There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 294: Olympus-once sealed the mountain for him! (Fourth)

late at night.

The US CiA headquarters, it is already twelve o'clock at night, and it is still brightly lit!

The intelligence department will not rest. Even in the middle of the night, there are still people collecting intelligence from all over the world to serve this huge country!

A middle-aged man sitting at his desk with coffee on hand!

"The oil shortage in the Middle East has caused domestic oil prices to skyrocket. It seems that the spies have gone deep!"

"Some of the mercenaries on the Burmese side are very unstable. A group of spies on my own side have penetrated into them, maybe they can use it!"

Charles William muttered to himself and made a quick decision!

"Da da da!"

There was a sound of footsteps, came hurriedly, and came to the door of the office!

"Boom boom boom!"

"Come in!"

Charles William did not look up.

After dozens of investigations, only CiA's senior intelligence officers can come outside this office!

"Boss, that person has come to America!"

The visitor lowered his throat, holding a pile of documents in his hand.


Charles William asked.

"Thunder controller! He and his wife, daughter, friends, went to Wall Street, we checked all their news, a finance professor named George Paul is in contact with them, George has been controlled by us Now, send the information back at any time!" The intelligence officer smiled.

"What, he? You did a good job!"

Charles William was startled at first, then showed a faint smile and nodded!

"One more thing! There was a financial party on Wall Street tonight. The Thunder controller took action and shot a person to death. A doctor on the scene was determined on the spot and confirmed that the person was dead. But after a while, it should have been The dead are actually resurrected!" The intelligence officer's face was a bit solemn.

At the same time, he passed the stack of materials in his hand!

Charles William frowned and stretched out his hand to take a look. He found that it was a large pile of medical examination reports, as well as various X-ray photographs, and doctor's transcripts of the examination. Every step was very detailed, with notes beside it!

"Sure it's dead?"

"That doctor has worked for more than 20 years, so he shouldn't be wrong!"

Inside the office, fell into a dead silence!

After a long while!

"Save it in a secret file and keep it as a must-have! The doctor and the lawyer named Edward, take them all!"

Charles William lowered his throat.


The intelligence officer nodded and turned around to leave!

"and many more!"

"Please order!" the intelligence officer said respectfully.

"Call in Scarlet Moon!"

"What? Boss, Scarlet Moon comes from that place, are you sure you will use her so soon? Now the controller of the thunder is very sensitive, if it irritates him-isn't it?" The intelligence personnel were surprised.

"Call her over!"


Half an hour later, a coquettish redhead walked into this office!

Snow-white skin, tall figure, straight and round thighs, a small waist with a full grip!

The cold and arrogant face is even more beautiful and thrilling, with the two big red lips and white teeth, like an angel descending!

In other words, this woman is an angel!

Her name is Catherine, and she comes from that place-the Olympus Mountains!

When I first met Catherine, as the boss of CiA, Charles William was shocked, because behind Catherine was carrying a pair of white wings, just like angels in Western fairy tales!

"Charles, woke me up in the middle of the night, if it wasn't for something worth telling me, I would be angry!"

As Catherine said, she sat down on the desk. She stretched out a hand and hooked Charles' chin. A charming body fragrance came, and it was heart-warming!

If it is an ordinary man, I am afraid I can't control it, so I will rush over. Unfortunately, Charles William dare not. If he dares to do this, he will definitely die!

"Ahem! It's not good for you to treat me like this!"

Charles William flushed his face.

"Huh! It's boring!"

Catherine stepped aside, stretched out her long legs, quickly folded them together, and raised Erlang's legs!

At this moment, Charles William gave a stunned glance, as if he saw something, it seemed to be? pink?

"Let's talk! What's the matter?"

"Ahem! Scarlet Moon, we got the latest news. The Thunder Master has come to New York, right on Wall Street!" Charles William's complexion condensed.

Catherine was a little surprised, her eyes flickered!

"He is really here? Those in Olympus are all very interested in him. I heard that he also entered the Yin Ruins, and then successfully came out?"

"Yes, this is the information of the controller of Thunder, take a look!"

Charles William said, from under the desk, he pulled out a pile of materials, ready to hand it to Catherine!

Catherine waved her lotus arm, and the pile of materials flew up and fell into her hands!

Charles William was not surprised, quietly waiting for Catherine to look through the information!

Catherine lowered her head, looked at the information in her hand, when she opened the first page!

What you see is an A4 size color photo with very high resolution!

However, when Catherine saw this person, the pupils in her beautiful eyes shrank suddenly!


She stood up directly, with an incredible look in her eyes!

"How could it be him?"

Catherine's twin peaks, violent ups and downs, exhaled like blue, it is difficult to calm her mood!

"what happened?"

But soon, she calmed down again and shook her head secretly:

‘How could it be that person, after all... he had left this world 100,000 years ago, if you let those guys know that he’s back, he will definitely not sleep! ’

"Nothing, he feels like an acquaintance, but it shouldn't be him, just looks like it! After all-he was a man of 100,000 years ago!"

"A hundred thousand years ago?"

Charles William opened his mouth, speechless!

Could this woman live for 100,000 years?

‘Although it’s not him, he is really alike! Huh? There are also wives and daughters, which is 100% sure, not him! With his identity, status, and strength, he ruled the entire planet with one hand, and Olympus - once sealed the mountain for him! ’

‘Furthermore, with my appearance, I didn’t get into his Dharma eyes back then, and I failed to seduce him several times! How could this human woman become his wife and give birth to a daughter for her? Can such a strong man easily have children? ’

Catherine looked at Lin Nan's photo and was shocked, her pretty face turned red!

‘But, it’s so alike! If I can, I won’t kill him, just leave him by my side and serve me as that person! ’

That person back then gave her a really deep impression!

Between gestures, the gods surrender!

During that time, he was the king of this planet!

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