There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 313: If you don't give it, I will destroy your Dong family! (Fifth more)

Hear Lin Nan's answer.

"Haha! It wasn't you who came out, could it be me?" Dong Zhaoji laughed.


Lin Nan nodded gently.

As soon as he raised his hand, the pair of jade butterflies on the auction stage, wrapped in some mysterious power, slowly flew towards Lin Nan, and finally fell into Lin Nan's hands!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the entire auction venue was taken aback!

It turned out to be fetching things from the air? This method, I am afraid that not ordinary people can do it!

However, there are many rich and powerful people present. They have indeed seen this method in front of that kind of cultivator, so it is not very surprising!



Two girls, Xu Jiameng and Jiang Lanxin, opened their small mouths slightly and exclaimed!

"Do not talk nonsense!"

The faces of the two parents changed slightly, and they lowered their throats quickly!

All the rich and powerful people in the country were present, and it was not a turn for two little girls to speak casually!

Xu Jiameng and Jiang Lanxin shrunk their necks and lowered their heads nervously!

"Before tomorrow morning, give me one hundred billion dollars!"

"If I don't give it!"

Dong Zhaoji said proudly.

"If you don't give it, I will destroy your Dong family!"

After leaving this sentence, Lin Nan hugged Lin Momo and stood up, without even giving a look at Dong Zhaoji, he strode out of the auction venue!

Liu Ruqing, Chu Yao, Chu Qiong, Lin Canghai and others followed closely!

Seeing this, Liu Jingren opened his mouth. He didn't understand where Lin Nan was emboldened. He actually asked Dong Zhaoji to give him 100 billion dollars in front of everyone.

If you don't give it, then kill the Dong family?

Hearing this kind of remarks, the rich and powerful people at the scene just felt choked!

Isn't he afraid of offending the Dong family if he says this in public?

"Hey! Pretending to be a god, I just don't give him 100 billion, what can he do to me?"

"Exterminate my Dong family? Does he know how old my Dong family is?"

Seeing Lin Nan leaving behind, Dong Zhaoji shook his head funny.

Yun Yawei sighed and said, "Dong Zhaoji, you should tell your dad about this and let him prepare the money!"

"If you do this, your family can still be saved. Although Mr. Lin's majesty is inviolable, he is at least a reasonable person! Otherwise, your Dong family may be over!"

The whole auction venue fell into a dead silence!

"Yun Yawei, what do you mean?"

Dong Zhaoji frowned, with a bad feeling in his heart!

"Because of him, that's the **** in New York Airport!"

After saying this, Yun Yawei did not explain any more, turned and left!

"what did you say?"

Dong Zhaoji couldn't help being agitated, his whole body trembled, and his pupils shrank suddenly!


The entire auction venue was completely exploded, and everyone was in an uproar, talking!


"What's the matter? Didn't it mean that the gods at the New York Airport are fake?"

"Why is this? What does Ms. Yun mean?"

"Didn't the U.S. come out to refute the rumors? Is there really a **** in the New York airport?"

The rich and powerful men and celebrities present were shocked and looked at each other. They all saw an inexplicable horror in the eyes of each other!

The videos uploaded on the Internet are so shocking that they are unlikely to be true at all!

But Yun Yawei said, Lin Nan is the god!

Who is not surprised?

"Jiameng, did you hear that? Female Yawei said, that Mr. Lin is the **** of New York Airport! It's true, it turned out to be true!"

Jiang Lanxin's excited body trembled, jumping on the spot, squeezing Xu Jiameng's wrist tightly!

A dark blue color appeared on the girl's wrist, as if she hadn't noticed, she opened her little cherry mouth and looked at the direction Lin Nan was leaving!

Hearing Yun Yawei's words, Dong Zhaoji's body was stiff in place!

"How could it be, how could it really be him? Yun Yawei, you lied to me! You lied to me, right?"

Dong Zhaoji lowered his head, his eyes were full of shock!

He thought that Lin Nan was just similar to the **** in New York Airport, but he didn't expect it to be him!

"What to do? What to do? Dad! Dad!"

Dong Zhaoji's face changed and changed, like a ghost!


Late at night, the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

In a luxurious manor, even in the middle of the night, it is still brightly lit, and various servants are in an endless stream to maintain the operation of the manor!

Here, it is the mansion of Dong Gongguo, the ‘Ship King’ in Southeast Asia!

Under the influence of Chinese culture, this huge exotic manor was built like a garden in the south of the Yangtze River. Various antique buildings filled every corner of the garden!

At this time, in the depths of the manor, in a certain hall!

The ship king Dong Gongguo was sitting there with a simple censer beside him, with precious sandalwood burning in it, and green smoke curled up!

Opposite Dong Gongguo, sitting cross-legged was a thin-faced man who looked like a corpse. His eye sockets were sunken and his skin was dry, like a dead tree bark!

This person is a descendant of Burma. He has a very strong cultivation base. He has lived for nearly two hundred years. He was invited by Dong Gongguo and became a great worship of their family!

"Dad! Dad! Save me, save me!"

A horrified voice came in.

Dong Gongguo frowned, and the man on the opposite side remained motionless, as if he hadn't heard any outside sounds at all!

Seeing Dong Zhaoji's face in horror, his face was a little pale, his lips trembled slightly, and he looked out of breath!

"What is it, recklessly!"

Dong Gongguo couldn't help but scolded.

"What's wrong? A crime?"

"Dad! At the auction of the cruise reception tonight, I provoke a person, Yun Yawei said, he is the **** of New York Airport!"

When the voice fell to the ground, he kept closing his eyes tightly. The skinny man who looked like a corpse suddenly opened his eyes, and a trace of horror flashed deep in his eyes!

"what did you say?"

"Master Sompa, what's wrong?"

Dong Gongguo was a little surprised.

Master Sompa stood up, walked a few steps to Dong Zhaoji, and asked solemnly: "What did you just say? You provoke the **** at the New York Airport? Are you serious?"

A powerful momentum struck his face, and Dong Zhaoji could not breathe!

"It looks alike, I don't know if it is, Yun Yawei said it was him!"

Dong Zhaoji whispered like a quail.

"Master Sompa, I have also watched that video. Didn't the United States refute the rumors? Is this true?"

Dong Gongguo frowned and asked.

As the ship king of Southeast Asia, with assets of hundreds of billions, he is about to break the trillion mark. How can there be no city government? He also watched the online video, but didn't care about it!

"Of course it is true!"

Master Sompa took a deep breath, and a deep fear flashed through his eyes!

Immediately shook his head and said, "But I need to make sure, is there a picture of that person?"

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