There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 318: Lin Nan: I want to be the principal! (Fourth)

As the emperor of a country, although only a symbol of the country, he has no real power!

But how did the King Tai not know the name of the master of Thunder?

An emperor of a country, if he doesn't know the underground world and the forums of the underground world, then he will live in vain!

The King of Thailand not only knows the underground world very well, but is also very familiar with the masters of Thunder. He knows almost every piece of news about the masters of Thunder!

The emperor of Thailand knew everything about the destruction of CiA's headquarters by nuclear weapons, the destruction of the Japanese capital of Kyoto, the eradication of the Bright Church in Europe, the killing of Zeus and the Phoenix girl by Yenching, and even Jiangnan City!

Not to mention, not long ago, the New York Airport thing happened!

The Black Witch King of Southeast Asia was originally the secret worship of the King of Thailand!

The Black Witch King’s methods are known to the Emperor Tai, but since the last time the Black Witch King went to New York, he has never returned!

The emperor of Tai knows exactly how terrifying the thunder controller is!

However, although Thailand's economy, culture, and tourism are developed, its military strength is not even one-tenth that of the Japanese nation!

If the thunder controller enters Bangkok and enters the palace, forcing himself, the Thai emperor, to bow his head, the Thai emperor will find that he has no bargaining chips and can be an enemy of the thunder controller!

Tai Huang's complexion suddenly turned green, and from green to pale, and finally a piece of cold sweat poured out on his back!

The whole person seemed to be collapsed, sitting on the ground!

"Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?"

Ling Ji's face showed a slightly surprised expression.

She is in her forties this year, but she still has her charm. She looks no different from a young woman in her thirties. Otherwise, she would not be so favored by the Emperor of Thailand!

‘Does the King Tai really care about Capra so much? After learning that Capra had broken his legs, he was so angry! ’

Ling Ji's heart was still a little bit happy.

How did she know where Tai Huang was angry? This is scary!

But the next moment, the Tai Huang's actions sent her from heaven to hell!


An anger in the Tai Emperor's body rushed to his heart, stretched out an old hand, and slapped Ling Ji's face!

"You idiot!"

"Regardless of your own son, this is going to bring a huge disaster to our royal family!"

"Come here! Immediately deprive me of the status of the Seventh Prince and be demoted to the common people!"

The Emperor Tai was furious, panting heavily, his chest rose and fell fiercely, and his anger was extreme.

Regardless of Ling Ji's horrified expression, she walked outside the temple!

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty! This is not true. What's wrong with you? Capra is your favorite son?"

"Your Majesty, where are you going?"

Ling Ji shouted loudly at the back of the Emperor Tai.

"Go to see the master of Thunder and apologize personally!"

The voice of the Thai emperor came, and the last figure disappeared at the door of the temple!


Ling Ji trembled all over, looking at the direction of Tai Huang's departure incredibly, deep in her eyes, it was full of shock!

It was already the next day when the Emperor Tai and others, in mighty, prepared everything, rushed to the country of Malaya!

The emperor of a country travels, how can it be so simple!

The people of Malaya were all stunned. Why did the King of Thailand suddenly come to Malaya? what is the problem?

When the Emperor Tai came to the hotel where Lin Nan was staying, he learned that Lin Nan had already left this morning!

"Gone? So, he doesn't blame our Thai royal family?"

The Emperor Tai let out a long sigh of relief.


When Liu Ruqing came, he promised Chu Yao and Chu Qiong that when he returned, Lin Nan flew back directly from the air with everyone!

Until they arrived in Tianhai City, Chu Yao and Chu Qiong were still extremely excited!

Standing in front of the bar with a cold face, I was immediately happy when I saw everyone coming back!

"Teacher, you are finally back! These days, I am so boring!"

"Let you watch the house, not let you play. When Lin Canghai was at home, he never complained!"

Lin Nan glared coldly.

"Teacher, they are still little girls!"

Lengyan spit out her little tongue.

"Aunt Lengyan, you are a little girl, what is Moer?"

Lin Momo asked suspiciously.


Everyone in the coffee shop burst into laughter!

The cold face was so ashamed that he had to change the subject, pulling Lin Nan aside, and said in a serious tone:

"Master, Yin Ruins has changed!"

Lin Nan frowned and asked: "What's the matter?"

"The eyeliner I left in the Dragon Group, the news came back not long ago. There are a large number of monks in Yin Ruins who have entered our world!"

"They directly found governments of various countries, hoping to establish a cultivation university in the capital of each country!"

Leng Yan solemnly explained.

"Oh? Xiuzhen University?" Lin Nan was a little surprised.

In this way, the monks in the Yin Ruins have not known a lot about this world over the years, and they even want to establish a cultivation university!

"Yes! For other countries, it’s not clear for the time being, but in China’s Yanjing, there is already a campus that has been quickly established. On the Yinxu side, there is a cultivator of immortals who found the dragon group and demonstrated it. Family magic, and carefully explained what cultivation is!"

"Venerable Ying Long reported the incident overnight, and within a day, the above instructions came down!"

"Except for China, Japan, the United States, and Russia, they all established Xiuzhen universities in the first time! Other countries are still waiting to see, but if you see someone taking the lead, Xiuzhen universities will soon be established all over the world! "Leng Yan explained.

Suddenly, Lin Momo burst into tears!


"No Ma Ma! No, I don't want to go to school, Mo'er won't go to school!"

"No! I have already contacted the school for you. Starting tomorrow, you will go to school. You are not a three-year-old kid anymore!"

Liu Ruqing stuck her waist, in Lin Momo's eyes, turned into a dominatrix!

"But Mo'er is only four years old!"

Little Lori was pitiful, with tears in her big eyes, she looked up at her numbness!

Liu Ruqing: "..."

"what happened?"

Lin Nan rushed in in surprise and looked at the mother and daughter.

"Baba, Mo'er doesn't want to go to school anymore, school is not fun!"

Seeing Lin Nan rushing in, Lin Momo seemed to have seen a savior, shouting Baba, and rushed into Lin Nan's arms!

"Wife, Mo'er doesn't want to go to school, so don't let her go? It's the same at home!"

Lin Nan hugged Lin Momo while comforting.


Lin Momo was an eerie spirit, and when he threw himself into Lin Nan's arms, the tears dried up immediately, and he made faces at Liu Ruqing!

"That won't work. If Mo'er doesn't go to school, you will teach in elementary and junior high schools? What do you know if you want your children to win at the starting line? You are not the principal!"

Liu Ruqing stuck her waist and gave Lin Nan a white look.

"My wife, I found you are really too smart! Cold face!" Lin Nan's eyes lit up.

"Uh, my son is here!"

Leng Yan walked in with a dazed expression.

"Go and buy me a kindergarten right away. I want to be the principal!"

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