There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 255: Yes, I like the master! (First more)

Yang Xueqi's queen fan, the cold face and the shyness of Chu Yao and Chu Qiong immediately attracted the attention of a large number of men!

Several middle-aged men who seemed to be successful people, with twinkling eyes on their faces, looked at the four people up and down, secretly weighing in their hearts, like hunting wolves, ready to move out!

The four women found the deck and sat down, and immediately a waiter came up and asked what they needed!

Yang Xueqi and Leng Yan both ordered wine, and Chu Yao and Chu Qiong ordered juice!

"That won't work. Give them a change of wine, give them two glasses of "Dream Goddess", and why not come to the club without drinking?

Yang Xueqi is like a domineering queen, with a very full aura.

The waiter retired!

"Sister Xueqi, why are they all watching us, will something happen? I'm so nervous!"

Chu Qiong shrank into the sofa, and it was the first time he came to a nightclub!

This kind of performance like a little sheep made the men present licked their lips a little hotly!

"Haha, the more you are like this, the more excited those men are!" Yang Xueqi laughed twice.

He lowered his throat again, and said mysteriously: "If you don't believe me, take a look, someone will come over and start a conversation soon!"

Sure enough, the voice has just landed!

Three middle-aged men slowly walked over, the brand-name belts around their waists, and the wristwatches worth hundreds of thousands of dollars inadvertently showed that they are successful people and they are expensive!

"Are you Chinese? Korean beauties are all from the assembly line, and you have no temperament!"

One of the men laughed, and what he said in his mouth turned out to be Mandarin, and it was very standard!

"I toast you a glass!"

As he spoke, he held up his glass, took a sip at the cocktail inside, and then sat in the deck without leaving a trace!

It happened to be beside Leng Yan, less than half a meter away from her, and he moved towards Leng Yan, taking a deep sniff of her body fragrance!

Leng Yan frowned and said coldly, "Get out of here!"

With a sudden sentence, the other two Korean men who were about to introduce themselves were taken aback, looking at Leng Yan with a little surprise!

The middle-aged man who sat down changed his face a little, but he still had a smile!

"Madam, I want to get to know you. If you don't mind, I can introduce myself solemnly. My name is Kim Won Sung. I have a trading company under my name. The current market value is as high as 100 billion won!"

Jin Yuancheng smiled faintly.

One hundred billion won, if converted into renminbi, would also look like six or seven billion. In China, even the richest man in a state or county cannot be ranked!

However, Jin Yuancheng seemed to have a sense of accomplishment, and his smile was very brilliant!

"I'll let you go away, don't you understand!"

This time, Leng Yan spoke directly in Korean, and his voice increased seven or eight degrees!

Everyone in the nightclub also looked over in surprise!

Jin Yuancheng's face alternated with blue and red, feeling very shameless!

He often hangs around nightclubs in this area, and has never encountered such a situation. Usually after he reveals his assets, those women will get close crazy!

Whether it is Europeans, Americans, or Chinese, this is true!

Today, I hit a nail in Lengyan!

"What are you talking about? Let me go? Do you know this..."

Jin Yuancheng has an ugly face and wants to say a few threats!

But it was only halfway through!


There was a crisp sound, Jin Yuancheng flew out, and fell directly into the opposite deck. He was covered with drinks and looked embarrassed!

There was silence in the nightclub!

Jin Yuancheng got up, his face was full of anger, staring at Leng Yan, but didn't dare to say a word, and left dingy!

The other two men who walked with Jin Yuancheng shuddered when they saw this scene, and backed away!

"Look at you, so violent, people are scared away!"

Yang Xueqi gave a cold look.

She thinks the cold face is very strange, sometimes charming and moving, looks like a vixen, and sometimes it is colder than an iceberg!

"I'm here, just want to relax. I'm not going to have a drink with a man, and I don't like the face of that person just now!" Leng Yan said solemnly.

Yang Xueqi shrugged helplessly!

"Look at it, now others treat us as demons, and none of them dare to come near!"

Yang Xueqi scanned the surroundings and found many men with long-distance gazes!

"This is just right, no one will bother us!" Chu Qiong breathed a sigh of relief instead.

"Let's go back soon! If the boss knew, we would sneak out, we would be worried!" Chu Qiong whispered.

Those men always stared at her long legs, which made her very uncomfortable!

"It's the boss again, don't you like Lin Nan?" Yang Xueqi murmured.


Chu Qiong's voice became even smaller!

'Oh my God! Will you let me say it? Lin Nan, where is the charm? ’

Yang Xueqi was silent.

She seems to have forgotten that she also liked Lin Nan before!

"Forget it, just come out and relax anyway. The same goes for the few of us to play by ourselves!"

Yang Xueqi waved her hand, took the cards on the wine table, and played the game!

After an hour, everyone drank some wine, Chu Yao and Chu Qiong, their pretty faces flushed, and they were already drunk!

As for the cold face, I have refilled it five or six times, each time it is a cocktail with high alcohol purity!

Even so, she is still calm as usual!

With the cold-faced ground immortal cultivation base, not to mention a thousand cups not being drunk, at least the impact of alcohol on her is not as serious as it is for ordinary people!

It was Yang Xueqi, who completely started playing, stretched out her hand to hold on to the thighs of Chu Yao and Chu Qiong!

Some men in the distance saw this scene, and their bodies were extremely hot!

"Boss, don't do this--!"

Facing Yang Xueqi's molesting, Chu Qiong, who was already drunk, whispered softly!

She actually regarded Yang Xueqi as Lin Nan!

"Leng Yan, take a look, the sisters have also fallen, and they said no, but I don't actually know what to think! Where is Lin Nan? And how do you recognize him as the master?" Yang Xueqi Depressed Road.

What age is it, and anyone who recognizes the master?

"How can you understand the master's ability!" Leng Yan glanced at Yang Xueqi proudly.

That night Lin Nan slapped Zeus to death, and killed the Phoenix girl with a finger, still vividly remembered!

This is the top dark tycoon in the underground world, that kind of terrifying big man was all killed by Lin Nan!

Leng Yan couldn't imagine what kind of strength Lin Nan was!

More importantly, men like Lin Nan, in front of their own women, behave no different from ordinary men, even better than ordinary men do!

Not to mention the top power, as long as it is a man worth more than 100 million yuan, which one is not indispensable in front of his own woman?

I can't wait for my own woman to regard herself as an emperor!

But Lin Nan did the opposite, treating her own woman as a treasure, and didn't treat herself as a strong one at all!

Feeling cold, Lin Nan is very special!

Killing decisively, but emphasizing love and righteousness!

It can destroy the whole family at every turn, kill 400 heads in a rage, and enter the Kyoto of the Kingdom of Japan!

You can also take Lin Momo and play games on the ground, ignoring the image of the strong!

"Leng Yan, do you like Lin Nan too?" Yang Xueqi hesitated.

"Yeah, I like the master. If he wants me, I can climb into his bed tonight! What's wrong?"


Leng Yan glanced at Yang Xueqi without any scruples!

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