you talk to Song Shao like this today?" A rich man next to him shook his head slightly, his expression dumbfounded.

"I don't know, maybe it was too much for Song Shao to dote on, so just forget about it! How dare you talk to Song Shao like this!" another female star answered.

"Shhh! Let's not talk about it anymore, let Song Shao hear it for a while, and unfortunately follow along!"

Some people shook their heads slightly.

‘Haha, Wang Yuxuan, this idiot, is looking for his own death! Also your friend has a bad temper. Could it be that Song Shao's temper is good? Jiang Xinyu almost laughed, her mouth twitching constantly, making her feel uncomfortable!

‘Oh, such a low EQ woman doesn’t know how did she get into the entertainment industry? ’


"Is my temper very good?"

Song Yuchen's eyes were full of coldness. Although his voice was still calm, everyone could hear that he was on the verge of exploding!

"Song Shao, I don't think so, because he is—"

Wang Yuxuan said again, wanting to say that Lin Nan is Jiangnan's'Mr. Lin'!

But this sentence finally became the fuse, and was interrupted before it was finished!

"Shut up! Wang Yuxuan, is it because I love you too much? Or in Yanjing, my words don't count anymore? No matter who he is, do you know who I am?"

Song Yuchen's handsome face was covered with clouds!

Lin Nan is Mr. Lin from Jiangnan, Wang Yuxuan already knows, and Lin Nan's methods are against the sky, Wang Yuxuan has heard of everything he did in Jiangnan City!

With Lin Nan's character, if Song Yuchen provoked him, it would be bad for both parties!

Wang Yuxuan thought and told Song Yuchen of Lin Nan's identity. Maybe Song Yuchen knew Lin Nan's reputation and would not trouble him!

Who knows, Song Yuchen would never give Wang Yuxuan a chance to speak!

All the people present closed their mouths, and there was no talking, it was terribly quiet!

Liu Zhongji, Zhao Tianqi and others dare not say a word!

"Zhao Tianqi, what are you waiting for?"

Song Yuchen's face sank and fell on Zhao Tianqi's body, full of coldness!

Zhao Tianqi shuddered, and hurriedly ran out of the venue, all the way to the outside of the "Yijiangnan" box!

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a knock on the door.

"I'll open the door, maybe Yuxuan is back!" Liu Feifei smiled faintly.

Less than ten seconds later, there was a rush of footsteps, and Zhao Tian walked in angrily!

"You guys, follow me to see Song Shao right now!" Zhao Tianqi was angry.

"what happened?"

A trace of panic flashed across Liu Feifei's pretty face!

"Haha, what's going on? Today is Song Shao’s birthday. Originally Song Shao invited Wang Yuxuan to the birthday party, but Wang Yuxuan said that she was unwell and could not attend. Is this the so-called physical discomfort? I brought a group of people here to eat and drink. Oh, there are also abalone and lobster!"

"Your appetite is very good!"

Zhao Tianqi smiled without a smile.

Liu Feifei panicked and explained: "Mr. Zhao, it's not like this!"

"Don't explain to me, explain to Song Shao! Song Shao said, let you see him!" Zhao Tianqi waved his hand impatiently, his expression cold.

"Sister Feifei, who is that Young Master Song? Isn't it amazing?"

Chu Yao asked in a low voice.


Liu Feifei sighed, helplessly said:

"Young Master Song is named Song Yuchen, a member of the Song family of Yanjing! The Song family is very powerful in Yanjing, ranking one of the big super families. Since Song Yuchen is a direct descendant of the Song family, he is also a grandson of the Song family elder son. In the area of ​​Yenching, no one dares to provoke him, and he is known as one of the four great princes of Yenching!"

"What? Prince Yanjing!"

Chu Yao and Chu Qiong exclaimed. The two like to watch entertainment gossip news, and they have heard about the reputation of Prince Yanjing!

In the entertainment section, gossip headlines, you can often see the news of the "Four Grand Princes of Yenching"!

"The Zhang family, Song family, Qi family, Xie family, Zheng family, and the five major families of Yanjing, have very profound backgrounds. Even before'we', they need to be treated with caution!"

Leng Yan explained that while speaking, he peeked at Lin Nan!

Only Lin Nan knew that the "we" Leng Yan said was referring to the dragon group!

The water in Yanjing is very deep, and the family that even the Dragon Group needs to be careful about is definitely extraordinary!

It's no wonder that Song Yuchen dared to call himself "Prince Prince", because of the power, status, and connections of the Song family, he really deserves this title!

However, to Lin Nan, the prince did not seem to have much weight!

Don't say that the prince is not a true prince, even if he is a true heir to the country, Lin Nan doesn't care at all!

You know, in the depths of the universe, even the emperors of those countries that span the entire star field, when they see Lin Nan, they respectfully bow their heads!

"Why are there only four princes in the five major families?" Chu Qiong asked strangely.

"Because Zhang family's elder Zhang, when Zhang Fuzhi was alive, did not allow Zhang family children to have this nickname, so among the four princes, there is no Zhang family member!" Leng Yan continued to explain.

Several women nodded as if they didn't understand, they weren't from Yanjing, so they didn't understand them!

Leng Yan used to be a dragon in the dragon group, one of the five dragon kings, and the power of Yanjing, she couldn't be more familiar with it!

"Now that I know it, let's go now!"

Zhao Tianqi laughed strangely.

"Lin Nan, listening to this, Yu Xuan seems to be in trouble!"

Liu Ruqing pulled Lalinnan's sleeves. If it weren't for their arrival in Yanjing, this would probably not happen!

"Don't worry, I'll take a look!" Lin Nan smiled relaxedly.

"it is good!"

Liu Ruqing nodded.

Lin Nan stood up and said, "I'll go with you!"

"We Song Shao said, everyone together..."

Zhao Tianqi just said half a sentence, Lin Nan glanced over, frightened his heart, abruptly squeezed the second half of the sentence into his stomach, and lowered his head, his eyes were in shock!

‘Anyway, I also took people there. There is always an explanation. Let these women forget! Zhao Tianqi didn't dare to look at Lin Nan directly, thinking with a guilty conscience.

At that moment, Zhao Tianqi had an illusion that if he said one more word, he might die!

"Ahem -! Okay-okay, you can go alone!"

Under Lin Nan's powerful aura, Zhao Tianqi no longer had the arrogance he had started. His voice suddenly became seven or eight degrees lower, like a chicken, leading the way!

Seeing Lin Nan walking out with Zhao Tianqi, Liu Feifei said, "I'll go too," and followed!

When arriving at the birthday venue, Zhao Tianqi hurried up!

"Song Shao, someone has brought you here!"

Song Yuchen raised his head, only to see a young man at the entrance of the venue, walking slowly with his hand holding his hand, with a slight smile on his mouth!

"I heard you want to see me?"

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