There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 272: Fairy disciple! (Sixth more)

"you dare!"

Wei Anran's pretty face was pale and bloodless!

"No, don't touch my wife! I am willing to give you one million, I will transfer the money to you, can I?"

Chen Zhihao also panicked. One million is not a lot for him, but if Wei Anran suffers humiliation, it is better to kill him!

"I regret it now? It's too late! Catch me!"

Zhang Dabiao yelled angrily, and a group of younger brothers rushed up laughing!


Wei Anran's pretty face was full of despair!


As soon as the voice fell, I heard a muffled sound!


"my leg!"

The group of younger brothers who just rushed out all flew out, lying on the ground, screaming and screaming!

Zhang Dabiao looked back and found that he did not know when, a man and a woman suddenly appeared behind him!

The man was indifferent, and the woman was angry!

All of a sudden, he flew his subordinates, and there is no sign of doing it. They are definitely not ordinary people, they are very likely to be ‘inner strength fighters’!

"I am a member of the Southeast Wang Family, you dare to do this to me!" Zhang Dabiao said cleverly immediately.

"Hehe, Wang family, interesting, you ask the Wang family to come over and see how this matter is!"

Lin Nan's expression sank.

Zhang Dabiao was taken aback and looked at Lin Nan in surprise, "Who are you? A person who knows the Wang family!"

"My name is Lin Nan, I come from Jiangnan!"


Zhang Dabiao almost urinated directly, his feet were soft, and he sat on the ground, tremblingly: " are Mr. Lin from Jiangnan!"

How did Zhang Dabiao not hear about Lin Nan's beheading of 400 heads in Jiangnan overnight?

Seeing such a killer, standing in front of him, Zhang Dabiao couldn't control his legs at all, and he immediately became soft!

"Come on with the Wang family!"

Looking at Lin Nan's cold eyes.


Zhang Dabiao trembled and didn't dare to neglect, he immediately took out his cell phone and made a call to the Wang family!


Southeastern Province, Wang Family.

The three generals of the Wang family are based on martial arts. Wang Deshan is the master of martial arts. He was once the old master of the Yanjing Zhang family and the guard of Zhang Fuzhi. After becoming a general, he retired at home!

At this moment, Wang Deshan is lying on a lounger, enjoying the summer leisurely!

In a pavilion not far away, a young man sat cross-legged, breathing in, a white gas in his nose, like a blower, blowing straight out!

Wang Deshan seems to have turned a blind eye to all this and has long been used to it!

A housekeeper rushed in!

"Da da da!"

"Master, Zhang Dabiao robbed a wealthy businessman on Hong Kong Island on the road. I didn't expect the other party to know Mr. Lin from Jiangnan. Now Mr. Lin appears in person and confronts Zhang Dabiao on the road!" The old housekeeper said solemnly.

Originally, Wang Deshan, lying in the reclining chair, stood up in shock!

"What? Mr. Lin from Jiangnan!"

"What's the matter, grandpa?"

At this moment, the young man in the pavilion in the distance also came over!

His name is Wang Zixuan, and he is Wang Deshan's grandson!

A few years ago, Wang Zixuan studied in Europe and was selected by the monks who entered the earth in the Yin Ruins and became a cultivator!

In addition, Wang Zixuan was also taken into the Yin Ruins. In a cultivating school, he has been practicing for several years, and now he has become a monk in the foundation building period!

Last month, he just went home to visit relatives!

Seeing Wang Zixuan's question, Wang Deshan lowered his throat and said the matter again!

"Grandpa, our Wang family doesn't need to care too much about Jiangnan!"

Wang Zixuan shook his head slightly.

"But Mr. Lin in Jiangnan is the thunder controller of the underground world! With the current power of our Wang family, head-to-head with him is really not worthwhile!" Wang Deshan frowned.

With his power as a master of martial arts, plus the status of three generals in the Wang family, sitting in Southeastern Province, there is no big problem!

But Lin Nan's prestige is too big, and the Wang family is very jealous and dare not do anything to him!

"Haha, grandpa, now I am already an outer disciple of the Xiuxian Sect in Yin Ruins. After you have eaten the Qi Pills I brought back, will my strength rise?" Wang Zixuan asked, with a smile on his face.

Wang Deshan smiled slightly, nodded and said: "Na Qi Dan is indeed a good thing!"

"In less than a month, I took ten pills, and my body has actually increased my skill for ten years!"

"If Grandpa continues to take Naqi Pill, I promise that within three years, Grandpa can enter the realm of God, and within ten years, he will become an earth fairy!"

"Hi! Earth fairy!"

Wang Deshan took a breath, his pupils shrank slightly!

"Grandpa, you don't have to be so surprised! I have heard from the elders of the sect that the cultivation technique in our world is actually a simplified version of the cultivation technique for the monks in the ancient times. In the Yin Ruins, it is simply looked down upon. !"

"Oh? There is such a thing?"

Wang Deshan was taken aback, looking at his grandson curiously!

Wang Zixuan nodded and explained:

"Yes, so the monks in the Yin Ruins don’t come into contact with the warriors in this world at all! They are just looking for disciples with talents for cultivation. If they are excellent talents, they will bring them back to the Yin Ruins. If they are rooted, they will also pass on the cultivation method Let everyone practice!"

"The realm of cultivation is divided into: Refining Qi, Building Foundation, Golden Core, and Nascent Soul. Isn't it clearer than the many different realms on the earth, such as external energy, internal energy, cultivation, and practice?"

"Refining Qi and building foundations? Golden Core! Nascent Soul!"

Listening to his grandson's words, Wang Deshan's eyes flickered, full of yearning!

This is the real realm of immortal cultivation!

At this moment, he felt that his decades of martial arts had been in vain!

"The earth immortal on the earth is equivalent to the golden core cultivator. If the celestial immortal is also equivalent to the primordial infant among the cultivators, right?"

With his hands on his back, Wang Zixuan stood there like a strong pine, speaking lightly.

As soon as the words turned, he said: "Fellow Nascent Soul, our sect has thirty or forty people! If we compare the realm on the earth, I am afraid it is at least the realm of heavenly immortals!"

"What? Thirty or forty gods?"

When Wang Deshan heard this, his eyes would stare out, and his mouth was so big that he could squeeze a fist!

On the entire earth, there is not a single heavenly immortal, and any sect in Yin Ruins has 30 or 40 monks equivalent to the heavenly immortal realm!

"Otherwise, grandpa, do you think, why don't the monks in the Yin Ruins enter the earth in large numbers?"

Wang Zixuan smiled.

"It's not because I look down on this side. In the ancient times, the earth's cultivation resources have been completely consumed. This side is called the abandoned land by the Yin Ruins! Otherwise, just send one or two Yuanying monks, even if they are The world's superpower, who can stop Brother Yuanying?"

"The reason why those monks entered the earth's world is just to find some human beings with cultivation talents. As for other things, Yin Ruins really look down upon them!"

After speaking, Wang Zixuan curled his lips.

Obviously, he had already regarded himself as a person from Yin Ruins, and had forgotten that he was also a person on earth!

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