There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 315: Capital crimes are forgiven, but living crimes are inevitable! (First more)

Outside the star-rated hotel, the Dong family and his son are kneeling here!

"What's the matter? Isn't this the ship king of Southeast Asia? Why are you kneeling here?"

Some passers-by were shocked and recognized Dong Gongguo and Dong Zhaoji!

The ship king of Southeast Asia is so famous, everyone knows it!


"Don't you know, Dong Zhaoji offended an extraordinary figure at a cruise ship auction last night, as if he was going to compensate 100 billion US dollars. Last night, the Dong family and his son auctioned assets overnight. Man, I made a fortune, and even I bought a lot of stocks sold by the Dong family!" A passerby lowered his voice.

"What? One hundred billion dollars, who is so capable? Is it the royal family of a certain country?"

Many passers-by had their eyes widened and their faces were incredible!

"This is not clear. Where can we **** know this kind of news!"

When passers-by were discussing, Dong Zhaoguo, Dong Zhaoji, father and son, they really had no bottom!

Thinking of Lin Nan's horror, unknowingly, the clothes on his back were wet and dry with sweat, dry and wet!

at this time.

Lin Nan was in the hotel, eating breakfast with his wife and children, and the family enjoyed themselves!

The jade butterfly that was auctioned last night has been refined by Lin Nan and turned into a magic weapon, made into a hairpin, and clipped to Lin Momo's little head!

This pair of jade butterflies, under Lin Nan's sacrifice, seemed to be resurrected, spreading their wings and wishing to fly!

"Master, Dong Gongguo and Dong Zhaoji are here!"

Lin Canghai came over and said with a bow.


Lin Nan nodded casually, Lin Canghai stepped aside, stood with his hands, and stopped talking.

"If you ask them for 100 billion U.S. dollars like this, will it arouse resistance from Southeast Asian elites?"

Liu Ruqing's eyes flashed, looking at Lin Nan.

"I am the Immortal Emperor, how can I offend the dignity of the Immortal Emperor? I received 100 billion from them, which is kind enough!"

"If it weren't for Mo'er and you, the Dong's family would have been wiped out! You haven't seen it, haven't I been killing people recently?"

Lin Nan smiled.

"Hehe, of course I can see that you were so irritable before, but now you don't feel much better!"

Liu Ruqing said with a smile.

Since having a daughter, she discovered that Lin Nan's methods have been much gentler. If she followed her previous personality, she would probably kill again!

After eating and breakfast, Lin Nan got up and walked outside the hotel!

The father and son of the Dong family knelt for nearly two hours, both of their legs lost consciousness, but they did not dare to move!

Finally, Lin Nan came out!

The passers-by outside the hotel were in an uproar, everyone craned their necks and stared!

"Come out, come out!"

"Tsk tusk! How young, huh? How could this man look so much like the **** in the New York airport in the online video?"

"It's really similar, isn't it really him?"

The passersby present were shocked!

In the crowd, Xu Jiameng and Jiang Lanxin stood there, with their toes on their toes, desperately looking forward!

"Jiameng, I saw it! It's really him, that fairy!"

"Oh my god! I actually talked to the gods that night!"

Jiang Lanxin's small face was flushed with excitement.

"Lan Xin, don't get too excited! Keep your voice down and let people find me out!"

Xu Jiameng is a little worried. She has participated in many movies and is very popular in Malaysia. If she walks on the street, pedestrians will come to take photos!

When she went out, she wore a peaked cap and a mask, only showing a pair of big watery eyes, very afraid that passers-by would recognize her!

Seeing Lin Nan coming, Dong Gongguo's old face squeezed a smile.

"Mr. Lin, I brought my son to pay you a penalty. This is 100 billion U.S. dollars, all in the card. As long as you hold this card, you can withdraw the money!"

Dong Zhaoji knelt aside, not daring to say a word, his handsome face was pale, and his lips pressed!

"Understood, reading is considered interesting to you, let this matter go!"

Lin Nan stood with his hand in his hand and said lightly.

A big rock hanging in Dong Gongguo's heart finally landed!

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and trembled: "Thank you, Mr. Lin, starting today, as long as Mr. Lin is there, my Dong family will definitely honor you as a guest of honor!"


Lin Nan's words turned, his gaze fell on Dong Zhaoji's face, and he said indifferently: "But for this person, the death penalty can be avoided, and the living sin cannot escape!"

Hearing this, Dong Gongguo's old face flashed pale!

"At the auction site, the highest bidder always wins! If this person bids fairly with me, even if he really spends 100 billion U.S. dollars to compete with me for auction items! I will definitely not say anything!"

"However, he deliberately made trouble, trying to embarrass me in front of everyone? I have charged him 100 billion dollars, which is already very kind!"

"Now, I will let you remember this thing forever!"

The last word ‘thing’ landed, Lin Nan gently raised his hand, and a sharp light flashed across. Dong Zhaoji’s hands and feet made a bang, like a balloon being punctured, instantly turning into a **** mist!


Dong Zhaoji screamed loudly, a heart-wrenching pain that spread to his brain!


"What a terrifying method!"

The onlookers also changed their faces wildly, and took a breath of air!

At the same time, they were horrified to find that the bones, muscles, and blood vessels of Dong Zhaoji's hands and feet were clearly visible, but it was so strange that a drop of blood did not flow out!

"What? You—!"

A wave of anger surged in Dong Gongguo's heart!

I'm so humble, but my son has been abolished? There are many sons of Dong Gongguo, but such a son is more promising, so he was abandoned by Lin Nan. How can he not be angry?

"Why, are you dissatisfied?"

Lin Nan seemed to smile, his eyes bursting with murderous intent!

In front of his wife and daughter, he is a husband and father, and he can put down all his figures, even if he lie on the ground and play a tiger and make his daughter happy, he doesn't mind!

But in front of others, he is still the Great Emperor Ling Tian!

Really think that his majesty is so offensive?

Thinking of Lin Nan's horror, Dong Gongguo's mind was cold!

The anger in my heart was also poured out by a basin of cold water!

"I served it!"

Dong Gongguo lowered his head, squatted on the ground, knelt forward, raised the bank card in his hand above his head, and sent it to Lin Nan!

When Lin Nan was not answering, Dong Gongguo's heart flashed with deep fear, and he trembled:

"Mr. Lin? This money—"

"As I said, this money is used to auction the pair of jade butterflies. Send it to the auction!"

After Lin Nan finished speaking, he turned and left.

From start to finish, I didn't even glance at the bank card in Dong Gongguo's hand. It seemed that this hundred billion dollars was not worth mentioning to him!

Upon seeing this, Dong Gongguo opened his mouth, as if he was shocked!

One hundred billion dollars, whoever doesn't want it? In addition to the person in front of him, in the world, who else has this kind of spirit?

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