There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 268: A visit from the five-star general! (Second more)


Leng Yanjiao yelled, and slashed out according to the picture Lin Nan showed her in her mind!

She couldn't do it. Lin Nan's spirit of slashing Kunpeng with one sword, and slashing the stars with one sword can only rely on her memory to imitate Lin Nan's momentum when she slashed the dragon with one sword!

However, Lin Nan's power, Leng Yan couldn't imitate even one percent of it.

Even so, after Leng Yan's sword fell, Duerwufu only felt that there was a Mount Tai, pressing against his face!

Duerwufu subconsciously raised a knife to block!

Silver light flashed!

To'er Wufu's hair, as if being blown by a strong wind, fluttered back of his head suddenly!

A gust of sword aura fell on Durwufu's face, causing his cheeks to hurt like a knife cut!


There was a crisp sound!

The samurai sword in Leng Yan's hand cut off the sword of Duerwufu!

At the same time, the blade of Leng Yan stayed three inches from the center of the eyebrows of To'er Wufu. If it continued to fall, To'er Wufu would definitely be cut in half!

The scene is quiet!

After a short silence, there was a boil in an instant. No one thought that Duerwufu would be defeated, and so thoroughly!

"Wuerwufu was defeated?"

"The defeat was too thorough, even his sword was cut off, and the swordsman couldn't protect his weapon. This is almost a complete defeat!"

"Wuerwufu, known as the number one swordsman in the Japanese country, right? Now he was defeated by a Chinese woman, this time some said it!"

Everyone made a noise, and those who said these things were all Koreans.

The corners of their mouths are full of gloat!

The Japanese people on the side looked ugly to the extreme. He originally thought that Wu Fu would undoubtedly win. Who would have thought that he would be defeated by a blow at the last moment!

Several generals over there also showed a look of surprise and looked at Lin Nan!

William Smith looked solemn and his eyes flickered!

Senbon Sakura's immature and pretty face was pale and unacceptable!

Senbon Kazuo's old face was full of shock and astonishment!

Li Jae-hee's expression was wonderful. He originally thought that Lin Nan would not be able to cross Ewufu, so he was unwilling to accept the challenge!

Now it seems that Lin Nan didn't pay attention to Du Erwufu at all, so he didn't accept his challenge!

It's like a college student who is suddenly challenged by children in kindergarten, will you accept it?

"I lost?"

Duerwufu's old face was full of disappointed expressions. His eyes were vicissitudes of life, and he looked up to the sky, as if he had knocked over a bottle of savory, very uncomfortable!

No one will bother him.

After a long while!

"Yingzi, I am no longer qualified to teach you anything, you can follow her!"

Duerwufu shook his head, his face declining!

"Teacher!" Chibon Sakura exclaimed.

Touwufu waved his hand!

"Lin Jun, I'm not as good as you!"

Duerwufu bowed deeply to Lin Nan, and then left everyone with a vicissitudes of back. He walked towards the edge of the deck and disappeared from everyone's sight!


In the room, Leng Yan sat on the bed, her pretty face pale!


In the battle just now, seven or eight meridians in her body were broken, and now she was struggling to support her with a strong will!

"You did a good job!"

Lin Nan nodded slightly, raised his hand and nodded, an aura poured into Leng Yan's body, restoring her damaged meridians as before!

"Thank you teacher!"

Leng Yan knelt on the ground, paying respect to Lin Nan!

"Go!" Lin Nan waved his hand.

When Lin Momo came back, he was already asleep, Lin Nan saw this and was ready to rest!

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a knock on the door, and Lin Nan frowned. After thinking about it, he said:

"come in!"

The door of the suite opened automatically, Lin Nan walked from the room to the hall, and then William Smith and others just walked in from the outside!

"Mr. Lin, let me introduce myself first, my name is William Smith, and I am an admiral in the United States!"

William Smith laughed.

"What can you do with me?" Lin Nan asked calmly.

"Haha, Mr. Lin, I know who you are! You are the master of Thunder in the Underground World and Satan the Devil. Although the Underground World Forum has been closed, your reputation cannot be erased!" William Smith He smiled twice and looked at Lin Nan's eyes.

"After all, the former headquarters of CiA in our country was also destroyed in your hands!"

"So, you're here to make trouble for your country?"

"Of course not. I am here to invite Mr. Lin to become a citizen of the United States. As long as you are willing to join the United States, the past grievances will be wiped out! And Mr. Lin can get countless benefits, you know, talents from all over the world, I like our country!" William Smith laughed, very confident.

"What if I don't agree?"

Hearing this, the smile on William Smith's face became completely stiff, his expression a bit cold!

"Mr. Lin, if you don't agree, your name will always appear on the American wanted order!"

"Oh, whatever you want!"

Lin Nan didn't care, turned and walked towards the room, ignoring William Smith and others!

"Mr. Lin, please stay!"

Lin Nan walked into the room without stopping!

"Excuse me, where are Zeus and the Phoenix girl now?"

"They provoke my majesty and are dead!"


William Smith trembled all over, his mind was a little confused!

What did Lin Nan say just now? Are Zeus and Phoenix Girl dead? That's a peerless strong man. In the experiment in the experimental base, he even carried the nuclear bomb and artillery attack test. How could such a terrorist existence die?

"General, he is lying!"

"David, how do you know?" William Smith glanced back.

"Huh! Zeus and the Phoenix woman are both peerless and powerful, if they die, how could there be no news at all!" David snorted and continued:

"When the two of them left, they said they were going to the Yin Ruins, so I think that Zeus and the Phoenix Girl mostly went to the Yin Ruins!"

William Smith was taken aback and frowned. Judging from Lin Nan's performance just now, he didn't seem to be lying!

But Lin Nan's attitude was too calm. When he told the news that Zeus and the Phoenix girl had died, although he didn't see Lin Nan's expression, his tone of voice did not fluctuate at all!

"Send someone to investigate immediately! Whether it is true or false, you must know where these two people have gone!"


David nodded.


At this time, outside Leng Yan's room.

"Why are you here?"

As soon as Leng Yan came back from Lin Nan, he saw a 17-year-old girl from the country of Japan, standing at the door of the room!

This young girl, Leng Yan remembered, was the sword-serving girl beside Touwufu, and she seemed to be the biological daughter of a boss of the Mitsubishi Foundation Board of Directors!

"The teacher asked me to follow you, I can't go against the teacher's wishes!" Qianben Sakura raised her head and looked at Leng Yan with tears in her eyes.

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