There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 302: The emperor makes a move, there is no enemy in the world! (Sixth more)

"Ah, what is that?"

"My goodness!"

"The eyes are the eyes!"

The guests in the airport exclaimed!

They saw that at the end of the darkness, two lantern-like eyes came slowly!

After these two'eyes' walked out of the darkness, they discovered that this was a tall man with a blood cloak!

His face was pale, like a legendary vampire, with a bloodthirsty light in his eyes!

"An ancient blood clan? It's interesting, but it's still in the realm of heavenly immortals!"

Lin Nan finally got a little bit of energy and nodded gently.

"No wonder you dare not be obedient, it turns out that you are dependent on it!"

"Louis IX, did you kill?" The visitor said, his eyes filled with indifference.

"Slapped to death by my slap!"

"Haha, yes, everyone in the world says that the thunder controller is arrogant, and it really is the same as the rumors!"

"You said, I just felt the rejuvenation of the spiritual energy, and then awoke, and learned that my offspring in the world were killed, what would I do?" the ancient blood race said.

His name is ‘Quinlan’ and he was born in ancient Rome. He is a hybrid of blood and human beings, and his ability is second only to the blood ancestor of the earth!

Such an immortal was born, it's no wonder that Mahatma Como, Saint King, Windrunner, Black Witch King, Touwufu and others dare to give it a go!

"Only you, I'm afraid I can't kill me!" Lin Nan shook his head.

"You are very strong, I know, so I have prepared it long ago!"

Quinlan nodded slightly and shouted:


Suddenly, around the airport, there was a violent tremor, a lot of blood surging, and a big earthquake trembling, like an earthquake!

A series of terrifying runes appeared in the void, branded there, as if pouring out of blood, very real!

A huge six-pointed star appeared at the foot of the airport, buzzing!

This blood formation was buried in secret near the airport for more than a week by Qunlan uniting Mahatma Como, Saint King, Windrunner, Black Witch King, Transurwufu and others!

The people in the airport lobby were a little flustered, looking for places to hide, thinking that there was an earthquake!

"My wife, don't worry, you just eat melon seeds and watch the show!"

Lin Nan's voice came in Liu Ruqing's mind.

Hearing Lin Nan's voice, Liu Ruqing immediately stopped worrying. Instead, she found a place, sat down with Lin Momo in her arms, took out the snacks from her backpack, and shared it with Chu Yao and Chu Qiong!

And at this moment, outside the airport hall!

"You hold him, I activate the blood formation and kill him with one blow!"

Quinlan said indifferently.

Mahatma Como, Saint King, Windrunner, Dark Witch King, Du'er Wufu and others all looked at each other, and they all moved and attacked Lin Nan!

They walked in the sky, just like the gods in the fairy tales, stepping into the sky and standing in the void!

The passengers in the airport waiting hall were dumbfounded, their eyes popping out!

"Snap it down!"

Many people took out their mobile phones and started shooting.

"Sister Ruqing, the boss?"

Chu Yao and Chu Qiong two sisters, eyes twinkling, brilliant colors again and again!

"Don't worry, sit down, it's okay!"

Liu Ruqing smiled, concise and concise.

"Come on, Baba!"

Lin Momo was very excited, blushing, waving her little hand!


Duerwufu was the first to do it. He held a treasure knife and cut it down with a single knife, almost piercing the void!

Lin Nan avoided it easily, and this sword aura cut down towards the Boeing 747 in the distance!


The steel cast body was directly cut open and cut in half, and fell to the ground with a loud bang!


Seeing this scene, the passengers all breathed in air-conditioning, completely dumbfounded!

Is that human being? A Boeing 747 that can cut a steel fuselage with a single cut. If this aircraft is suddenly cut with such a cut while flying, what will happen?

Thinking of this, travelers just shudder!

Mahatma Como is like an eminent monk who has attained Taoism. He chanted a mantra silently, with the Buddha's light shining behind him, the golden light shining brightly, and the majestic treasure appearance!


He was holding a tin stick, facing Lin Nan, volleyed it down!


Lin Nan slapped it with a backhand, and the Indian generation of Mahatma Como was shot dead on the spot by Lin Nan!

His whole person was shattered, turned into a blood mist, and disappeared into the darkness!

Lin Nan takes a palm, India's Mahatma Como-die!


The Saint King, Windrunner, Black Witch King, Touwufu and others all took a breath of air, and their backs were chilly!

Slap a pinnacle to death. Can the five of them stop Lin Nan for ten seconds?

"Pull and fight, don't attack!"

The Canadian windrunner whispered.

His figure became illusory in an instant, and the sound of ‘swish’ and ‘swish’ came from the air. Only an afterimage could be seen, and the traces of the Windrunner himself could not be captured at all!

"This has surpassed the speed of First Zeus, right?" The Black Witch King was speechless.

"Small bugs!"

Lin Nan stood with his hand in hand and stood in the field. Suddenly he shot suddenly and grabbed it out of thin air. The Windrunner trembled all over, and Lin Nan directly pinched his neck!


Windrunner was shocked, Lin Nan didn't talk nonsense with him at all, squeezed his wrist gently, crushed Windrunner's neck, and then threw his corpse into the dark!


A few seconds later, there was a muffled noise, and the hearts of the Saint King, Black Witch King, and Touwufu also trembled slightly!

Canadian Windrunner-die!

It's too powerful to be an enemy of Lin Nan!

"Ninbo, Upani, Shura slashed!"

Duerwufu yelled violently, his eyes were cracked, and his old face was full of anger!

Shura slashed, the world was shocked, the ghosts cry!

Behind him, there were even wailing ghosts, making people seem to be in the **** of Shura!

He jumped up, like a leapfrog, and culled towards Lin Nan!


A terrifying sword aura, with blood, slashed towards Lin Nan!

Lin Nan raised his hand lightly, the thunder couldn't hide his ears, and with just two fingers, he clamped the sword of Doerwufu!


There was a trembling sound of metal, and Duerwufu only felt that his treasured sword was suppressed by a mountain, and he couldn't move anymore!

"You can't even beat my disciple with this one. You want to do it on me?"

Lin Nan shook his head faintly, his hands pressed hard!


The sword of crossing Erwufu was broken again. Last time, it was cut off by Leng Yan, but this time it was cut off by Lin Nan with his fingers!

"How is it possible, this is Wan Dagang! It is extremely hard and can split diamonds, why can you—"

"You talk too much nonsense!"

Lin Nan snapped his fingers, half of the blade in his hand, like a bullet, fell into the center of Ewufu's eyebrows, and the voice of Ewufu came to an abrupt end!


The eyebrows shot in, the back of the head flew out, and the old face of Crossing Wufu was full of horror, shock, surprise, horror, fear and incredible!

The master of Japanese swordsmanship, Crossing Takeo-death!

Emperor Ling Tian made a move, and there was no enemy in the world!

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