There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 304: The blood ancestor bowed his head, a shocking battle! (Second more)

The passengers in the terminal were all stunned!

What's happening here?

Wasn't this terrifying shadow of the vampire summoned by himself? Why did you swallow the summoner instead?


The Black Witch King of Southeast Asia screamed!

He stomped his feet on the ground, his body quickly backed away, and he ejected into the dense fog, as fast as a bullet!

The holy king of Europe was so scared that he ran away, and discarded all his staff. A god, just like this, died!

They continue to stay, no doubt they will die!


Lin Nan snorted and flicked his fingers continuously, only to hear two ‘bang’ and ‘bang’ noises, everything returned to silence!

"My lord, your methods are still so powerful!"

The blood ancestor Aussie · Histing Gu · Xiulans sighed!

"Let's go! This time you were called to wake up, not your intention, I don't blame you!"

Lin Nan waved his hand.

"Thank you, sir!"

The blood ancestor Aussie Aussie Tinggu Xiurance was overjoyed and did not dare to stay here for a moment, his figure gradually dimmed!

At this point, the darkness that enveloped the entire airport slowly disappeared, and the surrounding white thick fog was gradually dissipating!

Everything is silent!


In the airport waiting hall, Weng blew the pot with a loud bang, and everyone was talking fiercely!

"What did I see? A realistic version of the battle between gods and demons!"

"It's horrible! Aura is revived, have all the gods and demons around the world revived?"

"There are almost a hundred stories as high as a demon shadow, bigger than Godzilla, right?"

Many people are amazed.

"One sword cut off a civil aviation airliner! This kind of magical power is not something that'human beings' can possess, it is definitely a ghost!"

Someone turned his head and looked at a Boeing 747 in the distance. The sword marks on it were still clearly visible!

The passenger plane broke in half and lay on the ground, seeming to prove that the battle just now was real, not an illusion!

"That guy with eyes as big as a lantern must be a ghost! And the huge demon shadow that appeared later, it's too big, it's as high as a hundred stories!"

"It's a pity, that ghost and god, looking so powerful, was actually eaten by the demon shadow in one bite, what's the matter?"

"Hahaha! I have filmed it. If this video is posted online, it will definitely cause a sensation! If it is sold to interested media, it will be worth at least 10 million US dollars!"

These travelers were talking about each other.

Each excited face was red, panting violently, his chest was rising and falling, and his eyes were full of excitement!

"Awesome! Baba defeated the bad guys and saved the world! Baba is Spider-Man!"

Lin Momo waved a small pink fist.

"Who is the boss? He has such a method?"

Chu Yao and Chu Qiong looked shocked.

They know that Lin Nan's identity is extraordinary!

But I never expected that Lin Nan possesses magical powers like a god!

After all, the two spent most of their time in school. Although they have known Lin Nan for several years, they have never seen him act like this!

Today, I finally saw it!

"Mr. Field, I finally know why the angels of **** in Canada, willing to spend a billion dollars, have to buy this person's contact information!"

Field's beautiful secretary murmured.

"Ahem! No wonder even CiA is afraid of him!"

Field Morgan sighed softly.


After the blood ancestor left, Lin Nan raised his hand at will and released the restrictions on Leng Yan and Qianbenying!


Shocked in her beautiful eyes, she pulled Qianbenying, walked over, and saluted Lin Nan!

"How did you get caught?"

Lin Nan asked casually.

"I took Qianben Sakura and went to Southeast Asia to experience. Who knew I was discovered by the Black Witch King. At that time, the Holy King of Europe was also there and told the Black Witch King that an ancient god-level blood family was about to be born. I want to deal with you!"

"Senbon Sakura and I were caught by them, ready to be a bargaining chip to threaten the teacher!" Leng Yan explained.

"That's it!"

Lin Nan nodded slightly and didn't ask any more!

Qianben Sakura on the side, eyes full of brilliance, the girl looked at Lin Nan, full of worship!

‘Teacher’s teacher, is so powerful! Even ghosts and gods bow their heads to him! Senbon Sakura thought to herself, her face flushed with excitement.


Lin Nan turned his eyes and looked at a certain skyscraper in the distant metropolis!

Everyone in CiA, standing here, seemed to feel Lin Nan's gaze, shaking all over!


Charles William's face instantly turned pale, and he lowered his head in horror. He could feel that Lin Nan's look just now was a warning!

Quinlan united several dark giants in the underground world, and spent a week at the airport in New York, setting up a blood formation. How could CiA not know?

It just didn't stop it!

"Let's go, there are still some groups of people in the airport, we need to comfort us, call someone over immediately, block the airport, not allow the news to leak out!" Charles William said solemnly.

At this time, Lin Nan had already walked into the airport terminal!


Lin Momo jumped all the way and ran over and threw into Lin Nan's arms!

"Baba was really amazing just now, I brought down the bad guys! Baba is Spider-Man, right?"


Lin Momo's face flushed, and he said excitedly, and kissed Lin Nan's face fiercely, leaving a piece of crystal clear saliva!

In the heart of the little girl, the bad guys who hit the evil forces are superheroes and Spider-Man!

"Haha, yes! Baba is Spider-Man!"

Lin Nan also laughed, his face was calm, like an ordinary dad, approachable!

However, the surrounding passengers couldn't help but back away, leaving a vacuum zone around them, afraid to approach Lin Nan!

Just now Lin Nan's terrifying combat power was like a ghost, which was shocking!

Now, even if Lin Nan appeared in front of everyone, they didn't even have the courage to look at Lin Nan directly!


Lin Nan glanced away and frowned slightly.

He found that some people were holding digital cameras in their hands, and the video they just shot was playing!

"Boom boom boom!"

There was an explosion. All the digital products in the airport, including the surveillance cameras, all exploded, and the internal memory card was completely turned into powder!


The people exclaimed and looked at Lin Nan in amazement!

"Let's go, we are home!"

After speaking, Lin Nan raised his hand, wrapped the people in it, turned into a long rainbow, and went to the sky!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the airport lobby looked at each other, and there was dead silence all around!

After seeing the Lin Nan family leave, the CiA personnel who were watching from a distance dared to rush into the airport terminal!

"Don't move, no one is allowed to leave!"

"Everyone, leave their identity information and sign a confidentiality agreement!"

"Whoever has taken videos and photos, hand in all of them, no one is allowed to be kept, all the things here today must be forgotten, as it has never happened!"

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