There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 275: Yinxu fairy gate, worship the sword fairy palace! (Third more)

   "Go! Go over and take a look!"

   On the shore of Yanhu Lake, a practitioner suggested.

   "You are not going to die? You have to live to watch the excitement!"

   There was a person next to him, holding him tightly.

   "Do you really think that the sword immortal exploded by himself? Didn't you hear what he called just now? "Who is Lin Nan"! This shows that this sword immortal is here to find Mr. Lin!"

   The expressions of the people present changed slightly.

   thought of Lin Nan's wicked name!

   "If you don't want to cause trouble, don't join in the fun, just don't see it!"

   Everyone was taken aback, and then suddenly realized!

   After taking a frightened look at the direction of the Liu Family Villa, they all returned to the lakeside, sat down again, and never looked at the direction of the Liu Family Villa area again!


   Feiya, Wang Zixuan and others, fell from a height!

   Fortunately, they all have a certain level of cultivation, otherwise they will be thrown into flesh when they fall from a height of more than 100 meters!

   The faces of everyone are hard to see the extreme!

   In any case, they did not expect that a late Jindan monk would be slapped to death!

   You know, this is a real immortal cultivator, a member of the immortal gate!

   Move mountains and fill the sea, soar the clouds and drive the fog, omnipotent, almost like a god!

This group of people have seen that in the trial practice of the disciples of Yinxu, the old man of the sword killed a three-hundred-year-old evil flood with one sword, and in the wild and primitive jungle, one sword that could breathe fire Tiger!

   Now, I was slapped by Lin Nan and beaten to death, even the body collapsed!

   If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe it, it would be like a fantasy!

  ‘How could this be, how could this be! Master is a golden core monk! For people in this world, they are comparable to gods, why did they die like this? ’

   Feiya’s pretty face is full of horror!

   I remembered that day in Tianhai City Park, facing Lin Nan, I couldn't help but sweat from behind!

   Fortunately, I didn't say anything excessive at the time, otherwise, I am afraid I would have died long ago!

   A dozen other disciples, also pale and stiff, stood outside the Liu's villa, bowed their heads stubbornly, held their breath, their hearts were beating wildly, and their eyes were full of panic and panic!

   Lin Nan stood on the spot, a glance swept over!


   Wang Zixuan took a breath, shaking his whole body!

   He could no longer bear the fear in his heart, climbed into the door of Liu's house from outside, and shook his head at Lin Nan's unstoppable kowtow:

   "Mr. Lin for your life, Mr. Lin for your life!"

   Seeing this scene, Wang Deshan staggered and backed up a few steps. Even if he was a master of martial arts, he felt dizzy and crumbling!

   Originally, there was a trace of luck in Wang Deshan's heart. What if the fairy master of Wang Zixuan killed Lin Nan?

   Now it seems that there is no more fluke!

   "What did you just say? Will you kill me today?"

   Lin Nan stood there, calmly looking at Wang Zixuan!

   "Mr. Lin, I dare not! I don't dare anymore! Please forgive Mr. Lin, please forgive me!"

   Wang Zixuan's face was earthy, lying on the ground, his pupils tightened, his eyeballs all protruding, staring at the ground!

   "It's because your Wang family helped the Liu Group, so I spared your life. You really think I dare not kill you!"


   Lin Nan flicked his fingers, Wang Zixuan directly turned into a pool of blood mist, disappearing without a trace!

   Everyone present shuddered!


   Wang Deshan thumped even more, kneeling on the ground, dare not say a word!

   "I kill him, can you be convinced?"

   "Wang Deshan has served! Starting today, the Wang Family of Southeast Province, respected by Mr. Lin, will never betray!"

   Wang Deshan buried his head very deep.

   "Remember what you just said!"

   Lin Nan left these words, turned and left!

   Wei Anran’s husband, Chen Zhihao witnessed the whole process with his own eyes, his voice was extremely dry, and his heart was full of terrible waves!

  He finally understood why Li Jinrong and Zhou Jingan on Hong Kong Island were so afraid of Lin Nan!

   Looking at Lin Nan's leaving back, he can no longer treat him as an ordinary person, his eyes are full of awe!

   "Sister Feiya, what should we do?"

   A few young men and women approached and asked tremblingly.

   Feiya’s pretty face was still pale, and she took a deep glance at the door of the Liu Family Villa!

   "He doesn't kill us, let's leave as soon as possible!"

   "Where can we go? Go back to Yinxu, will you report this incident?" A young man lowered his throat.

"Are you crazy?"

   Feiya looked at this person in surprise!

   "If we report this matter to the sect! Do you think we can escape punishment? Let's go back to each house, and hide this matter forever. Don't mention it again!"


   "There is nothing, if you want to die, I won't stop it!"

   After saying this, Feiya turned around and left!


   Two days later, Wang Deshan sorted out all the assets of the Wang family and sent the transfer contract to Lin Nan respectfully!

   Wang's real estate, company equity, shops, and investment add up to more than 50 billion yuan!

   Lin Nan directly signed Liu Ruqing's name and transferred the money to her name!

   After living in Jiangnan for a week, Wei Anran and others returned to Hong Kong Island!

   Yin Ruins.

   Amidst a mountain range of lofty mountains, like the earth’s Shu land, mountain ranges, like sharp swords, rush straight into the sky!

   The clouds and mist at the foot of the mountain are filled with aura, like a fairyland!

   worship the sword fairy palace is built here!

   At this moment, in the main hall of the Sword Immortal Palace, two outer disciples knelt on the ground in horror!

   "What did you say? Elder Han was slapped to death by someone?"

   A purple-robed monk stood in the first place, listening to the reports of the two outer disciples, his face was full of amazement!

   "Impossible! Elder Han is a late Jindan monk, a piece of abandoned land, how can there be someone who can slap Elder Han to death!"

   "Did you two lie?"

"Say it!"

   Facing the questioning of several elders, the two outer disciples were so scared that their faces were like dirt, and they kept kowtow!

"Elder, we really didn't lie. Elder Han was slapped to death! And Senior Brother Wang was also slapped to death. He didn't even leave his body and turned into a pool of blood! "

   The two said, their eyes were full of horror!

  Worshiping the elders of the Sword Fairy Palace, frowned!

   "What should I do?"

   "Looking at the appearance of these two people, it seems that they really didn't lie. Is there really such a strong man in that deserted land?"

   "Slapped to death the late Jindan monk, at least he has the strength comparable to the dollar infant monk!"

  Worshiping the elders of the Sword Fairy Palace, frowning deeper and deeper!

   "What's wrong? Everyone is here?"

   At this moment, a majestic voice came.

   Everyone looked around and found a middle-aged man standing at the entrance of the main hall with a surging aura. It was an elder Yuan Ying from the Sword Immortal Palace!

   "Uncle Jin, how did you get out?"

   Several elders were overjoyed, and quickly walked over and bowed their hands to this person!

   "No need to be polite, I heard outside just now that some of you have gone to the abandoned land, and some of you have fallen there?"

   Jin Lingzi waved her hand with an indifferent expression!

   Everyone didn't dare to neglect, and they told the incident one to one!

   "Oh? There is such a thing! It's interesting, since that's the case, I'll go take a look!" Jin Lingzi's mouth showed a smile.

   "Huh? Uncle Jin, you have to go out in person. If this is the case, this matter will be foolproof!"

  Worship the elders of the Sword Fairy Palace and smile at each other!

(End of this chapter)

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