There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 251: Zeus comes! (Third more)

"The Thunder Master is in Yanjing?"

Several Chinese elders looked at each other with a look of astonishment.

"Haha, you are still sitting in Yanjing. You don't know if they are here! Phoenix girl, we will meet this person!"

Zeus shook his head funny, he slowly got up, stepped out, the power of thunder surged under his feet!

In the next moment, Zeus and the Phoenix woman went straight away!

"No, you can't let them do it in the capital!"

The expressions of several old men in China changed slightly!

As soon as Zeus and the Phoenix girl left the manor, they saw three people flying in the air ahead, then stopped and stood in the air!

"Venerable Ying Long? Your dragon team is really slow forever!"

Zeus carried his hands and looked forward.

The three people in front of them are Ying Long, Candle Dragon, and Jiaolong of the Dragon Group, the three Venerables!

"Zeus, who allowed you to enter China?"

Venerable Ying Long frowned.

"The world is so big, where can't I go? Even if it is the White House in the United States or the Great Palace in Russia, I go as I want. Even if I sit at the president's desk and drink tea, who can drive me away?"

Zeus said proudly.

"Hehe, in that case, why don't you go to Yinxu?" Venerable Ying Long chuckled twice.


Zeus snorted coldly.

"After I enter Yanjing and kill the master of Thunder, I will enter the Yin Ruins to show you!"

"You want to kill the master of Thunder?" Venerable Ying Long's pupils shrank slightly.

The scene of Lin Nan slapped the horned dragon to death is still vivid, no matter how powerful Zeus is, Venerable Yinglong believes that as long as Zeus has not entered the realm of heaven, he is definitely not Lin Nan's opponent!

"Why? Are there only three of the five dragon kings in the dragon group? Just rely on you three to prevent me from entering Yanjing?" Zeus asked coldly.

"Haha, if you want to deal with the master of Thunder, I won't stop you, Yanjing is just ahead, fifty kilometers away, please!"

Venerable Ying Long laughed twice, stepped aside, and made a gesture of please!

Zeus wanted to die, so Venerable Ying Long would naturally not stop him!


When Zeus saw the attitude of Venerable Yinglong, he couldn't help being surprised!

The Dragon Group itself is the patron saint of China. As a dark giant in the underground world, Zeus wants to enter Yenching. It stands to reason that Venerable Yinglong should desperately stop him!

Even Zeus is ready to fight against Venerable Yinglong!

But instead of stopping him, the other party let him go. Is there any fraud?

"Why, dare not to go?" Venerable Ying Long smiled.

"Why don't you dare to come back when I kill him!"

Zeus proudly said, and then stepped out, and the Phoenix woman turned into two meteors in the dark night, and flew in the direction of Yanjing!

"Boss? Why did you let him pass like this?" New Dragon's brow furrowed, and his voice was ethereal and very pleasant.

And she looks only seventeen or eighteen years old, but her strength has reached the middle stage of the earth immortal, very terrifying!

The actual age is more than one hundred and fifty years old. If you underestimate her and treat her as an ordinary girl, you will definitely die miserably!

"Since Zeus is looking for death, why can't we fulfill him?" Venerable Ying Long shook his head amused.

The Venerable Candle Dragon on the side also nodded, with a smile on his face.

"Flood Dragon! I promise that this time Zeus will definitely die, and after Zeus's death, we can still declare to the public that the people in charge of Thunder are Chinese. Do you think those people in the underground world dare to offend China in the future?"

At this moment, the Mahatma Como from India, the Saint King from Europe, the Windrunner from Canada, and the Black Witch King from Southeast Asia also came out!

Venerable Ying Long glanced at everyone present and said:

"If you want to go to Yanjing to watch the battle, please hide in the high altitude and don't let ordinary people discover it. If you can do it, please!"


Several super giants all nodded, and then went away!

At this time, all the old men in China had also walked out!

"Ying Long, let them enter Yanjing like this? Will it be dangerous!"

An old man in a mandarin jacket with a shaved head braid from the Qing Dynasty frowned.

"Hehe, brother, don't worry! If anyone dares to attack the Thunder Master in Yanjing, there will be no return!" Ying Long sneered twice.


At this moment, Lin Nan and Lin Momo are in the villa, waiting for Liu Ruqing to return!

At this time, today's financial talks should be over!


Suddenly, the fluorescent lamp flashed twice in the lobby of the villa, and the current was very unstable!


Leng Yanxiu raised her eyebrows, stood up from the sofa, looked around in surprise, and said in a deep voice, "Master, it seems that a strong man is approaching!"

"Yes, and there are more than one person, there are two in total, haha! Leng Yan, these two people are probably those dark giants in the underground world you said!" Lin Nanman said casually.

After Leng Yan listened, her pretty face suddenly changed color!

"What? How dare they enter the capital!"

"In the underground world, among the dark giants, there are conventions!"

"No matter what the circumstances are, no giants can enter the capitals of other countries, otherwise they would violate the Dark Convention!"

"Because the strength of these giants is so powerful, a random blow can be comparable to the destructive power of tanks and artillery. If a country's capital is attacked, it will have an extremely bad impact!"

"Among them is a white man with long blond hair, wearing an unclothed armor and showing two arms, who is this?" Lin Nan asked lightly.

Zeus was still dozens of kilometers away, Lin Nan had already seen him clearly!

"Master, this is Zeus! Hey! He is hailed as the number one strong man in North America. He is the one who entered Yanjing?"

Leng Yan took a breath and couldn't calm down anymore!

"There is also a white woman, wearing a red robe, she looks pretty good, and she is not below this Zeus!

"The white woman in the red robe? She looks pretty good, is she a Phoenix girl? Why did she even enter Yanjing!"

Leng Yan was even more shocked, her delicate body was shocked, and her pretty face was amazed!

If the two of them act in Yenching at the same time, it will cause a terrible disaster, or maybe cause a war between the world's powers!


At this moment, a sound of breaking through the sky came, and two bright white lights appeared above the villa area where Lin Nan was located, as if a meteor pierced the night sky!


The magnetic field of the entire villa area was disturbed and plunged into darkness instantly!

"What's the matter? Damn, it's really disappointing!"

A rich man, holding Xiaomi in his villa, was about to clear the heat, suddenly power off!

"Well, it happened to be off!" The charming woman in her arms smiled and rushed towards the rich!

"Wait, fuck! What is that?"

The rich man exclaimed and looked up and found that in the night sky outside the window, there were two people flying in, like fighter planes, making a booming sound!

Not only him, but other wealthy people in the villa area also witnessed this scene. They all ran out of the villa and looked up to the sky!

"My God, it turned out to be two people!"

"A man and a woman, still white, are they gods?"

People were terrified.

At this time, Zeus and the Phoenix woman had already landed above Lin Nan's villa!

"Master, they seem to have arrived!"

Leng Yan lowered his throat, and the atmosphere in the entire villa was extremely suppressed!

"Yes, you are optimistic about Mo'er, I will come when I go!"

Lin Nan said casually, and then walked out of the villa!

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