There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 259: Oh? And the underground world? (Fifth more)

At 7:30 in the evening, the headquarters of the Samsung Consortium.

Lee Jae Hee is in the office, dealing with group affairs!

Suddenly, the female secretary opened the door and walked in!

"Boss, there is news. The person who killed Li Shao, we found her trace. On the day Li Shao was killed, there was their surveillance video at the airport in South Korea!"

As Mi Shu said, he passed the tablet in his hand!

Next, Lee Jae-hee clicked on a video and watched the airport surveillance screen!

"It's the woman in the blue dress in the middle. We have checked her passport information. Her name is Lengyan! That night, she killed Li Shao. There were three other women in the nightclub. She passed the customs together!"

The female secretary explained.

Lee Jae-hee watched the video. When he saw clearly that there was a man in the video holding a little girl, his pupils shrank suddenly, as if he was hell!

"How could it be him? Why did he come to Korea?"


Lee Jae-hee couldn't help but breathe in air!

"Boss, do you know this person?" The female secretary was a little strange.

"He is the master of Thunder!"

Lee Jae-hee murmured, his body weakened, and he lay down in the chair!

The female secretary looked puzzled, what thunder controller? With her status and vision, she can't touch these aspects at all!

After a while, Lee Jae-hee said quietly, "If someone else kills Lee Sung-hyun, we can avenge him. If he kills Lee Sung-hyun, we can only assume that nothing has happened!"

"Boss, with our status as a consortium, shouldn't you be afraid of this person?"

The female secretary thought for a while and said so.

"Huh! What do you know, there are big people in this world that you can't even think of. This Thunder master is one of them. Even the special departments in the United States are a little bit afraid of him! Okay, give orders. Right, Lee Sung Hyun's death, don't need to check it anymore!"

"As for the other directors, I will explain!"

Lee Jae Hee waved his hand.

"Boss, it may not work. Just now, an executive in charge of the women's team came back and said that he had found the murderer who killed Li Shao, and took three priests to arrest people!" The female secretary's face changed slightly. .


Hearing this, Lee Jae-hee got up from his chair with a cry, anxious!

"Damn it! If he offends the Thunder Master, it will bring disaster to the entire Samsung consortium!"

"Go, hurry up and get ready for the helicopter, I will dare to pass right away!"


Three weird people with cloaks suddenly broke into the backstage of the girl group concert!

"Ah! Who are you? Why did you break in here?"

However, when the senior executive of the Samsung Consortium appeared, the scene immediately settled down!

"It turned out to be Mr. Li, do you want to take the selected sisters away? The performance is not over yet, will you wait for the performance to end?"

Park Xiuhui laughed and stepped forward to greet her.

The middle-aged man in front of him, named Li Hekui, is an executive of the Samsung Group, responsible for the development, investment, and construction of various women's groups. This kind of character can determine the life and death of a group in one sentence!

Anyone in the Korean entertainment industry will worship him as a god!

"Huh! The murderer who killed Li Chengxuan is in your background. Hand him over quickly. If you dare to cover it, it will be a death penalty!" Li Hekui snorted coldly.

"What? Lee Sung Hyun is dead?"

Park Xiuhui was in a daze.

"This is not something you can inquire about, just say it! Where is the murderer who entered the backstage just now!"

Li Hekui said coldly, with a murderous intent coming out!

Pu Xiuhui trembled with fright, her pretty face turned pale in an instant, and said, "I don't know who the murderer is!"

"Five women, one man, and one little girl! They are the murderers!" Li Hekui angrily scolded.

Park Xiuhui's heart moved. Just now she saw Tang Wenwen's friends, aren't they five women, one man, and one little girl?

It shines, this may be an opportunity!

"He... they are in Tang Wenwen's dressing room!"

"Go, take me over!"

"it is good!"

In Pu Xiuhui's heart, the flowers were already blooming with joy. Originally, she thought that Tang Wenwen could be eliminated with the help of head drop technique!

Who would have thought that Tang Wenwen would collude with the murderer who killed the heir of the Samsung Group?

In this way, she doesn't need to do anything, and Tang Wenwen is dead!

Inside Tang Wenwen's dressing room!


There was a loud noise, and the door of the aluminum alloy dressing room was kicked open!

"Park Soo Hye? What are you doing here?"

Tang Wenwen frowned when she saw Park Xiuhui!

"Yo! Wenwen, I used to call me Sister Xiuhui, how come you call me by my name?"

Park Xiuhui was taken aback for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

"Hmph, the bracelet you gave me, I already know the problem, you are so vicious, besides me, there are several other people in the women's team, please accept your bracelet!"

Tang Wenwen raised her brows and said angrily: "It's still a loss. I believe you! Treating you as a sister, you actually asked someone to drop their heads!"

"Haha, Wenwen, let me give you a lesson. There is no emotion in the entertainment industry! But your bracelet is indeed consecrated in the temple. That temple is not an ordinary temple!"

"If you do this, you are not afraid that I will tell these things?"

"You have no chance to say it, because you colluded with the murderer who killed the heir of the Samsung Consortium. You may be going to die in a while. What chance do you have to tell others about this?" Park Xiuhui said with a smile, and walked in slowly Dressing room!

Behind her, Li Hekui also walked in with three powerhouses of the gods!

The martial arts master was slapped to death by Leng Yan, so there is always no problem with bringing three strong gods over here, right?

"Grab them all!"

Li Hekui scolded angrily.




Three crisp sounds came, neat and uniform!

The three strong gods, instead of doing anything, knelt down in the direction of Lin Nan and lowered their heads!

"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry, we didn't know it was you!"


Deathly silence!

Li Hekui looked like he had seen a ghost, his eyes widened in horror, and Park Xiuhui on the side was even more confused. What is going on?

‘Li Hekui brought people to arrest people, why did these people kneel down? Park Soo-hye cried secretly, and there was an unknown premonition spreading in her heart.

"Do you know me?" Lin Nan asked calmly.

"As long as you are from the underground world, who doesn't know you!"

One of the gods gave a wry smile, Lin Nan's photos had long been spread in the underground world!

"Oh? And the underground world?" Lin Nan's eyes sank.

This divine realm was so scared that his complexion changed wildly, and his heart was extremely shocked. What does this mean? ‘And the underground world? "My God, the Underground World Forum, isn't it the person who announced the dissolution?

Thinking of this, the faces of the three strong gods turned pale!

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