There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 280: The gods of Olympus? (Second more)

   After a moment of silence, violent discussions erupted from the crowd!

   "This...this...this is too...too such a thing!"

   "Too bold! If it were me, maybe I would have run out long ago. After waiting for a long time, I thought that everyone in the Liu family was in a hurry and was preparing to receive these generals. I didn't expect to wait for a sentence-no see!"

   "Mr. Lin is the only one who has such an ability!"

   While people are discussing fiercely.

  American five-star general Drizzt Bryant was taken aback for a moment, his eyes extinguished, instead of angrily on his face, he seemed to be thinking carefully!

   With Lin Nan’s astonishing performance, he rushed into the Yin Ruins and came out intact, which shocked and feared everyone!

   You know, other countries have sent people into the Yin Ruins long ago, but none of them have come out. Even if the earth immortal entered, it was like a mud cow entering the sea, not even a single wave was turned up!

   Lin Nan, is the first person to return from Yin Ruins!

   At this moment, no one dared to offend Lin Nan rashly!

After a while, Drizzt Bryant gave the Liu family servant an ancient Chinese gift and said: "Please tell Mr. Lin, we are abrupt! Let's find a suitable time and visit again. !"

   The servant was so scared that his hands and feet were trembling, and his heart trembled!

   This is the five-star general of the world's largest country. He is so polite to himself and bows his hands?

"it is good!"

   The servant nodded, feeling that his neck was very stiff, and a word came out of his throat!

   He felt that this moment was the pinnacle of his life!

   "Tell Mr. Lin, we will come back another day!"

   "We were so rash..."


   Seeing this, the generals of other countries said something similar, and turned and left!

   Twenty-nine luxury cars, lined up in a long queue, left Yanhu, and then drove towards the airport in Jiangnan!

   Come and go, go!

   People looked at the scene before them in astonishment, dumbfounded, completely petrified!

   "My God, the generals of twenty-nine countries were sent away by missing a sentence?"

   "This is too bad temper, right? Or these people are simply fake, they are showing off?" Someone reacted and questioned.

   "Go to your show! Are you okay to show me a show? These generals' cars all got off the plane. Up to now, there are still 29 planes parked at the airport in Jiangnan City!"


   At this time, 29 luxury cars also returned to the airport and entered the transport plane!

   The people in the airport watched this scene in astonishment, and didn't know what happened!


  The first plane took off, followed by the second and third planes... as if they were starting to land. Twenty-nine planes flew high in the sky and disappeared from view!

   Many people are still standing in front of the glass grid in the waiting room, looking up at the sky blankly!

   Suddenly, the voice of the airport staff came:

   "Okay, all passengers, I have received a message from the superior! Now all airlines have resumed operations. This flight has been delayed for three hours. All passengers can choose to refund or change their tickets, or postpone to the next flight!"


   In the lobby of the airport, Weng boiled!


   Outside the Liu's villa, a group of rich and powerful men were stunned in place!

   "Let's go too!"

   Everyone looked at each other and nodded. Lin Nan didn't even see these generals, let alone expect to see them!

  Wait until these rich and powerful men disappeared, the ordinary passers-by, still waiting in place, then slowly left, but the gossip in his heart was unstoppable!

   American five-star general Drizzt Bryant, sitting in his plane, immediately made a call!

   "Beep toot——!"

   "Hey! Right!"

   "He didn't see me, I wasn't rash. After he said he didn't see me, I just left!" Drizzt Bryant nodded to the phone.

   The person on the other side of the phone, after a few words, Drizzt Bryant's face became extremely serious! !

   "What? I have checked it out, how could it be possible that Zeus and Phoenix are dead! Hiss!"

   Drizzt Bryant heard the voice on the other end of the phone and took a breath of air, feeling a cool whistling behind him!

"it is good!"

   "Okay! I see, since that's the case, I won't pay attention to this matter anymore!"

   After finishing speaking, Drizzt Bryant hung up, put his hands on the table, and tapped lightly!

"Da da da!"

   "The Olympians?"

   Five-star Admiral Drizzt Bryant frowned.


   At the same time, Russian general Ivanov Viktor also received a mysterious call from the Winter Palace!

   "Really? The U.S. has already done it?"

   Ivanov Victor was a little surprised.

  He was taken aback for a moment, and said in a deep voice, "But the thunder controller is very powerful! According to the information we found, Zeus and the Phoenix woman have died under his hands!"

   "Hey, you don't need to worry about this. You can go back to Kunlun Mountain now and stay at the military base. This time, the real gods, not humans, were born!" The voice on the other end of the phone smiled.

   "Could it be from that place?"

   Ivanov Victor was shocked!


   In the scorching summer, by the shore of Yanhu Lake, under the shade of the trees, Lin Nan's family sat on a platform with six feet stretched out into the cold lake water!


   A family of three, stepping on the water neatly!

   "Yeah yeah~ yeah yeah~"

   Lin Momo sang nursery rhymes and sang with Xia Chan in the distance, holding small snacks in his hand, very happy!

   "Baba! What is that?"

   "It's a dragonfly, it's an insect!" Lin Nan explained.


   For this world, four or five-year-old children do not have enough knowledge, so they are very curious about what they see!

   When I was in the city before, the dragonfly was almost invisible. Now I am back in Jiangnan City. After the aura regained, many creatures that were about to disappear before have appeared again!

   It’s just that the dragonfly in front seems to be a bit too big, and there are chopsticks so long!

   The family's leisurely effort, a black jeep, along the lake bank, came slowly from a distance!

   Lin Nan's consciousness swept away, frowning slightly!

   The black jeep stopped on the road by the lake, and the Venerable Yinglong of the Dragon Group walked down from above!

   "Ahem! Don't get me wrong, Mr. Lin, if it weren't for the order from above, I really don't want to come to see you!"

   was so far apart, Venerable Ying Long said helplessly, his tone almost eager!

   As the leader of his dragon group, he can say such words, which shows how great the pressure Lin Nan has caused him!

   "Alright, Mo'er, let's go home!"

   Liu Ruqing stood up and took Lin Momo away!

   She knows that Lin Nan must have something to say, but the woman is not here anymore!

   "Yeah! Baba, you must come back soon!"

   Lin Momo waved his small hand.

   "What's the matter?" Lin Nan asked coldly.

Venerable Ying Long was cold and he felt Lin Nan’s killing intent, and quickly said: "Mr. Lin, you are really in trouble this time! Have you heard of the Olympians? They heard that you Entering the Yin Ruins and coming out intact, there are already some ancient demon gods, ready to move!"

(End of this chapter)

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