There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 288: God Hand Valley? (Fourth)

After Xiao Yanwen's death, Mrs. Liu's 100th birthday went on as scheduled, and the guests looked at Lin Nan with more respect!

Now, Lin Nan has already faded away his hostility, and is teasing Lin Momo intently!

"Baba, I want to eat that nice candy!"

Lin Momo pointed to the fruit plate in the distance.

"Okay, Baba, I'll get it for you!"

Lin Nan smiled brilliantly, like a gentle spring breeze, with a smile on his face!

Who would have thought that Lin Nan now, not long ago, was the horror figure who squeezed Xiao Yanwen's soul when he raised his hand?

As for Liu Ruqing, she accompanied Mrs. Liu to the side, talking about the Jiangnan Liu Group!

The grandmother Liu who listened to her, her eyes were brilliant!


There were bursts of laughter, and the banquet scene was harmonious!

Xu Tianmao, Wei Rongsheng and others did not leave, but took the initiative to approach Lin Nan, even saying that they can help pay off the debts of Liu Xiujie and Liu Yuwen!

Originally, Liu Xiujie and Liu Yuwen's company was indebted because they both secretly made a ghost!

When the time comes, go down and explain, tens of billions of debt can be erased at will!

Seeing Lin Nanda's meaningful eyes, the two of them trembled!

‘Does Mr. Lin know about this? ’

However, Lin Nan didn't say much, Xu Tianmao and Wei Rongsheng were a little relieved!

When Granny Liu's banquet is over and the guests leave, this time Granny Liu's 100th birthday can be considered a successful conclusion!


Liu Ruqing did not rush back to Jiangnan, but lived in Jing'an City. Anyway, there are enough houses in the Liu Family Courtyard!

At the same time, Liu Ruqing also informed Liu Anguo that the Liu family in Jing'an City is indeed in the line of their ancestors!

That morning, it was around nine o'clock.

"Sister Ruqing, Brother Lin Nan, you must save me!"

Liu Menghan cried with pear blossoms and rained, ran in, knelt on the ground, and kowtow to the two!

On the day of Granny Liu’s 100th birthday, the little girl had seen Lin Nan’s methods and thought in her heart that if anyone else could save herself, I’m afraid Lin Nan would be the only one!

Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing were both taken aback!

These days, Liu Menghan and their family of three have become very familiar with each other!

"Menghan, you get up first, what's the matter? Sister Ruqing is in charge of you!"

Liu Ruqing helped Liu Menghan up.

"Sister Ruqing, I don't want to marry!"

The little girl, with red eyes and thin body, shivered slightly, she seemed to be terrified in her heart!

"Married? What's the matter? Didn't you just go to high school? Who wants you to marry?"

Liu Ruqing frowned, feeling a little weird.

Liu Menghan only read high school this year, even if the summer has passed, after the summer vacation, he will only be in the second half of the year!

In modern society, how can a little girl of fifteen or sixteen be married?

"I don't know either! I just know that at the end of last year, a bunch of weird people suddenly came to my house!"

"They claim to be from the Valley of Gods. Among them, there is a young man who seems to be only about twenty years old. He took a fancy to me and said that when I was sixteen, he would marry me as a wife! "

"I didn't take it to heart at the time, but who would have thought that grandma hesitated for a while and agreed to that person!"

Liu Menghan said, feeling like he was having a nightmare!

"God Hand Valley?"

"Yes! They said they were from Shensegani! Originally I thought this was a joke. Who knew that just this morning, Shensegani came and said they would take me away! Sister Ruqing, let me go. I’ve turned sixteen months old, I don’t want to marry someone, I still want to study, and I want to go to university!” Liu Menghan’s delicate body, trembling, leaned in Liu Ruqing’s arms!

At this moment, Liu Xiujie and Liu Yuwen ran over!

"Menghan, why are you still here?"

"Yeah, hurry up and pack your things, Shensegani is here to pick up people! No delay!"

As the two said, Liu Menghan was even more frightened, and desperately shrank into Liu Ruqing's arms!

"Sister Ruqing, Brother Lin Nan, help me!"

The little girl is nice, and she speaks for Liu Ruqing over and over again!

Now, when people are in trouble, Lin Nan can't sit idly by!

"What's going on? You make it clear!" Lin Nan frowned.

"Ahem! Brother-in-law, don't take part in this matter. Shenshou Valley is not an ordinary place. There are real immortals in it. If you offend him, we won't have any fruit!"

Liu Xiujie looked embarrassed.

"So you pushed Menghan out? She is your sister!"

Liu Ruqing exclaimed.

"Cousin Ruqing, what can we do? Shenshougu said, we must take people away today, otherwise, we will have 70 or 80 people in the Liu family, it will be difficult!" Liu Yuwen said helplessly.

It can be seen that they are also very afraid of this Valley of Gods!

"Go, take me to see!" Lin Nan said.

Liu Xiujie and Liu Yuwen looked at each other, nodded, and led Lin Nan to the front hall of the Liu family!

I saw a man with yellow face and thin skin, and an old woman with gray hair, but with a snake-head crutches, sitting in the hall with Granny Liu personally accompanying!

‘The peak of the gods? No, unlike the native cultivators in this world, they seem to know some cultivation methods, but they are incomplete. For some meanings, the golden core is still condensed in the body, but it is not a complete golden core, it is a "remnant core"! ’

Lin Nan's consciousness swept away, and he found a man with yellow face and thin skin, and an old woman with gray hair.

Of course, this is only relative to ordinary people on earth!

Old lady Liu was very old, but she was very respectful to the two!

"Guardian Shi, Grandma Tianhua, please wait for a while, someone has already called Menghan!"

"Huh! It's best to hurry up, if it delays our time to enter the mountain, you will have your good fruits!" Shi Hufa snorted coldly.

"Okay, okay, it's only a matter of a minute or three. When we take the girl away, we will enter the mountain immediately. It should be too late!"

Grandma Tianpox said with a smile, but her pupils in both eyes were like snakes and scorpions, making people shudder!

"You want to take Menghan away?"

Suddenly, a faint voice came.

The people in the hall, look towards the door!

I saw Lin Nan, Liu Ruqing, Liu Menghan and others standing at the entrance of the hall!


Shi Hufa gave a startled suspicion, his expression moved slightly!

"This man is familiar, where does he seem to have seen it?"

"I remember, the master of Thunder! It used to be famous in the Underground World Forum, but now that the Underground World Forum is gone, there is no news about him! Unexpectedly, I can see him here!" Tianhua Grandma suddenly, Shen Take a deep look at Lin Nan!

"What? Master of Thunder, do you still want to take care of our Godshand Valley?"

Listening to the tone of the two, it seems that Lin Nan is not afraid at all!

The moment I saw him, not only was there no fear, but I was able to tease!

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