There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 248: Mr. Lin, your heart is really wider than the starry sky! ! (Sixth more)

Facing Song Kaixian's goodwill, Lin Nan didn't say anything!

He could refuse even the win of the Dragon Group. What can a super family of a mere super family give Lin Nan? And in his capacity, nothing is lacking!

Now Lin Nan is just thinking, raising Lin Momo to an adult, so that she can have a childhood like ordinary people, without regrets, and then return to the fairyland with his wife and daughter!

The earth is just a station!

Perhaps, three to five hundred years later, Lin Nan will bring his family back for a look, but at that time, the countries on the earth may have changed their dynasties, let alone a Song family!

At this moment, a group of middle-aged men walked down the winding mountain road opposite!

One of them is Zhang Shaoli, the head of the Zhang family!

Beside him, stood a man in a suit and leather shoes. This person was named Lee Jae Hee, one of the directors of the Samsung Consortium of South Korea. This time he personally came to Yenching to form an alliance with the Zhang family!

Early in the morning, Zhang Shaoli personally accompanied Li Zaixi to Yanjiao for a walk. He didn't expect that after the walk, when he went down the mountain, he would unexpectedly meet Lin Nan!

‘Why did he come to Yanjing and stand with Song Kaixian? ’

Zhang Shaoli thought to himself.

Somewhat surprised, he naturally knew Lin Nan!

The moment Li Zaixi saw Lin Nan, he was obviously taken aback!

Lin Nan's photo has long been circulated among the top of the Samsung consortium, and everyone knows him!

In Tianhai City, Lin Nan abolished Li Jinxuan, one of the heirs of the Samsung Consortium!

After Li Jinxuan returned to South Korea, he added fuel and vinegar, saying that Lin Nan was going to be an enemy of the Samsung consortium, so the entire Samsung consortium had secretly regarded Lin Nan as an enemy!

The corner of Lee Jae Hee's eyes twitched slightly, and a faint killing intent surged in his heart!

Lin Nan frowned!

He is convinced that he doesn't know this person, and there is no reason why the other person wants to kill himself as soon as he meets, or is this person from the underground world?

"You want to kill me?"

Lin Nan looked at this person with interest.

Li Zaixi trembled all over, looked at Lin Nan incredibly, his voice was a little dry, and said, "How do you know?"

"A faint murderous intent welled up in your heart, you can't hide it from me!"

Lin Nan shook his head gently.

"Mr. Lin is really amazing!"

Li Jae-hee sighed. Since he was discovered, he did not continue to cover up. He nodded and said: "Yes, I do want to kill you, but I am not strong enough! Now that Mr. Lin found out, Li Jae-hee is alive or dead. It depends on Mr. Lin. Up!"

Li Zaixi was also open-minded, standing there, craned his neck, ready to die!

"To accompany my daughter out to relax, I don't want to kill anyone!"

"Are you from the South Korean Samsung Foundation?"

"Exactly! My Samsung consortium kindly wooed Mr. Lin, but unexpectedly you abolished our heir and threatened! Although you are a strong man in the underground world, is it too much to act like this? No The slightest style of the strong!" Lee Jae-hee is not afraid anymore.

"Oh? Am I threatening you?"

Lin Nan shook his head lightly, sneered, and said proudly: "The mere three-star consortium, I still don't take it seriously, why threaten you!"

"Don't say it's you, even if it's your Korean presidential palace, if I slap it over, it will be wiped out. Need to threaten a consortium in your area?"

Lin Nanhao is so angry, listening to his tone is not joking, but serious!

Moreover, the arrogance in Lin Nan's bones did not seem to be pretended at all, but from the heart!

Lee Jae-hee was blank and frowned, "Is there any misunderstanding?"

"Haha, you should ask about the successor of your consortium! If I want to deal with your Samsung consortium, there is no threat at all, know? Come directly to Korea and raise your hand to destroy Samsung. Do you think your country can stop it? I?"

All the people present were stunned!

I remembered that Lin Nan entered the country like this a month ago, and he directly entered the country’s capital, slashing the Kyoto Tower with a single sword. Who can stop it?

Up to now, Waguo dared not even put a fart, and also concealed it from the outside world, saying that they took the initiative to demolish the Kyoto Tower and prepare to rebuild it!

Anyone who knows the inside story knows that Lin Nan cut down the Kyoto Tower!

Li Jae-hee finally suddenly felt that with Lin Nan's strength, there was no need to lie to him!

In this way, Li Jinxuan can only lie, and there must be something concealed by Li Jinxuan, or that Li Jinxuan has offended Lin Nan and dare not tell Samsung Group the truth, so he fabricated a lie!

Lee Jae-hee stomped his foot abruptly and said angrily: "Damn! Lee Jin-hyun lied!"

"Ha ha!"

Lin Nan shook his head lightly and said: "Go! Take the words back. If you are hostile to me, even if you can send someone to kill me, I'll wait!"

"Mr. Lin, your heart is really broader than the starry sky! Sorry, here, I apologize to you! This incident is our negligence, Jae-hee is here to apologize to you if you visit us next time Country, I will visit in person and treat you as a guest!"

Li Zaixi showed apologies and bowed deeply to Lin Nan!

Lin Nan waved his hand gently, without saying anything!

It was not his broad-mindedness, but the hostility to the Samsung consortium, Lin Nan didn't care at all!

Lee Jae-hee didn't want to stay for a long time. With his men, he left Yanjiao in a hurry and immediately embarked on the plane returning to South Korea. He wanted to investigate the matter clearly. It was almost because of a Li Jinxuan who established such a terrifying enemy for the Samsung consortium!

After Lee Jae Hee left.

"Mo'er, let's go back!"

Lin Nan smiled faintly, the whole process has been calm and calm!


Lin Momo responded twice and lay down in Lin Nan's arms.

After seeing Lin Nan leaving, Zhang Jiajia advocated Shao Li and exhaled a sigh of relief!


When Lin Nan was there just now, he was under great pressure, and he almost didn't relieve himself!

Now that Lin Nan left, the big rock on his chest finally landed!

Although Lin Nan did not target him or even cared about him at all, the aura of the superior made Zhang Shaoli look like an emperor!

After all, Zhang Shaoli is not as good as Zhang Fuzhi, the city without his father!

"Zhang Shaoli, are you so promising?" Song Kaixian snorted.

"When your father was alive, you desperately had a good relationship with Mr. Lin. Now that your father died, when the Zhang family got into your hands, it began to collude with foreigners?"

Zhang Shaoli's face turned red!

Song Kaixian is his elder, he is not easy to refute, he can only bite the bullet and say: "Song Lao taught that Shao Li has been taught!"

"Haha, don't be convinced! You gave up the friendly relationship between your father and Mr. Lin. It is your biggest mistake, but it is useless to regret now, you have already missed it!"

Song Kaixian laughed twice, then turned and left.

Seeing Song Kaixian leaving, the housekeeper on the side frowned, and said, "Patriarch, this old guy is leaning on and selling old, don't care!"

Zhang Shaoli was very upset.

"Can I not care! I really didn't expect that the Samsung Consortium would attach such importance to Lin Nan? Is it really my mistake, as Song Kaixian said?"

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